Mommy, wait: How to survive adaptation in kindergarten


Probably, each parent came across the morning hysteries, when after an hour you need to be at work, and the child does not give up without a fight and flatly refuses to go to the garden. If you try to put pressure on a child, nothing but even greater hysteria you will not achieve. So how do daily trips to the kindergarten calm and save the baby from stress? Today we tried to figure out.

Prepare a child in advance

Before sending a child to the garden, especially if this happens in his life for the first time, adjust the garden. The child should know that nothing terrible inside the garden itself and does not occur on its territory. In terms, tell us what he can play with children for almost a day. Make focus on positive moments and do not try to intimidate the child.

Praise the child

It is important for you to convince the baby that hiking to kindergarten helps him look older, because children mostly strive to seem older than they are, albeit a short period of time. When you are in the company of other adults, make the emphasis on the fact that the child is already going to kindergarten and talk about it with a proud view so that confidence is passed and the baby.

In kindergarten he can find excellent friends

In kindergarten he can find excellent friends


Explain the Rules of Children's Garden

It's one thing, if the child will learn everything on his own experience in stress conditions, and completely different if he will know in advance that there is a quiet hour, food on a schedule, tell me who works in kindergarten and who is responsible for what. The more the child will know, the calmer will feel, especially if we are talking about an alarming child.

Tell us about the pros

In most cases, children are very fast friends at the age of 7 seven years, so additional stimulation of the child to find new friends can become excellent help for joyful lifts in the morning. However, there are kids who do not seek to communicate, in this case it is necessary to explain to the child that everything will be fine and the children really want to meet him and make friends.

Explain who the educator

For many children, the teacher appears to someone else's aunt, for which Mom dropped him, and it will return or not - it is not known. It is important to talk to the child and tell what the educator is engaged in a kindergarten, as you can contact him and what can be asked. Also explain that since the children in a group of many, the educator cannot pay attention to everyone immediately, and therefore sometimes it will have to wait until the adult is released and then handle asking.

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