Loneliness and closedness: how to help the child survive stress


Like adults, children are also struggling with stress. Too many commitments, conflicts in the family and peer problems - all these are stressors that suppress the positive attitude of children. Of course, "a certain amount of stress is normal," says Psychotherapist Lynn Lions in Psychcentral material. According to her, feel stress from the start of learning at school or passing an important test is normal. The psychologist notes that the key to helping children to cope with stress is the ability of parents to teach children to solve problems, plan affairs and know when to say "yes" and "no" actions and obligations. "If you do not teach [your children] with stress, they will be engaged in self-medication with food, medicines and alcohol." In other words, children will strive for something that will make them feel better, and usually it will be an unhealthy way, she said. Here is how you can help your children successfully cope with stress:

Do not chase two hares

One of the largest stress factors for children is scheduled schedule. Parents expect children to learn at school for seven hours, to succeed in extracurricular events, come home, perform homework and go to bed, to repeat everything the next day. And also add mugs on drawing and dancing, sports sections, languages, languages ​​- How do you like this schedule for the baby? As Psychotherapist Lyons said: "Where is the rest time?" Children need to play a computer, lie on the sofa with popcorn and watch cartoons, take a walk with friends - all this helps them switch and give the brain to relax. From the fact that you reduce the number of classes, the success of the child in the study of the subject will not suffer, since the overswit brain is still not able to assimilate the new information - think about it.

The child must relax enough

The child must relax enough

Photo: unsplash.com.

Take time for games

Psychologists write that it is necessary to reduce the number of competitive games - play football and board games for pleasure, and not winning when you see that the child is tired or annoyed. Stress in the form of rivalry with family members and friends can aggravate his negative mood, especially if it has been arranged as a result of failure. Combine the game with physical activity that is crucial for the health of the child. Some of the ideas: ride bicycles, play baseball, go hiking.

Dream priority

The Lyons psychologist said that the dream is vital for everything: from minimizing stress to improving the mood and increase studies at school. The unreasonable child will be irritable, apathetic and rude both with you and with others. Not knowing the reasons, they can respond with a negative reaction, which will lead to comments in his address or even a quarrel. Create an atmosphere in the child's room, which will have rest in the evening: dense curtains, lack of television and a game console and so on. Teach your children to understand the physiology of stress - you can give an example with gas and brake in the car. Gradually, they will begin to realize when they are ready to work, and when they urgently need rest.

Do not miss such important rituals like meals

Do not miss such important rituals like meals

Photo: unsplash.com.

Manage your own stress

"Stress is really infectious," said Lyons psychologist. When parents experience stress, children are also experiencing stress. " Show on your own example, as you cope with stress. For example, in the morning, when you wake up in a bad mood, you make a delicious breakfast, turn on invigorating music and hug a close one. And in the evening, go to the training session, and then warm in the foam bath - what is not an alternative to the conflict? In general, psychologists offer parents to look at the picture as a whole. "You cannot live in stress yourself, and then teach children with stress management," says Lyons. So help first myself, and then neighbor.

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