Without flaws: fight acne on the body


Problem skin delivers even more inconvenience if not only the face is affected by the zone, but also the body, mostly the back and shoulders suffer. Especially if the beach season is on the nose. The causes of inflammation on the body can be a lot, and much more than if the rashes appear on the face, because the skin of the body is in contact with clothes, and this is an additional source of harmful bacteria. We will tell you how to improve the situation with acne on the body, but it does not mean at all that you must deal with self-medication: be sure to consult a specialist who can help solve the problem completely.


As in the case of a person, the fight against inflammation on the body is impossible without adjusting nutrition. Of course, the problem does not always consist precisely in the wrong operation of the gastrointestinal tract, however, additional fats and salts. Received with fast food, they will definitely not affect the skin positively, making it even more fat. Try to add more than greenery to the daily diet and cut the use of red meat if you have a special traction to it.

Vitamins and Minerals

Often the cause of rash in the shoulders and back is the lack of the necessary organisms of minerals. Complete the test in a laboratory that will allow you to identify violations if they are, and then go to your dermatologist, which will give the necessary recommendations.

Excessive hygiene can also cause inflammation

Excessive hygiene can also cause inflammation

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Choosing clothes

We have already said that clothes can become the reason why rash on the skin will appear again and again. Since we cannot completely get rid of contact with various materials, try to carefully monitor what you wear: Materials must be natural, without dyes that not only provoke inflammation, but can simply irritate the skin due to their chemical composition. In addition, clothes that concerns the affected area on the body must be washed or disinfect every two days.


It would seem that if you follow all the rules - pick up a suitable gel for the shower, depart the skin, and then moisturize - there can be no problems. However, even the most neat girls may suffer from incessant inflammation. Often, the reason may be improperly using hygiene. People whose skin is prone to inflammation, it is necessary to wash the head not during the taking of the soul, but separately, since the shampoo flowing on the back and shoulders may turn out to be the very reason why your pores are constantly clogged and, therefore, they are inflamed.

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