Waiting for a miracle: how to defeat wrinkles


If your problem is mimic wrinkles, then it is not difficult to deal with this. For this, special means are developed with such a component as adenoxin. The essence of adenoxin is simple: it has a relaxing effect.

If the wrinkle is barely noticeable and it can be seen only that in a magnifying glass, then it is superficial and caused, most likely dryness. After all, the skin of all women, regardless of age and type, needs extra moisture. The effect of moisturizing creams of the past generation was based on creating a thin protective film on the surface, which prevents the evaporation of water. But the discovery of the English scientist Peter Agrome of such components as aquaporins (regulate the cellular level of moisturizing) made it possible to create revolutionary new funds that do not interfere with the "breathing" of the skin and at the same time activate natural processes.

It is possible to use a moisturizing cream in the morning, and in the evening - a means with a lifting effect, if necessary. If even after an anti-aging cream, the skin is tightened as chasing, just wait 20-30 minutes and apply a moisturizing.

Time Machine

However, you still need to understand that the process of aging, and our skin, including, irreversibly. Each cell cage for the whole life is able to share only fifty times, and no brilliant scientist is capable of changing this fact. With age in the skin, the synthesis of proteins responsible for its elasticity is reduced - collagen and elastin. The level of a natural "humidifier" - hyaluronic acid, which is produced in our skin, is also reduced. And with the onset of menopause, the level of female hormones falls, which also affects the appearance. Add here the action of free radicals, ecology, stress ... Before running buying anti-aging creams, first find out clearly for yourself, to solve which particular problem you acquire them.

The fact is that the loss of elasticity, the accusation, the "fragility" of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles are different things, and the means for their correction, respectively, are needed different.

In the first case, products with lifting effect are needed. In the second case, we need restoring drugs. There are also corrective funds that are not only struggling with wrinkles, but also elegantly mask them at the expense of silicone fillers.

And of course, no one canceled physiotherapeutic methods: this is anti-age massage, various salon treatments, photorejuvenation, all kinds of peelings. After them, at the power of its impact on the skin, injections are followed (Botox, hyaluronic acid that attach the volume of Fillers), and only then plastic surgery. The latter is resorted in the case when you need to remove skin surplus and "tighten" sagging with the muscle time, no creams here are no longer able to help.

However, it is impossible to replace anti-aging creams that anti-aging creams are able to replace plastic surgery at all. These are two completely different ways to rejuvenate in the depths of their impact on the skin. Of course, modern high-tech anti-age means may noticeably improve its structure and smooth wrinkles, but this is not a panacea from all troubles. It is also necessary to take into account the individual features of each woman. You say that you are thirty, but your skin looks much younger, you have no mimic, neither more age-related wrinkles. First of all, this is your heredity plus, most likely, the right care. Someone in the same thirty has "goose paws" around the eyes, and clearly pronounced nasolabial folds, and someone and forty years old do not know what wrinkles are.

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