What is love and how can it be saved


A lot is written about love. She was described by great and successful people, philosophers and bards. And suddenly I come and say: "So, so. Love is something and that, and in order to get it, you need to do so and so. " Yes it is. I love to talk on this topic. And it is not relatively, because I get a huge number of letters and thanksgiving constantly from people who thanks to my events met or created their love. In some cases, they reanimated it or saved.

Women's love for a man consists of much. Three main terms:

one. Love body . In common, it is called "Love". She is "love at first sight." Nothing other than the usual sexual attraction. This kind of love ends very quickly. Partners may lose interest in each other in a month.

2. Love mind . It consists of many things. The most important thing is respect. Respect a person mainly for leadership qualities. In addition, the love of the mind consists of human qualities, personality properties. Such women's qualities as gratitude, acceptance, sensitivity, understanding, tenderness, kindness, caress, willpower, loyalty, humor and trust excite the brain and create a mind of mind.

3. Spiritual love . It can be compared with parental love. Sometimes there is even love between partners, contrary to logic. This kind of love is created through joint overcoming of various difficulties. If the couple develops, he knows a lot of new things, is configured to create and creativity, spiritual love is growing.

Love body - what I love?

Love mind - for what I love?

Love souls - how I love?

True love is all three hatches taken together. Good news is that these loves can be developed. Mount to those who are sitting and waiting for the feeling "inadvertently gifted." Inactivity, a person reduces his chances of real love and loses even the gift that was given by nature. The body is aging, the brain is scooping. Destructive beliefs increasingly negatively affect his life. Water, which does not flow, sweeps and turns into a swamp.

Body love is a spontaneous feeling, jerking force, giving energy for a short time. Love of the soul is the opportunity to love for a long time, contrary to all circumstances and its own gain.

And the one who invests in the relationship loves the partner more. Understanding how to develop the love of the soul and body is born in mind. It is only necessary to make a decision to invest in relation. A person who is in an active life position and takes responsibility for what is happening around, is able to create true love.

Often in the literature (even in classical), you can meet the expressions of "Love Get", "love came," "Love appeared", "love did something with me." No and no again. We all made in our lives regarding our own development, and it is not necessary to shift responsibility for love. This is your feeling. I don't care what to say: "My left leg is blamed that I did not go there." I want to offer you to take responsibility for creating a mind of mind, which will help you to find true love.

Pavel Rakov

Pavel Rakov

Body, soul and mind ...

Now in more detail. What is body love? This is a sexual attraction . It passes in 40 days. Everything. Point. This is peak, then less and less. So arranged nature to survive. If the bright sexual attraction is longer, the man will die! And you too. After all, it is necessary to remember what is happening at such moments: you are undernourish, do not sleep, they completely forgot about yourself, tired, you have increased flow and salivation. That is, the body works for wear. Like you all the time trace in the fitness club.

You can not do it this way. So you can glue the flips. Therefore, the body begins to escape. In any way to get out of the relationship. This is something like a bath: When you go to the steam room, first not so hot, then the moment comes when you are hot and it's extremely good, then fine ... And then Krenovo. If you are not to run away from there, it will be just awful. The same with love body.

Love at first sight is nothing more than the usual sexual attraction. And a woman may not be to give in to this impulse until the creation of respect for themselves. Therefore, you will have to work hard to understand some things in order to create also the love of mind.


Mind love is respect . Therefore, it is necessary to give a man's reasons for respect. It must be earlier before you go with a man to bed, because in 40 days the attraction will pass, and respect will remain.

Moreover, quite often in married couples, it is respect that the new waves of attraction, it is like an alternation of tide and low tide. It is known that food affects our way of thinking. Therefore, in the diet, be sure to include fresh vegetables and fruits. From proper and healthy food I want to share love. If you eat chips, you will be sad! From bad nutrition is always sad and somehow frozo! It is proved: those who love messy food are more often experiencing a state of absence and loneliness.

Healthy food is a wonderful way to extend the attraction for life. You feed rightly, from this you have drive, you don't sit at home, you want to love, you emit health, and you love you for it!

It is necessary to combine the right thoughts, and proper nutrition. Imagine that the left foot is food, right - thoughts. If you jump all the time on one, you will get tired and so you will be unsuccessful. And if you go calmly on two legs: food, thoughts, food, thoughts, - everything is fine with you, harmony and balance.

Your taste is dependent on your behavior. Sweets, more and sincerely take care of your men, and you will be surprised: the need for sweet and flour will disappear by itself!

When a person sits on a diet, his muscles lose weight. Instead of decomposing fat, muscles decompose, and you lose muscle mass. If you want to lose weight, you need to adjust the lifestyle, nutrition and thoughts.

Women's breasts in men are not in the first place. This is a female kindergarten. When a woman feels awesome, a man is transmitted to this feeling. In order to move your own focus of attention from your drawbacks, it is necessary to have a fairly developed spiritual strength. Simply put, in order to further like men, every woman needs to develop the power of the Spirit. To come to this, it is necessary to develop an understanding. Just the mind turns on here. At first to comprehend, for which it needs to be done, and, by placing the spirit, come to spiritual and physical perfection. Do you understand how all these things are connected?

Your ass is very important! This is a female health. This is a motivational thing for us, men! The symbol of heart is actually just an inverted ass! The face attracts, the breast attracts, and yet men, according to statistics, the most excites her Majesty women's ass. Get yourself a three-dimensional mirror and, looking at him before getting out of the house, make sure you look at your back. If you are standing in front of the choice: wear something fashionable or show your female rear charm, never think. To hell! In fact, in the back, just above the legs you do not have a taste, but a true face, and the age of this person determines the desire to have you.

You already understand that problems with the figure, including from behind, is an unresolved problem in the head. How to make so that through the mind our figure becomes close to perfection? You can read about it in my book "Where to take forces to succeed", which will help you become even more beautiful and interesting.

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Cover book "Book number 1 # Neshur"


Love soul ... Relations between the student and the teacher. When a man teaches a woman who shares something, and vice versa. If you do not overcome the difficulty in the family, spiritual love is not born, nothing focuses. It turns out, the love of the soul must be deserved. And it's great to know the method of creating spiritual love.

If you came to the ready-made, took a worthy man (as some want), who do not need to help, who independently solves all the questions that has its own business, how to revive spiritual love? There are no difficulties! And if you still do not work, then there is no respect. What then? Only sex. Well, if you are physically so awesome, then yes, until the priest and breasts will not be devastated, you will be his business card. Then he will find another.

No matter how many years you are in marriage, the love of the soul needs to be created, overcoming, including difficulties, forgiving each other, increasing and increasing its spiritual rating. We have our own behaviors provoke people to behave either so or otherwise.

See what power you have over men! Think. You are arguing with a man. Who loses? Man. If you raised your hand on a man, this is normal, and the very silent of some of us is brown. And if a man raised your hand on you? If a man is constantly yelling on you?

"Lion does not need to growl - everything in the forest and so know that he is a lion," here is the motto of my male training. "Decorating", with the permission to say, a man immediately loses its rating in the eyes of women. Trying to prove something with my woman cry, he actually shifts responsibility with himself on fragile female shoulders. Respect in this pair collapses. The love of mind goes away.

And if you are on a man yelling? The man just does not hear you, so our brain is arranged. Perhaps it perceives information on another frequency, and he does not fix high-profile squeaks. Do you understand the difference? Just careful, never talk about physical weakness and character traits. Sensation! Swearing too to study . In anger, you are beautiful, energetically bright and sexy. In this case, there is also a technology, and you guessed where and who she can learn.

You have power over us. As soon as you start provokeing a man on some low-lying things, he feels his guilt. Even if he ruins you, even if it becomes easier for him, he will feel guilty. It is known that the feeling of guilt attracts punishment.

Is it useful for a family so that your man can be imprisoned or punished with a major money fine? You can not be clairvoyant to look into the future or past, just look at you, on how you communicate with a man. Therefore, in my trainings, many participants are experiencing shock when I am exactly telling everything about their life, communicating with them on the stage of only one or two minutes. You see, as in three blood droplets, you can make an analysis of the health of the whole organism, and in the actions of a person you can tell a lot about his life.

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