Parade of planets


Fact first. In 1976, the director Roman Kachanov turned to Kiru Bulychev. He suggested a writer to film his story "Journey Alice". Bulychev liked this idea, and he took up the writing of the script.

Fact second. Just because Roman Kachanov was a "Soyuzmultfilm" star and the author of a series of cartoons about Cheburashka, he was allowed to make a full-length cartoon. For an ordinary director, it would be almost impossible.

In 1981, for small viewers, this cartoon became a real miracle carrying guys in their dream - to distant planets.

In 1981, for small viewers, this cartoon became a real miracle carrying guys in their dream - to distant planets.

The fact is the third. Above the "Alice Travel", which then renamed the "Mystery of the Third Planet", worked for four years.

Fort Fourth. There is a legend that the artist-director of the cartoon Natalya Orlova created an image of Alice from his daughter, now the famous actress Catherine Semenova ("Two Fates", "Yesenin"). But it is not so. According to the artist, she did not draw a daughter. Just girls were surprisingly similar: the same age, sniffing, light and very curious. And only after the release of the film on the screens, all the neighbors and familiar Natalia Orlova began to striking in one voice that Alice -ighped Katyusha, her daughter.

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According to the artist Natalia Orlova, she represented something like a "tin can", but very good, funny and tricky.

Fifth fact. The artist Natalya Orlova lived in one entrance with Kirome Bulychev, and it was the writer who served as a prototype to the image of the captain of Green.

Fact Sixth. The most difficult work was over the images of cumbersome, Alice and Green. Their Natalia Orlova drew longer than everyone. Heroes for a long time and tediously argued at Clewstet, who made some amendments and comments. And after many months of statements on the film, other specialists began to work. There were about 100 people.

It is said that Professor Seleznev strongly reminds the artist's husband, which created all the images for this cartoon.

It is said that Professor Seleznev strongly reminds the artist's husband, which created all the images for this cartoon.

Fact seventh. During the creation of "Secrets of the Third Planet", advanced technologies were applied. To achieve plausible movements of characters, in the most complex episodes, they first filmed actors, and then they were drawn.

Fact eighth. The "Mystery of the Third Planet" was sold to rent abroad and had a good success there. In the US, Alice voiced Kirsten Dunst, and Govorun - James Belushi.

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Many Alice Seleznev seemed to be the one as it appeared in the "Mystery of the Third Planet": Blue-eyed in Naughty Girl.

Fact ninth. After sixteen years after the yield of the cartoon on the screens of Kir Bulychev wrote the story of the same name for young children, which published in 1997.

Fact tenth. In 1985, Roman Kachanov offered Kiru Bulychev to work together again. They took the film "Two tickets to India." But the director was very sick and completed the picture with difficulty. Unfortunately, this work remained almost unnoticed.

Alice is very similar to the daughter of the artist Natalia Orlova Katya, and Captain Green is very reminded by Kira Bulychev.

Alice is very similar to the daughter of the artist Natalia Orlova Katya, and Captain Green is very reminded by Kira Bulychev.

Fact eleventh. Only after entering the "Secrets of the Third Planet" screens at the Institute of Oriental Studies, who are hidden under the pseudonym of Cyrus Bulychev. Posted by publishing my first story in 1961, the writer was afraid for more than twenty years that it could be dismissed for such a non-serious for a researcher.

Fact twelve. In the creation of all the on-screen Alice (except for the last film screening of 2009), Cake Bulychev was direct involved. He wrote scenarios, participated in the work of directors, actors, artists and operators. It is said that the fiction is completely, without amendments and errors, I liked only one film - this is the "mystery of the third planet."

Five films about Alice Selezneva

"Guest from the Future" (USSR, 1984)

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One of the most popular children's films in the USSR. His premiere took place at the end of March 1985, and immediately in Ostankino began to come bags of enthusiastic letters. According to the plot, the sixth grader Kolya Gerasimov finds the car time and falls into the future. More than a dozen young actresses were claimed to the role of the girl from the future, but the director approved the Moscow schoolgirl Natasha Gusev. Shooting the paintings went for about two years, and during this time all the guys have noticeably grew up, which has become a big problem for costumes. The picture has changed the fate not only actors, but also many spectators who have loved the "guest from the future" by the whole soul.

"Prisoners" Yamagiri Maru "(USSR, 1988)

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A little-known puppet cartoon about how Moscow schoolchildren Alice Seleznev and Pasha Geraskin turn out to be on the island. They are sent to the search for treasure and almost dying. This tape of Alice's adventures is considered the shortest, because only 26 minutes lasts. Seleznev voiced the famous Tatiana Aksyuta from the film "You did not dream," which was then fulfilled 31 years old.

"Lilac ball" (USSR, 1987)

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The audience success "Guest from the Future" and interesting work on the film pushed the director Pavel Arsenov to the thoughts to remove another picture of Alice's adventures. Now the girl with his father, Professor Seleznev, and the captain Green went to meet with the spacecraft of the archaeologist. But at the site of the meeting, the expedition found a dead ship of unknown origin. Almost all the guys-actors from the painting "Guest from the Future" starred in the "Lilac Share", but in other roles. And only Natasha Gusev played Alice again. Therefore, the "lilac ball" became the only film in which Selezneva looks like an adult teenager. After all, at that time, Guseva was already fifteen.

"Rusty General Island" (USSR, 1988)

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Another adventure of Alice's adventures, which came pronounced robots. Seleznev played Katya stubble. She was found on a change in school, like Gusev. The girl then was 10 years old, and the parents did not want to let her go on shooting. Therefore, when they called from a film studio, Katya did not know about it. But after a few months it turned out that, after seeing about three thousand girls, the director Valentin Hovenko chose Katya. And I had to be stupid to go swimming, climb on trees and fight with robots.

"Alice Birthday" (Russia, 2009)

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This time Alisa Seleznev with friends falls on the dead planet of the king, who died from the plague epidemic. To understand the reason for infection, the girl goes into the past planet, in which he gets driving for a long time. The creators of the film decided to radically change the appearance of Alice: she became red and with brown eyes. But, having received negative responses on the Internet and displeasure to the widow of Boylychev Kira Mozheko, made a girl with blue-eyed. By the way, Natasha Guseva appeared in this picture, more precisely, her voice. The mature Alisa Selezneva voiced the Captain of the Space Ship.

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