Look what clockwork!


Anna Bolshaya rushes on the slope

Photo: Gennady Avramenko

Photo: Gennady Avramenko

Actress Anna Bolshaya is engaged in skiing. Moreover, the level of preparation among the girl is such that it can easily drive through the most difficult black track. But, however, it tries not to experiment: bruises and abrasions of the artist for nothing. Hobby skiing in Bolshoy since childhood. Then she went to the sports section, where she worked five times a week and often happened at the fees. She also rode with dad in the Alps. Now, when the opportunity is issued, the actress is happy to go with friends to some ski resort. True, not so often, as if she wanted: the lack of free time affects.

Ginger "Ivanushka" rowing

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Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov was born in Sochi, so when the artist decided to engage in such a sport as rafting, it did not surprise anyone. After all, in childhood, he loved to swim on the boat, especially since there is a hometown where to turn around. Now every time when during the tour, it is possible to go rafting, he does not miss it. Despite all the dangers associated with such a sport, there were no incidents with Andrei. True, once the singer fell into a rather stormy stream, and his boat turned over. The artist fell into cold water, but was not confused and could quickly continue his journey. Close and friends of Andrei completely not against such hobbies of the artist. True, his wife Masha is ready to support the spouse only morally.

Valeria is stretched

Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

The singer found his kind of physical activity for every day - yoga. She is spent during the day and evening. Trying yoga at least two hours daily. And the tour of yoga is not a hindrance: when Valeria leaves for touring, she necessarily takes a rug for classes. How the artist jokes, it can forget to take a cosmetic bag on the tour, but yoga rug - never! The singer independently, periodically resorting to practice with teachers. By the way, Yoga Valeria loves to alternate with other types of physical activity, such as classes on simulators. Sometimes the artist swims, engaged in skiing and plays tennis. "And most of all I am pleased with sports walking, and not only in the park, but also in new cities where the picture is constantly changing," the singer admits.

Dmitry Nagiyev Zheme Iron

Photo: photoxpress.

Photo: photoxpress.

Bodybuilding is the main passion of the artist. In his free time, Nagiyev is training with his brother Zhenya, who became his personal mentor. Dmitry carefully monitors his sports form, as well as over the growth of muscles and fats in the body. In addition, they say that he does not drink alcohol and eats only once a day. Moreover, Dmitry since childhood had a habit every morning to get up on the scales, after he received an offensive nickname for gaining weight. Then he decided to do it firmly. And the result, as they say, is obvious.

Oksana Robska beats novel

Photo: Gennady Avramenko

Photo: Gennady Avramenko

The writer Oksana Robski is well known for his sweeping life on Rublevka, as well as books about this life. But not everyone knows that the girl has one more hobby: she is engaged in boxing. Moreover, before putting on gloves, Robs tried a lot of other sports: Snowboard, skiing and tennis. Simulators she counted a boring occupation. And only trying to boux, the writer realized that I found my sport. Oksana recognizes that the best way to relaxation is boxing. Robska is engaged in boxing for the second year. Basically, it spends time in the fitness center with an instructor, but he thinks about hanging a pear at home and invite coach to the house. According to rumors, the girl will take part in sparring.

Dakota surfing

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Singer Dakota, despite the seeming fragility, turned out to be a very sporty girl. She has long been surfing, who first got up in Israel, when she went there as part of the tour "Star Factory". "I can not say that I immediately start to get good, but then I really liked this sport. In addition, I rode all my conscious life on a skate, performed different tricks, "Dakota told. However, she was not limited by surfing. In the autumn of last year, the singer flew to Dahab to learn to ride Windserf, Kiteserfe and on Wakeboard. Now, several times a year, Dakota goes to warm countries to exhaust the skills of different types of surfing. The only minus of all these water sports is inevitable injuries. "Every time I return home all in numerous bruises and bruises," the Dakota is recognized.

Dmitry Kharatyan accepts feed

Photo: Gennady Avramenko

Photo: Gennady Avramenko

Dmitry Kharatyan refers to the category of artists, which seemingly not aging. And here, according to the artist himself, sport plays an important role. Namely, the classes are large tennis. "I realized that I can't live without sports, because sport and tones, and disciplines, it gives self-confidence and, of course, life becomes more complete. Of course, while you are young, healthy and spend sleepless nights for entertainment, rehabilitation comes itself and pretty quickly, only because of youth and health. But after thirty, the situation changes. If then not to start helping yourself, stimulate yourself somehow, it is very quickly you can dock, "the actor admits. Now the actor tries at least once a week to be on the court.

Hera was fascinated by horses

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When the former participant of the group of "arrows" Gera went to VGIK, she did not imagine that she would teach her riding in the university. As a result, Gera was so imbued with the ride, which began to seriously learn, mastered the technique of lynx and felt that she was now all over the shoulder. Thus, equestrian sport has become a pretty serious occupation for a ger. "I just love horse riding in summer! Wherever I go, I try to find a horse and ride. I am a slow step, and when you get tired, it can always be laid by a gallop. Horses are my passion, "the singer shared the wisdom of equestrian sports. So far, the singer did not take part in any competitions, but already thinking about it. It is just necessary to prepare a lot of time, and the actress, as a rule, is missing it.

Daria Sagalova is spinning in dance

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The actress Daria Sagalova has long been professionally dancing. For a long time she studied at the choreographic school, and in 2002 she took part in the festival "Licks of Love", where she was noticed and offered the role of Cinderella at the State Theater of the film actor. Thus, with dances and started career actress Salagova. However, choreography still remains a favorite activity of the actress. In this connection, Dasha even opened his own dance school. As Dasha is recognized, the dancing occupation several times helped her during the filming of the series "Happy together". The heroine of Light Bukina loves to have fun, so in some particularly funny scenes, the artist had to demonstrate all their choreographic talents.

Stas Kostyushkin builds muscles



The artist does not hide that he is obliged to his appearance not only to her mother with dad, but also serious sports. For many years, the artist is fond of bodybuilding. The salist "Tea together" began to swing back in the 80s. "To a healthy lifestyle, fate herself pushed me. When, being still a teenager, in the courtyard, find out relationships with other guys, and their arguments are weighty, you begin to think about self-defense. Then I started doing physical training, "recalls the artist. Now Kostyushkin visits the gym five times a week. In addition to bodybuilding, he is engaged in boxing, as well as struggle and karate. By the way, the love of sport started Stas Kostyushkin so far that he, by rumors, recently gave his wife Julia a whole sports club in Moscow. And he himself became the initiator of the opening of the Bodybuilding Hall.

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