House - Russian Matryoshka


"It's clear that the apartment is unlikely to increase the apartment - the neighbors will not understand, it means you need to master the height of the rooms," said a large Muscovite Tatyana Zaitseva and made a chic two-level apartment from his standard 55-meter "dville". It turned out so great that her project was famous for all Moscow, got into many professional designers journals and even became the laureate of the interior premium 2010.

Tatiana 7 Daughters-beauties: Agatha and Martha (twins), for 12 years, Amalia - 11 years old, Emma - 10, Clara - 9, Margarita - 4 years and Sasha - 2. "Apartment remained from parents, I live in it From birth, - tells Tatyana. "While parents were alive, I could not disturb them with global alterations, so we were with a former husband and then lived with five children in the same room, and in the other - parents. Then the parents died, we divorced with my spouse, I had 2 more daughters. And the issue of redevelopment was very acute. Then I decided to make from the usual "Twist" two-bits, and even with two mezzanine bedrooms, with two bathrooms, dressing room and pantry. The living space at the same time increased by 21 meters (it was 44, it was 65), and the total at the expense of the 2nd level increased by 15 meters (it was 55, it became 70). "

Behind the redevelopment did not get up, they did quickly and simply: all partitions were demolished with a sledgehammer, from the same old bricks lay a new laying. And one room was obtained 7-coal, and the other retained the previous shape, as it was separated by a thick bearing wall, which is forbidden forbidden. And the former huge corridor merged with the kitchen and turned into a cozy living-dining room.

Do you think it cost insane money? Oaky! The budget of this repair turned out to be recordedly low: only paint, boards and part of plumbing were bought.

The height of the ceilings in the apartment is standard - 2.72. Tatiana decided that in the bathrooms, children's and dressing room, such a height is absolutely not needed. The walls became shorter, and instead of the ceiling, the boards were installed and there were 2 spacious zones that are now used either for sleep or for children's games. "And it is necessary to say that my children and kids coming from other large families are there and spend all the time," Tatiana is not without pride.

The budget of this repair is recorded: only paint, boards and part of plumbing were bought.

The budget of this repair is recorded: only paint, boards and part of plumbing were bought.

In her own apartment, not a single centimeter disappeared. In one mezzanine bedroom, there are folding steps under which additional storage spaces are located. And to another you can climb along the usual Pottal staircase brought from the cottage!

"We did not fundamentally bought any furniture for this apartment and did not go to flea markets. The whole "rarity" was dragged with their old giving remaining from my grandmother, "says Tatyana. - rusty locks, pots, iron, base from "Zinger", old suitcases, a patefone, a suitcase with pre-revolutionary plates. The highlight of the interior was the father of the German concert piano, which was sent by the "grandfather Stalin" on his written request, when the dad was still small. It is no longer subject to repair and configuration, so I painted it in the color of the ivory (before it was black), like all the old furniture in the apartment, and put it on the honorable place - in the center of the living room. "

The bed in a large bedroom simply folded out of 4 fat bars, and the headboard from thin bars knubled straight to the wall! After repair, there were slices of foam blocks, of which Tatiana cut out the stukes, candlesticks, a substole in the dining room and a few more furniture items ... The remaining unnecessary slices of drywall was salae with tank paper and scores, having received a cute clipart for posters and photographs. On the walls meshed their student work on painting and drawing. A kitchen regiment, which is the composite center of the whole kitchen, launched on the road to the landfill and saved!

"All textiles (curtains, pads, bedspreads, etc.) we sewed with kids on a working" Zinger ". Without false modesty, I can call this project revolutionary. For two reasons: first, the unprecedented transformation of space (in this apartment is comfortable up to 15 people). Secondly, the budget of this repair is recorded: only paint, boards and part of plumbing were bought.

Tatiana, like all parents, believes that Ideally, each family member should have their own room, albeit small. And a large common area (kitchen-living-dining-gaming disco). And the basis of any repairs considers redevelopment: "In our typovascus, it is simply necessary! The main thing is to get rid of corridors. It is necessary! And then you need to look at the features of the apartment. I advise you to use balconies and loggias, the height of the ceilings to use to create tiers, and of course, you can always increase the number of rooms due to the competent work with the kitchen. How many windows in the apartment, so much can be the rooms. I believe that the kitchen should not occupy a separate room, especially in a "large" apartment. "

Remembering the unrecognizable apartment, Tatiana did not calm down. Now she with great pleasure helps to redevelop other large families, gives advice and recommendations remotely (through the Internet), invites everyone to visit, in order to show the true possibilities of ordinary small-sized apartments. She says to herself: "I think I am the only 7-year designer in the world. Therefore, I consider it my duty to benefit from large families with a limited budget and find your calling about it! And since I myself am "pretty large-fold," it is very good to imagine all the specifics of their needs. "

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