The face we deserved


In the traditions of Chinese medicine and philosophy, five basic emotional states are made. It is anger, fear, joy, sadness and meditation. And all these emotions, do not even doubt, leave your mark on our faces. But thanks to the achievements of cosmetology, today it is quite possible to erase traces of our experiences. How exactly, we understand with the Chief Physician of the Beauty Institute Belle Allure, Elena Vasilyeva.

Elena Vasilyeva

Dermotokostologist, cosmetologist. He graduated from the first Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov. Aesthetic medicine has been engaged since 1999. In 2007, founded the Belle Allure Beauty Institute in Moscow. At one of the congresses in Paris heard the threads of resorblift from polyolic acid, realized that this novelty was a real breakthrough in cosmetology, and caught fire for the idea of ​​bringing the thread to Russia. I concluded a contract, I was convinced that this drug is absolutely necessary on our Russian market. In 2011, the RESORBLIFT threads were officially registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. At the moment, the head coach of Resorblift nitime lifting experts is not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but also around the world.

Agree, we all nicer to communicate with people whose face expresses friendliness and friendliness. And let the proverb assures that with the "Facility Water Do not drink", however, the NEW Scientist edition has not yet been published such data. After conducting a global study, representatives of the publication found out: today, like a hundred-two hundred years ago, people tend to judge the nature of the interlocutor on his appearance and, in particular, the expression of the face. Therefore, even the criminal "With a pleasant physiognomy", many are ready to forgive some of the preggie - if, of course, we are not talking about something serious.

The person does not look very attractive in the following cases:

- scope of volume in the field of forehead and temples;

- hanging eyebrows;

- Mercury wrinkles and around the eyes;

- bags under the eyes and / or pronounced tear groove;

- the omit for the zilly and peeling regions;

- deep nasolabial folds;

- sunken cheeks;

- wrinkles "puppets";

- Lip deficit and perioreral wrinkles;

- an uneven outline of the face;

- age-related chin changes;

- Bad skin quality.

Elena Vasilyeva

Elena Vasilyeva

Now consider in more detail what traces leave different emotions on our faces. For example, the manifestation of fatigue is an eyebrow hanging, bags under the eyes, the omission of the checale region, wrinkles around the eyes, poor quality of the skin.

Permanent angry - these are wrinkles around the eyes and interburry wrinkles, lip tensions and chin.

Sadness leaves such traces on our face - hanging eyebrows, lowered corners of the eyes, wrinkles around the eyes and inter-heavy wrinkles, fuzzy lip shape, the omission of the corners of the lips, the poor quality of the skin.

The manifestation of fatigue is the hanging of eyebrows, bags under the eyes, the omission of the checale region, wrinkles around the eyes

The manifestation of fatigue is the hanging of eyebrows, bags under the eyes, the omission of the checale region, wrinkles around the eyes


Also, we are very spoil when the face looks as if checked. Signs are known to everyone. This is the omission of the checale region, deep nasolabial folds, wrinkles of "puppets", an uneven outline of the facial, poor skin quality. Accordingly, to get rid of traces of sadness or fatigue, you need to work with the listed zones.

How to look slimmer, younger and feminine

A clarification of the face shape will help to look like a person. It happens with a more oval form. If you have a square, round or heavy face, then it is worth changing the shape of a cheekbone and chin, so visually you become younger and as we can lose one of the kilograms.

But to look younger, it is worth paying attention to such signs: loss of volume in the field of forehead and temples, hanging eyebrows, inter-heavy wrinkles and wrinkles around the eyes, bags under the eyes, the omission of the cheekbone and cheek area, deep nasolabial folds, shoulder cheeks, wrinkles " Puppets ", lack of lip volume and perioral wrinkles, an uneven outline of facials, age-related chin changes, poor quality of the skin.

Angry, still evil

Literally a few years ago, the term Bitchy Resting Face was almost officially appeared - the Syndrome of the Broophene face (abbreviated - RBF-syndrome). So called people who seem to be angry, arrogant or offended, although they do not feel negative feelings at all. It's all about the inconsistency of their facial expressions of real emotions. What if you suddenly have Bitchy Resting Face?

Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks


According to Elena Vasilyeva, signs that you look not very feminine, such: the protruding forehead, spawned whiskey, wrinkles around the eyes and inter-heavy wrinkles, raised eyebrows, high cheekbones, smooth contours and volume at the bottom of the cheeks, lip volume deficit, incorrect Chin shape, poor skin quality. Therefore, if you notice that people often ask you a question, whether you are all right and did not happen something terrible in life, think about it: maybe from the side you just look like a person with eternal problems? And what do you just have this very Bitchy Resting Face - the "sinor's syndrome"?

Edition The New York Times assures that the "evil face syndrome" is especially noticeable in people of mature age. After all, over the years, the corners of the lips are slightly lowered, the nasolabious folds are deepened, and the impressive expression of the face of wrinkles on the nose is becoming more noticeable.

But the youth, even those who classify the hundreds of the most beautiful people, also sometimes suffer from RBF-syndrome. In addition to the already mentioned already Kristen Stewart, for example, is considered the famous

Top model Tyra Banks. She, by the way, advises to actively learn to "smile through eyes" - in her opinion, "it is impossible to constantly control the facial expressions for more friendly."

Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart

Photo: Frame from the movie "Twilight"

By the way: One of the first women in which in modern years revealed RBF syndrome is called Mona Lisa. And from today's idols are called Kristen Stewart, the executor of the lead role in the Vampire film "Twilight": Kristen even became the heroine of several memes, which just play it constantly "exhausted life" face.

Strong argument

A separate topic is a male face. Indeed, often many of the representatives of the strong sex (especially with age) begin to look, let's say, less courageous. To return them inherent in them, the following measures are needed:

- the creation of a clearly defined overbric arc;

- giving the chin square shape;

- creating a clear outline of the lower jaw;

- cheekbones more speakers;

- Oval is clearer, the face is better.

It is clear, each patient is individual, for everyone - its equation for solving. But to cope with the task and try to correct what we have "accumulated" during the years of their stay on earth, an experienced cosmetologist is completely in a state.

Well, of course, it is worth remembering: emotions that over time leave on our faces difficult traces, actually should remain emotions. That is, it is impossible to be constantly angry or walk gloomy. Survive a difficult day and go out the next morning with a smile on your face. And then "good mood will not leave more than you." So, the work at the cosmetologist will also be an order of magnitude less.

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