Men's chains: why this jewelry entered IT list


Even at the beginning of the last century, women believed that they could become beautiful only in tight clothes long below the knee, shoes on a heel and with an elegant bag. In the modern world in fashion style Casual, involving the clothes of a free cut from natural fabrics, non-peculiar movements, sneakers and backpacks - everything so that girls can combine business, personal affairs and home work. Last summer, massive decorations were included in fashion - earlier such chains from precious metals wore men. Interested in this tendency and found out how to choose the right chain and what to wear it.

Office Luk

In combination with basic flowers, bright gold chains look organically and put the necessary emphasis, completing the fashionable image. We advise you to choose a decoration of high-quality metal, which does not oxidize from contact with the skin - this will have a uniform gold spraying and strong fittings with a soft castle. Purge beige pants-claw, white shirt of a free crog and a large chain. Do not forget that the chain should be combined with the color of the bags of the bag and your earring is not the case where the mixing of silver and gold will look successfully.

The publication

The dress-jacket or classic costume is still in the top of the trends for the evening exit for dinner in a restaurant or nightclub. The combination of black clothes and gold accessories looks advantageous for any appearance color. Jump the jacket of a free cut on a naked body or with an imperceptible sconce, button on all buttons. Choose a short thick chain to him, which will resemble a chocer - such an accessory will emphasize the subtlety of your neck and will highlight the clavicle - part of the body that men always pay attention to. At the same time, a high tail or laid his hair will be watched. Stress the eyes of bright Smoky, apply a transparent glitter on the lips - you are ready to conquer everyone!

Walk in the park

Even everyday images can be decorated with accessories, as in the photo below, adding it the raisins. In combination with a turtleneck and a dense woolen coat, a large chain of matte plastic looks advantageous. It is better to select the color of the decoration in the tone of the upper clothes or a little lighter it. Even in warm May weather in the evenings it can be cold, so that the way we have invented exactly will come in handy this season. Do not overload the image by other details - you do not need to test the scarf, wear a scarf on your head or attach to the turtleneck brooch. Remember that the best is a good enemy.

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Романтическое свидание

Один из действующих трендов — сочетание несочетаемого. Для его соблюдения не нужно надевать носки разного цвета или пижамные штаны с блузой — присмотритесь к образу на фото ниже. Платье в бельевом стиле с тонким кружевом отлично смотрится вместе с крупной объемной цепью. Завейте кудри, наденьте сандалии на блочном каблуке, нанесите легкий макияж — и вы готовы к прогулке с любимым человеком.

мода, стиль, украшения, аксессуарыСмокинг и джинсы уже не интересны — девушки обратили внимание на типичные мужские аксессуары

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