As the stars of the series "Farc" learned to live in the past century


The executor of Andrei Alexander Petrov admits that she could not grasp the essence of his character for a long time. "I have already arrived in Minsk on shooting, but I didn't have enough of something in my hero's understanding," the actor recalls. "And then I called my master in Hitis, Leonida Efimovich Heifets, he told me such a phrase:" Sasha, only talented people at that time could engage in Farty ... "and it helped me. Fanswist were people ready for accomplishments, conquering vertices, for themselves, for friends. Against the system and gray masses. In each of the scenes we found them justification - you need to be talented and charming to come up with how to record rock and roll "on the bones" to find and sell jeans from under the floors, "Firm". And have talent at the same time, not caught. "

Alexey Veselkin, embodied on the screen the image of Konstantin on nicknamed crutch, scratched inspiration for the role in the stories of his relatives. "I asked my grandfather and parents about Farce. Grandfather - pop artist. And at that time went abroad, she was engaged in legal farthake - what brought, surrendered into the commission. Dad changed to the records, and once he was almost kicked out of school for the fact that he came in jeans and red socks. "

One of the main roles in the series was played by Zoya Berber. .

One of the main roles in the series was played by Zoya Berber. .

Philippe Gorenstein, who played Boris, immediately found a lot of common with his character. "My hero is the most brave Jew in the Soviet Union, he loves women, music and dressed beautifully. I think if I lived at this time, I would be the same. Well, maybe not so bold. My grandfather was engaged in Farthanovka and satisfied illegal rock and roll parties. "

Maxim Emelyanov, who got the role of Sanka, he applied to his grandmother: "I asked my grandmother to remember some words from that time. She thought for a long time. And then she said: "Do not smuggle" - then "you will not let down." My hero Sansek grew alone, and all he has is friendship. He seeks himself, but friends for him - the most important thing, and when you need to save a friend, he will do everything for this, will not let! "

As the stars of the series

The actors who got the main roles in the series "Farca", because of their age, poorly imagined the features of the lives of their peers from the sixties. .

Alexander Yatsenko, who played the taxi driver, take-and-and-ride, while working on the series was with the machines on "you". "I must say that the taxi drivers in the 60s were the main chairs. And the hero of Yatsenko even has a real prototype. But Sasha at the time of filming did not even know how to drive the car. We taught him to ride and park. In principle, he coped, but once he almost knocked down one of the chambers right in the frame. Fortunately, he doesn't have to drive a lot, he is increasingly fits, "the director laughs.

The filming of the film was held in Minsk and Moscow. Consistently entering the frame advertising shields later had to be removed using computer graphics. "With its help, we restored the appearance of the streets in the form in which they were in the sixties, we made 3D-models of cars to fill the prospectuses with machines, painted fluttering aircraft, people have multiplied to show that everywhere - in clubs, restaurants, Parks, at the station and at airports - life is boiling, "says the director of the series Yegor Baranov.

An equally difficult task was to find the props of that time. "The world in the world reigned the cult of stylish things. In an effort to convey all this riot of colors, we searched catalogs, magazines, studied dresses and hairstyles. I was looking for vintage clothes, authentic folding cups, cars, fashionable at the time of suitcases, combs, glasses, phones ... And all this should have been bright, "says the rams.

At the time of filming, Alexander Yatsenko, who played a taxi driver, we take, and we, not even know how to drive a car. .

At the time of filming, Alexander Yatsenko, who played a taxi driver, we take, and we, not even know how to drive a car. .

By the way ...

The word "FANTER" is a distorted Jargon word "Forselchik", which is derived from the English "for sale" as part of a standard question, with which the Fanswer turned to a foreign tourist: "Do you Have Anything for Sale?" ("Do you have something for sale?"). Fangovka as a large-scale phenomenon began during the VI World Festival of Youth and Students, held in 1957 in Moscow. In the period 1961-1963 in the USSR, a set of legal processes were held on economic affairs, on which 104 mortal sentences were issued. To make the most reliably show those times, producers and scenarios of the series Alexander Tsekalo and Alexander Cott wanted people who were engaged in such a business from the 60s to the 80s, and recorded their memories.

Valentina Peskov

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