Public transport: 7 important safety rules for the epidemic


Until now, some people are forced to go to work and use public transport, which exposes their risk of infection with a virus. Many doctors say that the main condition of your safety is clean hands. So an expert on viral diseases Thomas Xiazeks from the medical department of Texas University in an interview with Business Insider noted that sanitation of the hands is one of the most effective ways to protect their health. However, this method is not the only one - the rest will tell below.

Do not touch the phone

The question of how many bacteria and viruses live on surfaces remain open. So a professor of biology, neuronology and public health in New York University Carol Shoskees Reiss claims that the only correct way to transfer the virus from the screen to your mucous meadows is to use the smartphone right away how someone sneezes him. But other doctors do not agree with this position and call people not to use the telephone in transport in general. Change the habit of reading an e-book or scroll through the tape while you are going to the subway, it is difficult, but perhaps. For example, place the phone to the place in which it is usually not: to another part of your bag or in another jacket pocket. Thus, when you pull to the phone and do not find it in an ordinary place, the neural chain is interrupted - and you remember why the smartphone has shifted. For extreme caution, wipe the screen of the phone with an antibacterial napkin and wash your hands with water with soap after touching the phone.

Try not to ride in the rush hour

Try not to ride in the rush hour


Wear a disinfectant for hands

On April 24, the Governor of New York Andrew Kuomo stated at a press conference that Coronavirus could live on plastic and steel surfaces of public transport within 72 hours. Almost every expert proposes to use a disinfectant for hands after leaving any type of public transport to combat the possibility of coronavirus infection. Remember that only those tools contain 70% of alcohol will be effective.

Do not touch the face

Doctors recommend not to touch the eyes, nose and mouth. If someone coughs or sneezes, try to move away from it by 1.5-2 meters. You should either go to the other end of the car, or go out at the next stop and continue moving in another train - do not hesitate to do this and do not react to the reaction of the traveners. Remember that you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for family members living with you in the same apartment. At the first opportunity, wash your face with soap or gel for washing, wipe your eyes and clean the nose by playing and removing mucus residues.

disinfect objects that touch

disinfect objects that touch


Do not touch Peril

Try to climb the roads along the steps and immediately sit on a free space, or stand, leaning on the glass. Do not touch the railing with your hands, or do it using an antibacterial or moisture moistened. Do not wear gloves on your hands, if it is not provided for by the measures of your city: you can forget and touch the face. If possible, try to leave work a little earlier or later to avoid crowded public transport at rush hour - so you will find free space.

Doctors will also recommend not eat and not drink during the trip, because there is a high probability that you will touch your face when you accidentally get dirty. Wipe the bag with antibacterial napkins after returning home, and go to the shower yourself and clean the hair and body from possible biological traces. These measures are not similar to the wear of a hood from foil - experts confirm their effectiveness.

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