Touch and see: define your sexy type


It would seem that problems may arise in the intima if you are fully satisfied with each other in everything else? In fact, the difference in sexual preferences based on five main feelings can be a real obstacle to construct long-term communication.

Most often in sex, we rely on one of three senses - rumor, vision, touch. Each person has individual preferences in this regard: someone crazy about touch, others cannot reach a peak without visual contact, and the third are excited from one vote of a beloved person. In total, people are divided into visuals, kinesthetics and audials. We decided to figure out the subtleties of each type.


The most common type - visuals. As a rule, such people love all the beautiful and pleasant eye, the same thing happens in a relationship: the partner should look good and desirable to remain attractive in sex, so the visuals require the second half of maintaining a good form. To determine what you feel about this type is easy - if the atmosphere is important for you, you decorate the bedroom or bathroom in front of a pleasant evening, and also do not let yourself or partner look worse than a million dollars, you definitely visual.

Do you like to touch the partner about and without

Do you like to touch the partner about and without



The second in the queue is worth the type of kinestics. These people form an idea of ​​things and humans, "trying" to touch them. Being together with the partner, the kineetetic will definitely keep the soul mate, and the case will try to be as close as possible. It is believed that a more sensual lover than a kineette does not exist. Again, determining whether you include this type, analyze your behavior in the company's company: Do you like to touch the person about and without? Do you enjoy physical contact with your loved one? Among other things, the prelude is very important for the kinestics. If you answered all the questions positively, your partner was very lucky - you have no equal in sensuality.


Pretty rarely found a clean audio. As a rule, it is important for the audience not only what the partner says, but and how it does. These people feel very thinly vibration vibrations and changes to the tone, and therefore a partner who can handle voice will use the adoration of the audio. If your second half is a real audio, do not try to joke in her presence in her presence - such people react very sensitively to all statements, which is why even conflicts may occur.

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