How to determine the nature of faith


According to the expert, each of us is written on the face, so, having a set of some knowledge, you can actually understand the first meeting that it represents a person and what to wait for him in the future. If you carefully look at your companion and watch him a little behind him, be it a man or a woman, you can easily make your life and get rid of the illusions, did not have time to disappoint in man, and most importantly, not to spend time on communication.

Alexander Kopyutko

Alexander Kopyutko

Compressed lips - get ready for war

If on the person of a person, regardless of whether a man is either a woman, we often see a fold between eyebrows and compressed lips, it is an emotion of anger and anger. If this emotion is repeated constantly and does not matter, in which context, then a person can be said that it is totalitar and prefers to remain with his, the only and right point of view. Any communications with such a person will occur through the prism of war.

Valid smiling people

If a person smiles all the time and always glad to see you - this is the emotion of joy. Know that you are fabulously lucky in life if such a person was next to you. Correct them! There are people who radiate the so-called double emotion - the eyes are smiling, and the lips are pronounced. Either the lips are pressed, but on the face of light sadness along with a smile. We can say about such that they are also good partners in personal life and ideal staff at work.

Valid smiling people

Valid smiling people


Piero's eyebrows - Energy Vampirism

In some people you can meet the emotion of sadness on the face, when the sponges are fit, and the brows raised up the house as Piero. People with such faithful specialists call "energy vampires". They constantly complain about life, they say that no one loves them, does not appreciate, and they also have cellulite. At the same time, they all try to help. After all, we are so raised that if a person complains, he needs to be supported.

And these people use this behavior model and such a fairytale to obtain additional bonuses in the form of attention, energy, money and power. Through eternal sadness and tears, they manage other people.

Smile in one direction: climbing or entrepreneurial veil?

If you have noticed that your interlocutor half has a smile "rolled" on one side of the face, know, this is the emotion of contempt. It is stillked to call a smile of entrepreneur. A person with such emotion compares what he knows with what he is told. And if it disassembles well in this, this emotion appears instantly. We can say about such people that they are arrogant, pathos, their many among businessmen.

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