Life on palm


- We have never felt such attention to the problems of children's health protection. The main task that is worth today is the modernization of children's health. The state allocated very big money to it, and it is necessary to spend them effectively. Today it is planned to be a serious re-equipment of objective institutions, primarily branches of resuscitation and intensive therapy of newborns. Indeed, next year, doctors will have to make 500-gram premature babies born from the 22nd week of pregnancy - we go to the recommended leading criteria. These are children with an extremely low body weight that need long rehabilitation. A children's body reacts positively to rehabilitation activities, and the sooner they are taken, the more effective there will be a result.

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Special attention will be paid to the dispensary of children under 3 years. It is very important that today in the state plans is the development of perinatal medicine, although we are a little late with her start. The Union of People's Pediatricians for the first time acted on the need for its development back in 1988, but then they were not realized then, and so we returned to this idea. By the way, all developed countries that have achieved a significant reduction in infant mortality passed through the reorganization of the perinatal service, in the West, it was even called the "perinatal revolution." And now in Russia, the centers of perinatal infant surgery are created, the possibilities of intrauterine surgical intervention appeared in order to eliminate development defects ...

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- From which vices you can save a child in the womb?

- mainly from congenital heart defects, such operations in Russia are already carried out. In addition, we introduced neonatal (that is, in the womb) screening in order to early detect children with developmental anomalies. For example, in the stage of intrauterine development, congenital heaviness, genetic disease of the fibrosis can be found. And the sooner the diseases are detected, the more effective the treatment.

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- At the last Congress of pediatricians, the main theme was the health of adolescents, which in Russia literally degenerate. In recent years, they are rapidly minor and weakening, and death among them exceeds European figures of 3-5 times ...

- Indeed, over the past 10 years, the average growth of children and adolescents has decreased by 2 cm. Generation degrades physically: its average weight decreased by 20%, the power of the brush in boys decreased by 30%, the GTO standards are capable of passing the units. The volume of the lungs from a modern young man has decreased by 18%. Every third teenager has limitations in choosing a future profession on medical clubs. And up to 40% of adolescents, the rightmost, will have problems with the continuation of the kind. Over the past 5 years, the number of gynecological diseases from schoolgirls has tripled, the frequency of male infertility continues to grow ...

- What are the reasons?

- First of all, in the unbalanced nutrition of children, snacking chips and squeezing them. Secondly, in hypodynamics. Well, of course, you should not forget about smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction: every day we drink 33% of young men and 20% of girls, and 700 out of 100 thousand adolescents pace, which inevitably lead them to chronic alcoholism in the future. 16% of schoolchildren and 30% of students at least once tried drugs. In addition, problems with the reproductive function can be caused by infectious diseases, diseases transmitted by sexually, iodode deficiency, and there are congenital.

- Did you manage to do anything in the field of improving adolescent health?

- We were engaged in this topic for several years. Today, teenage medicine is the most relevant part of the pediatrics. We coped to a certain extent with infant mortality, we have stabilized the level of disability among children. And the problems of adolescents are not yet solved. At one time, the Union of Pediatricians has developed a program of in-depth diagnostics of adolescents 14-17 years old, it was approved at the Presidium of the RAMS, presented the Ministry of Health and Social Development. And now since this year, we will begin the in-depth discsorization of adolescents - True, until only 14 years. And it will include, including the examination of the reproductive function of children. Alas - if today you can neonatally diagnose heart defects, then it is impossible to identify congenital flavors of the reproductive sphere. And often they are found in young people only on the draft commissions. And now, within the framework of the cloverserization, all × 14-year-old adolescents will be sure to examine Andrologists, urologists, gynecologists and to conduct them ultrasound reproductive bodies.

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