Cooking cake from dough on opara


Cooking cake from dough on opara 40575_1

You will need:

- 250 ml of milk;

- 2 yolks;

- 6 g. Dry yeast;

- 1 tsp. salts;

- 500 g of flour;

- 3 tbsp. Sugar spoons;

- 1 tsp. vanilla sugar;

- 75-100 g of dried fruits (Raisins, Kuraga, Figyr Dried Cranberries or Cherry, also will also go tuts from orange crusts, nuts);

- 75 g of butter;

- 50 g. Sah. powers;

- lemon juice.

Of this amount of products, two large slices are obtained or 4 small. In warm milk, sugar, yeast and half the number of flour stir, cover the dishes with the dough food film (if there is no, then just a clean towel) and leave it is preferably preferably in a warm place. The opara should rise, having increased several times, then go down. Usually it takes about 4 hours. Put salt in oparan, finely chopped dried fruits, vanilla sugar and 2 yolks. Then the remaining flour and melted butter. Check the dough, close the food film again and leave the dough to come. In about an hour, the dough will increase the scope. Put the dough in the form and give a distance of about 30 minutes. If the form is silicone or paper, then it is not necessary to lubricate it with oil. Note that when baking the dough raises, so lay it out, a little without reaching the edge of the form.

Heat the oven to 220 degrees. Bake the cakes in it about 30 minutes (if you have a big form, then it may take a little more time).

To make the glaze, mix the sugar powder with lemon juice to a homogeneous mass and immediately apply on slightly cooled cakes. If you like the protein icing, then it can be made from the protein remaining from the dough, 1 cup of sugar powder and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, whipping them into a strong foam.

If you prefer cakes without glazes, simply sprinkle them on top of vanilla sugar. So that sugar fell uniformly, do it through a small sieve. Baking from a nearest dough is less thanks, so that for several days your cake will remain fresh.

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