Boris Grachevsky: "I'm afraid to approach the child"


The life of the creator of "Yelash" Boris Grachevsky this year is saturated with events. Not only is it necessary to survive the children's vocabulary in the difficult conditions of quarantine, and the director has been born a child exactly during a pandemic. Fair Katya April 8 gave a boy starful spouse. He talked from four times with her father.

- Boris Yuryevich, tell me how you spend this difficult time during self-insulation?

- Yes, everything is fine. We live in the country. There is a TV, the Internet in the hands, all I am sent by mail. Here they mounted "Elalash". The sound engineer at home works, I give him amendments: in this plot it is necessary, this is another. Agrees, as we will sound. Yesterday, another director sent an option to mount a documentary picture. I give amendments, she starts grumbling, says, they say, well, let's sit down together and discuss. Yes, when we sit together? No one knows! I was going to get to work here, my wife says: "Be sure to mask and gloves." I answer: "I will die there in them." (Smiles.) Now there is a thorough preparation for new shooting. We have a few more documentary projects, but it's not easy to cook. All the time we read the script, preparing. Given that we have been idle so long, we will need to catch so much! In general, enough problems, plus I'm trying to start writing a big movie script, I want to make a picture.

- What happened to the shooting of "Yelash" during the pandemic period?

"We have already stopped them a week before the official ban, because the parents said:" We are afraid. " And they did not give a child to shoot. And they were absolutely right, I could not object anything in any way. The health of the child is most important. Although by that time we had seriously prepared, I had to stop, because we understood that we would not be allowed to work on. To school we are not allowed until September for some reason. I can not figure out why, but this is a fact. True, we don't need to go to school now, we would be on the street, to the forest, in the park. But so far even the parks are closed. But we had a plan completely assembled, scheduled work schedule for April and May. Already seven plots hanging. We also closed the festival, which was supposed to go on June 6th. For us, this is for the first time. At the festival, children from all over the country compete, the prize is obtained - this is the main role in "Elash". Master classes are held, famous people come ... All this was postponed, of course. We switched to the online system. In September, the guys will send records where they will demonstrate their talents, and we will select. By the way, also remotely continue to make the project "Anecdotics". Children tell jokes, they themselves take off, sometimes even from two phones, the director gives amendments, etc. On the YouTube Channel it all comes out.

On April 8, Boris Grachevsky had a son

On April 8, Boris Grachevsky had a son

- Colleagues artists complain that there is no money to pay to the collectives. And you did not come across financial difficulties? ..

- Of course, there is a problem: we pay the team money so that it does not fall apart, because I will never come to her in life later. We do this from the last strength, with money big problems. Yesterday, the Director-General was developed by the system, how to pay, where to go and how to live is a very difficult question.

- Boris Yuryevich, and yourself how do you feel about all these restrictive measures of the authorities?

- I believe that such measures to limit is not just like that. And grumble on this very wrong. Because all similar fines are only for people at least somehow fulfilled the prescriptions. Well, it is impossible to persuade people to wear a mask. By the way, I witnessed a few days ago, as a policeman fined a woman in the store - she was the only thing there was without a mask. She swore for a long time, but he said that she did not want to know anything. All others were in a mask, surprisingly.

- Fortunately, for this difficult period of self-insulation in your life there was not only problems, but also a bright event happened - you became the father of the little Philip! How are you doing now in the new composition?

- Katya's wife is happy, because never before that there was no time for the husband for so much time from her. I am watching my wife: how she glows, rejoices, how frightens the son sneezed, pushed - it should be written separately. I see her insane eyes at night. I ask: "What happened?" Replies: "He is playing." She was a grand mother, fantastic. She managed after childbirth, and this is not easy for all women, to shift and learn how to tie, how to change diapers, diapers. I looked at her, she was so famously did everything, as if she had a third child: she pulled out, he kept her hand here, then something else. I ask her: "Help?" She: "Do not". I am such a happy person. Therefore, in principle, self-insulation works well. Especially we were saved that we left for the cottage.

In the maternity hospital, Boris Grachevsky did not let the son of security reasons

In the maternity hospital, Boris Grachevsky did not let the son of security reasons

- Have you lived here for a long time?

- For 2-3- weeks before the appearance of Philip, I already lived in the country, could not move away from my wife, because at any moment the need to take to the hospital could arise. And I was near all the time. Having left for an hour maximum and all the time called. But, thank God, everything went well. I want to say a big thanks to all doctors and especially our doctor who was engaged in Katya. This is Elena Igorevna Spiridonova. About this doctor legends go. Besides the fact that she is a doctor, she is also a good psychologist. And every Nervous conversation, Kati and a doctor ended with a pacification. Katya came, thought, kill everyone and the whole, but the doctor suddenly quenched, carked up - the nerves of pregnant women. A doctor with humor, she glows, she is in positive, and, if necessary, will arrive at any time of the day. By the way, literally in front of our arrival in the maternity hospital, the child appeared from a policeman, and followed by us, the next day, gave birth to Marina Kravets.

- When a pandemic was declared, you were not afraid, they say, around Coronavirus, and the Kate give birth?

- No, not frightened. We tried not to contact people, carefully approached the question to whom to communicate. Our only disorder was that Katya wanted some fun meeting at the hospital, but he could not organize a great regret. But at home we still created a festive atmosphere.

- Did you go to the hospital to my wife when she already gave birth?

- Yes, but to the child, of course, did not let it close. When Katya gave birth, I came to her all the time, she tried to feed me to her food. The food was wonderful. I could not stand it once and poked. Even twice. (Laughs.) Then she was hard, but now she is already joking with might and main. Says, we would still have a girl.

- Did you dispersed my wife in the maternity hospital?

- Sure! Births passed in planned mode. After discharge, we arrived first in our apartment in Moscow. The patronage sister and the doctor came, they looked, they said that everything was fine with the child, thank God, and then we returned to the city. And we left with giving only in a month, because I had to see the doctor again. They came to the hospital, immediately did the doctor accepted us, everything quickly, calmly passed. And already received a certificate of the birth of a child, we will issue medical insurance, Propyash. All of course, they say that the Son is terribly similar to me. I do not see this. Even the nurse of my child in the maternity hospital immediately calculated. Said: "Yes, here is your son what to look for him?" By the way, we passed a special DNA analysis, and we have already told the pregnancy on the fifth week.

Philip Grachevsky is growing not by day, but by the hour

Philip Grachevsky is growing not by day, but by the hour

- Why did they decide to stay outside the city?

- Wonderful! I just live in the center, the park is not quite close to the house, what's good? Nowhere to go. And what we are in the country, for a child is amazing. It's clean air here, the son is sleeping on the street for six o'clock. And immediately he becomes calmer ... True, I wanted to notice that because of the virus, Moscow was so worried that a wife who suffers from allergies to dust said that it became much easier to breathe in the capital.

- And in the country, what are you doing now, except for work? Did not appear free time or some new hobbies?

- In fact, there is no time as such, I have a lot of work, all the time something happens. Honestly, read even once especially. We are busy all the time. Sheila's dog even stunned that I spent with her half a day. I have a wonderful Labrador, the main misfortune of this dog is that she loves others so much that everyone simply does not know where to go from her love. Sheila wants everyone to hug and lick.

In the country very beautiful. Literally for three days, all the greens suddenly got out, the birchings grow, it became so beautiful on the plot. Of course, I can not say that I am glad to declare quarantine, but I have so many positive emotions now!

- Tell us, do you take some participation in the life of a little son?

"And I have always been little afraid of a fire - and now I'm afraid." What are you! They are such tiny. I just can mix the mixture or something else to file, that yesterday I trusted two spoons of milk with water to dilute, allowed to shake the bottle. But while I'm afraid to approach the child. But we have a nanny. Wonderful nanny. True, it did not immediately manage to find it. When the first appeared, I didn't like it immediately. Yes, she herself realized that she could not. She did not know how to do anything. But literally after some time we found our nanny. She recommended a very cute woman from a private agency. We all adore nanny, she adores our philus. She is a very dear man, with such a warm and so joy, everything makes that we can only be happy. She always worries about everything right. Today, by the way, I tried the growth - the Son has already grew up for several centimeters and added in weight - already more than five kilograms, you imagine!

The spouse of the director Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya tries to cope with the baby with the help of a nanny. Spouse admits that babies are afraid

The spouse of the director Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya tries to cope with the baby with the help of a nanny. Spouse admits that babies are afraid

- Admit, give you a baby sleeping?

- I give me, Kate - no (smiles). It needs to be fed every three hours, and then wait for the air to come out. At six in the morning he wakes up, nanny begins to work in 8, Katya is trying to sleep at least a little bit. But they have a beautiful world between three: Katya, Nanny and Philip. Everyone is satisfied, everyone is happy, everything is fine.

So we can live on self-insulation, and nothing is terrible. Everything will be fine. My main principle is to walk along the sunny side of life. Therefore, the sun will necessarily come out, and the sore will leave. We will definitely come up with the invenue, and the people will begin to smile. We will see not a mask, but smiles. Many years ago I came up with such a phrase: "We will live better - we simply do not have another exit." Once in the Moscow Komsomol resident, it was written in the header, and I was proud of it.

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