Lingerie and men: whether you need the strong floor your lace


Lingerie is considered one of the most erotic objects of the female wardrobe. At least so claim cunning manufacturers. There is truth that the woman feels more confident in beautiful lace underwear. However, in order to really get into the heart of a man, underwear should be correctly chosen. We will help you make the right choice.

Fundamental basis

When a girl wants to attract the attention of the opposite sex, it goes to any tricks: uses more cosmetics, perfumery, visits more often beauty salons. After the object of her desire gave up, it proceeds to "heavy artillery" - the choice of underwear. The market of bras and panties are now truly huge, so it is not always possible to find something that is suitable for you.

Avoid harsh contrasts in clothes and underwear

Avoid harsh contrasts in clothes and underwear


Let's start off with, What color prefers men.

Bright and burgundy colors push a man to the idea that there is a passionate nature from which you can spend some unforgettable nights, but not more.

Black color throws men challenge. A woman in black underwear is incredibly attractive for the opposite sex, as evidenced by numerous feedback from the girlfriends and great demand for the underwear of this color.

To the girl in a white man will relate more precisely: on the subconscious level, white color brings calm, so do not wait for the rapid manifestations of feelings from the partner. The only condition - the color should be pure-white.

Some women deliberately refuse linen

Some women deliberately refuse linen


According to psychologists, women should pay attention not so much on the color of the product, how much to factor and texture is an important factor. To select the appropriate material, focus on the temperament of your man.

The passionate nature of your partner will delight underwear from gentle silk, but it must be qualitative. No other fabric will emphasize your advantages with great success.

Men will be quieter to taste cotton products. Choose underwear in calm colors, without a tangible decor in the form of rocks and patterns. It is terrible tasteless.

The windy of the windy man will delight translucent underwear. It creates the effect of the lack of clothes on you, although it is not. This duality will make a man check how durable your "air" outfit.

There are such ladies that the bottom of the underwear pretty. For them there is an option with a lower shirt, which will become an excellent alternative to any bottom set.

Again, if you believe the statistics, the percentage of divorces and conflicts in pairs, where a woman often updates the bottom wardrobe, significantly less.

Myths about women's underwear

It's time to dispel the main hypotheses that have nothing to do with reality, namely: what would men prefer never to see in their woman?

Panties from several ropes. That is irrelevant, so it is "missing" panties. They are absolutely useless to adjust the silhouette, it is easier to just stay without them. If you have magnificent forms, you do not even consider this option.

Lingerie should approach your clothes. Strong contrasts knock down a man with a sense, especially if the colors are too bright. If you have a red dress, then underwear should be in touch or at least black.

Refuse the simultaneous combination of black and white. Lingerie in such colors looks too cheap and does not have any effect on men. Associations with the products of the Soviet industry immediately arise. It is better to pick up a neutral set of a nude shade.

Surprise a man and your relationship will be stronger

Surprise a man and your relationship will be stronger


The man needs to be consistently amazing that he wanted to "be surprised" on the side. Tracking new products in special stores, choose high-quality materials and, of course, try to pick up the color palette with taste. In this case, a man will not remain indifferent to your efforts, and the relationship will become even stronger.

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