Ksenia Chilingarova: "Father's name caused panic horror at my fans"


The name of her father is Arthur Chilingarova - on a hearing. Not only is the doctor of geographic sciences, a researcher of the Arctic and Antarctic, the state and politician, and the figure is colorful, in friends who have famous art people. And, as they say, the apple from the apple tree falls. Ksenia Chiligarova has time to write ironic speakers in the magazines, shine on television screen, to do business, and at leisure study art history.

Ksenia says that the girl together with his girlfriends went to the fortuneteller, and if the other prisoner promised solid husbands and kids, she convinced her in the near opening of the third eye. Perhaps, by the way, was not mistaken, because the intuition chillingaro does not occupy. More than once she helped her, directed her job, her man ... In a word, the vector of our conversation was decided on himself.

Ksenia, by nature you daddy daughter, right?

Ksenia Chiligarova: "Yes, by character for sure. And in appearance. Although the latter is controversial. Of course, I am a black, dim, as if forever tanned, but if I washed me, as my classmates joked, then I am a copy of my mom - blondes with blue eyes. We even have a voice intonation coincide. "

Surely you were a restless, unreasonable, curious child ...

Ksenia: "It is, but I still have a girl and behaved decently. But my older brother was not distinguished by approximate behavior, and all the parental forces were aimed at his doubt. He specifically caused a teacher in mathematics to the house, and they were korped over the textbooks, and the mother stood next to the jumps instead of the belt - for the fastening ... I still have this picture before my eyes. (Smiles.) Despite the fact that we have the whole family, in fact, humanitaries. Dad is the organizer of expeditions to the Arctic, grandfather on the mother's line - Professor of the Russian language and literature, Grandma - Director of the school, Uncle - Doctor of Sociological Sciences. Mom ended in his native Tambov linguistic university, in the specialty she is a teacher of English. But never worked by profession, worked in the international organization of labor, he managed the library of a foreign book. I remember me, she took me a little on these numerous book exhibitions, fairs. Accordingly, today I am also spoken in English and in French. True, from the German language (which also knows the mother) I refused - he was not romantic enough for me. "

Your brother is a bright person. One thing as he improved your self-esteem, stating that you do not approach any standard of beauty, which costs ...

Ksenia: "Yes, but it didn't prevent me from staying very flirty. (Smiles.) Something I probably took from the one in honor of which I received a name. This is a father's aunt, which I gave birth to a grandmother, the kingdom of her heavenly. In war, and then at home her name was Kisa. She was a real front-line, with a bunch of medals, a clockwork ... I remember that we went to hand out empty bottles, and on the way back, when I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop, she could easily say to me: "Well, ksyush, you'll walk?!" And I danced without any complexes. Always loved attention. My brother, by the way, is completely different - introvert. In kindergarten, I was waiting for my mother, quietly sitting in the corner at the stool, and tasteless cutlets, who gave there for lunch, reliably hid, so that he was not forced to eat them. "

In childhood, Nikolay touched over his little sister, arguing that she was not suitable for a single standard of beauty. Photo: Personal archive of Ksenia Chiligarova.

In childhood, Nikolay touched over his little sister, arguing that she was not suitable for a single standard of beauty. Photo: Personal archive of Ksenia Chiligarova.

What do Nikolai do now?

Ksenia: "Works in the bank. Businessman. But he is immersed in the history of art. Kolya has a phenomenal memory, almost about any picturesque canvas he can say to what school it belongs to whom it is written. History is also his hobby, he knows her thoroughly. Perhaps if the wave of the 90s did not take him into the entrepreneurship, he would now be a scientist. "

How big was the influence of the father on you?

Ksenia: "It was huge. I was afraid of him, like everything, but dad rarely appeared at home. Always came with gifts - skin skins, stuffed Penguins ... And here the father, of course, was distinguished by rigor. And for some reason, his Caucasian blood has worked on me. He could raise his voice to me, scold off for disobedience. I was forbidden everything, including gouli with girlfriends. Once I was not released for a birthday to a classmate. I sobbed, because the whole class was going there. It is clear that no one came to visit me. "

At the Institution years, Dad softened, began to be loyal to your cavaluers?

Ksenia: "No, no cavalier has crossed the threshold of our apartment. They all hid from dad as they could. One day, one young man came after me to pick up the theater, but when he learned that the father of the house was not decided to rise - parked at the barley and waited until I leave. (Smiles.) Almost everyone has repeated history. True, those who were not afraid to get acquainted, at least just say hello to the dad, I called me a great respect. But these were units. I did not understand why Arthur Chiligarov's name causes the guys, my peers, such a panic horror. Probably, my friends forgive me, this is due to the authority of the Grozny Alpha-male, who is less powerful individuals fear. All as in wildlife. Perhaps the only one who was not frightened my last name, my ex-husband - Dmitry Kogan. But this is explained by the fact that he was not aware of who my dad. The polar explorers are a different world for him, so Dmitry is the first man I invited home. "

How old were you then, and where did you meet?

Ksenia: "Twenty-six. And we met in karaoke. See, my life is full of Sumbura - I do not sing at all, in childhood the piano threw. And then girlfriend called, and there was her buddy with a comrade. I did not immediately like him. And when they said that it was a violinist, I was completely naughty - for sure the bore. Although the idea that I will have something with this person, flashed. Dima turned out to be an interesting person, a man with a wide range, able to remember both hundreds of pages of music text and other information. Dima is passionate about the history of the Soviet period of our country, and his mother told that he knew that he knew all members of the Politburo. It was so touched. (Smiles.) I presented as he, a little boy, did not go to the courtyard, and sat in the room in front of the TV, diligently taught the gamma and simultaneously remembered those who appeared on the screen. "

With the daughter of Arthur Chilingarov was a strict, could increase the voice, bother for disobedience. Photo: Personal archive of Ksenia Chiligarova.

With the daughter of Arthur Chilingarov was a strict, could increase the voice, bother for disobedience. Photo: Personal archive of Ksenia Chiligarova.

Did you have an impression on Dmitry at the first meeting?

Ksenia: "No. On me there was a fashionable Over-Saze sweater, and he did not appreciate it, I seemed to him Tolstoy. (Smiles.) Rather, the second meeting helped us look at each other with different eyes. We met in the restaurant, I was tense, I did not know what to talk about. It was prepared to raise the topics of literature, but Dima instantly relaxed me: I ordered a few whiskey and told the mother's joke. The dialogue has settled, became alive. "

It turns out, with the Kogan were your first serious relationships?

Ksenia: "Yes. Before that there were some meetings, but I did not live with anyone together. From the side of the opposite sex, I felt attention, I constantly have some kind of worships, but they did not fit me on the criteria that I myself came up with. You see, in childhood, Mom gave me a lot of romantic law books. When I came to Tambov, to relatives, there everyone bathed in the river, sunk, and I sat and read the "War and Peace" of Tolstoy to the holes. So I grew up such Turgenev's young lady, idealist. It was fed by some platonic love, I wanted to suffer how it was put in novels ... until the end of the university was such. And not much, frankly, has changed afterwards. Always waited for some hero so that he would overcome terrible obstacles to me ... I desired dramaturgy. I love "pride and prejudice", and it seems to me that I still wait for my Mr. Darcy. " (Smiles.)

Why is your marriage with Dmitry Kogan, you called Infantile, did you not have been eighteen years old, and almost thirty?

Ksenia: "Of course, it sounds strange. Nevertheless, I did not have before this experience with a common economy. I liked to feel myself in the role of my wife. I dreamed of a hospitable house where a long table would be covered, numerous guests would be invited, we would share some impressions ... In the parent house, everything was exactly the case. I perfectly remember the TV presenter, the traveler Yuri Senkevich, the best friend of the Father. He was an incredible traveler, a very warm man. They sat down like two captains, and shared memories. Yuri Alexandrovich died when I was riding a birthday to the dad - it became bad with a heart ... In our my husband, the family did not have such traditions. Due to the dimin graph, such gatherings were unreal. He either on tour, or was engaged in hours, listened to music, and the outside people in the apartment was at all for nothing. Only I asked me to sit next to the muse, but I am not a professional, I can not give a good advice. True, now I am a fan of classical music. (Smiles.) Also, I am grateful to the former spouse that he knocked out creativity from me. Next to the Dima is difficult to remain a creative person, you have to be a combat girlfriend. Not a cook and a housekeeper, but a man who is dissolved in the concert activity of her husband. Two years before the wedding and three after I honestly tried to be like that, but I found out that I was not a "dull". I admire the ladies who manage to be a durable wall for his Men Creator. Apparently, I do not belong to their number. From our pair did not work out such a union, like in spirits, let's say. Of course, much depends on the man. There are those who allow their halves to do their careers, and there are those who oppose. Dima was too powerful, and at some point I realized that it was not on the way. But we broke up peacefully, today they are friends, I go to his concerts. "

With other men, you also managed to keep good relationships?

Ksenia: "After the divorce, I had novels, and really almost everyone was almost friendly relationships. Perhaps because I treat men with compassion. I am aware how hard it is to be in their skins, and sympathize. Although other times when people behave extremely ugly, I do not continue to communicate. I am not from those who check the phone numbers and pockets of the jacket, but not so tolerant to come to terms with treason. In addition, I do not forgive the betrayal of my feelings. Several times came across such. For example, I had a rapid novel with one person, the emotions were overlooked. I was already ready to continue to build our relationship, and a man who was older than twenty years old, suddenly scared the glow of feelings. And instead of talking perfoiting, it's a shame quietly merged. That is unacceptable. When he returned after six months, already with gifts, ripe for something serious, all burned in me, and we had nothing to talk about. "

What conclusions did you do after the divorce and what rake in the future will try not to come?

Ksenia: "I drank all my supervisory experiences on my husband, and he did the same. Now I suppose, you have to be restrained, not all the emotional stream. In the end, there is a psychologist, a priest or a diary for this purpose. It is necessary to be extremely carefully referring to the words pronounced in the separation. At some point you can easily turn the point of no return. The insult will not be glorified, but, on the contrary, grow and eat. The degrading phrase is not going anywhere, no matter how hard you tried. We have passed this line with Dima so many times, I know what I'm talking about. "

In one of the interviews, you said that today women may well afford to behave in a relationship ...

Ksenia: "I meant that we are bravely men, we throw themselves in the pool with your head faster. And all my familiar men claim as one that women choose them. We always guess your man, we intuitively feel that we can arise with him. And I do not condemn those who show activity in relationships. Why not? A man must be given to understand that it is time to show the initiative from his part. (Smiles.) Be that as it may, the main purpose of the woman is to create a family. Just personally, fate would seem to me from it in another direction. Perhaps above me there are other plans ... But I'm sure: you should not panic, hurry, we will all have time, you just need to relax and feel rhythm, as in dancing. You can also find your happiness in fifty years. "

Mom Tatyana Alexandrovna instilled in Ksenia Love for foreign languages ​​and romantic books. Photo: Personal archive of Ksenia Chiligarova.

Mom Tatyana Alexandrovna instilled in Ksenia Love for foreign languages ​​and romantic books. Photo: Personal archive of Ksenia Chiligarova.

You are unusually dual: On the one hand, such a girl is a girl who is loving outfits and secular parties, and on the other - the head, purposefully promoting his business ...

Ksenia: "Everything is so there, I am twins on a horoscope. These two parts are always struggling among themselves, and I'm looking for a balance. The former husband developed men's traits in me, however, as the current young man. The systematic development of business is still somewhat pushing femininity. And sometimes I want to be a weak, defenseless blonde, like my mother, who recently, fortunately, already upon arrival, got lost at the airport, and a concerned dad ran, looking for her everywhere. " (Smiles.)

From the young age you wrote poems and pretty early released our collection "Reflection". It is wonderful that the rhymes come to you today.

Ksenia: "Yes, although mom said that this is a maiden, will pass. (Smiles.) But still writing to the table. For the renovation, the appropriate mental mood is required, infinite love fat, sadness, experiences for the destiny of the country and, undoubtedly, a large amount of free time, so many people have this ability to disappear. In addition to the poems, the prose occupies me. There are many plots in the head, and I do not lose hope ever arrange them in the book. "

Ahmatova wrote: "... He spoke of the summer and that being a poet woman is absurd ...". How do men react to your tendency to writing?

Ksenia: "In his youth, I naively believed that the strong floor would melt when I read poems at the Moon, but later I understood how it scares it. A couple of years ago I had a fan, a solid businessman who was fond of poetry. And somehow a foggy evening we wandered with him at the Novodevichy Monastery. Everything went well until he recited Brodsky, but then he moved to the poems of his own essay. In such a neighborhood it looked terribly. And his verses were not weak, but that day I clearly realized that the poet next to me was not pulling. " (Smiles.)

The Internet has long been shot by information about your novel with an Israeli investment banker Anatoly Tsoir. Under what circumstances did you meet?

Ksenia: "Randomly. Two years ago. My closest girlfriend of Christina, the owner of the gallery, went on a date, but, apparently, not very expected, because he took me for the company. And that man captured a friend with him. It turned out such a Hollywood cinema, when I reluctantly went, and there I got acquainted with Tol. I spark ran immediately, and I did not doubt that this our meeting is not the last. In a conversation, I admitted that I study the history of the arts, and my teacher recommends that I go with someone in Pushkin Museum ... It was such a retrostion, just like in Soviet years. "

Your chosen one has an extensive biography: eighteen years of marriage, three adult children ... you didn't scare it?

Ksenia: "First, the tolens were already divorced, and secondly, I treat children extremely positively. Tolya is a wonderful father, and it only adds it pluses. I got a man with the past, and what's wrong with that?! I have no jealousy to his life. In fact, we were a kind of medicine for each other, such a quiet harbor after the previous storms. "

Anatoly helps you and in business?

Ksenia: "Yes, it is my partner in the company for the production and sale of warm winter clothes for harsh, frosty weather. I have long wanted to somehow continue the activities of the Pope, and after my trip to the North Pole, this desire only strengthened. The merit of Anatoly is that he showed me this unfilled niche. A little later, I began to study another project - opened a store of casual women's clothing with liberal prices. By the way, my exits in the world raise sales. (Smiles.) In general, it is generally surrounded by an outstanding personality. Dad is friendly with Kobzon, Leshchenko, Mikhalkov, Pugacheva. And recently, thanks to him, I met the prince of Monaco Albert. Dad helped his expedition to the North Pole, her goal was to bring mammoth bones to the local museum. After that, Albert awarded Pope by the Order, called us on the opera and made a magnificent reception in his palace. "

You are clearly aware of fashionable trends ...

Ksenia: "I am a shopaholic, which heals from Handra shopping. Most likely, for this reason, last year the program "Remove it immediately" appeared in my life. This is another face that I was mastered and I hope to continue. Moreover, when I studied at the Faculty of Journalism, I dreamed of working in the frame. I believe in the visualization and I have a map of desires. This is the board to which I attach plans written on the leaves. "

And what items there?

Ksenia: "Wedding, children. Country house with a big dog. Successful business with considerable turnover. And your own books. "

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