Svetlana Neolar: "My grandson has all the acting deposits"


Svetlana Neoloevoy fans still do not believe that this year the beloved actress marked the 80th anniversary. However, it continues to lead a very active life and takes part in different festivals. Meets with the actress and talked about ...

About rest and work

My season ends in the theater, so in the summer I will spend time at the cottage. Cinema on my share is very rarely falling. My dear beloved Sasha Lazarev passed away. I cling to any job because the theater saves me from loss. I made a gift my theater (Vladimir Mayakovsky. - Approx. Ed.). Put to my anniversary "Mad Money" Alexander Ostrovsky, where I play a role. My daughter, by the way, is playing my granddaughter of Polina. I also play "talents and fans."

Svetlana Neolar:

After the release of the film "Service Roman" from the actress appeared thousands of fans

About the films of Eldar Ryazanov

From the films Eldar Ryazanov began a fracture in my life. When films "Garage" and "Service Roman" came out, I felt that when I would go to the theatrical scene, then people are already native. And from this you open and fly like on wings. It all gave me Ryazanov. I remember, after the "official novel", letters began to come about such: "You repeated my destiny. Where did you spied it up? ". On the "Irony of Fate, or with a Light Ferry!" Ryazanov tried me eight times. But did not take. And when they sent a script of the "service novel", I asked Sasha Lazarev: "What do you think? I will succeed? " Was already night, he replied: Yes, you sleep. He got used to the fact that I failed samples. But later, Eldar Ryazanov called. Asked if I read the script. I said: "Maybe not worth it?" In order not to worry about these castings again. But he replied that he was already in that position when could invite actors without samples.

Svetlana Neolar:

Svetlana Neloeva considers himself a theatrical actress, but at the same time played bright roles in the movies. On the photo frame from the film Eldar Ryazanov "Garage"

About grandson

Sergey enters VGIK. He wants to be producer, the organizer of the film process. Although he has all the acting deposits: it is ridiculous shows, very witty. Able to play. I see all this. I tell him: you will deal with economic, then go to the acting. Just we have no one in the family with economics is not friendly. No one knows how to count.

Svetlana Neolar sees in the grandson of Sergey successor of the acting dynasty

Svetlana Neolar sees in the grandson of Sergey successor of the acting dynasty

Lilia Charlovskaya

About style

After the stylists draw me a face, my personality disappears. I would love to eat it all and smeared in my own way. Inactively, but this is me. Also in clothes. Of course, there are artists in the costumes, in front of which I bow. For example, when my Sasha Lazarev was released in the Mayakov play theater Grisha Gorina "Kin IV" and Sophia Shimanovskaya brought him sketches, I said: "Your role is played!" She brought him beautiful costumes to him. For many roles, I brought suits myself. Sometimes artists agreed, but there were scandals. For the actress, the most important thing to feel comfortable. And, I think, colleagues will agree with me.

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