Exclusive: Vika Daineko spoke about pregnancy


As soon as it became known that the singer Victoria Daineko is actively preparing for his wedding with a 22-year-old musician Dmitry Khaiman, rumors about pregnancy artists crawled on the Internet. Rumors The girl does not comment, but for Womanhit made an exception. In addition, the singer told how preparation for the wedding is promoted.

- just taken the wedding rings from the jewelry salon, which for us was made to order. It turned out to be the most difficult task - to find something that would like me. And cheers! It happened! We choose exclusively domestic producer. Therefore, they stopped in a Russian jewelry brand. We also chose Russian designers for our costumes. Maybe this is not Christian Dior or Tiffany, but I have already seen enough beauty in my life, which I think: the more adequate and more beautiful, the better. And so, while nothing new: we are preparing, waiting, worry. Maybe we will surprise our guests, but I don't know what it will be: we plan to do everything enough, without any excesses, without pigeons and magical pieces. I will not do any special chips. I was neither one wedding, I do not know what happens to them. I do not have experience, Dima is also. We are artists, we have always been on the other side - on stage. The main thing is that everything goes positively, fun and with the most close people.

Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Kleman must get married in April. Photo: instagram.com/victoriadoineko.

Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Kleman must get married in April. Photo: instagram.com/victoriadoineko.

- Vika, now Internet is a shot of rumors about your alleged pregnancy. What can you say about this: do you really have to congratulate you?

- How many times have you heard of these rumors for ten years? I think: is I really so fat and ugly that everyone immediately recorded me in the ranks of pregnant women? In fact, I have already answered so many times to a similar question. It seems to me that all this year has begun since 2007. And from now on, I regularly ask me whether I am not pregnant. And I always answer: time will show. In general, personal life is always personal, and I'm against it to discuss it like that. I do not want to comment on this topic. People have a stormy fantasy. And thank God.

While the fans are discussing rumors about pregnancy Victoria Daineko, the singer itself regularly publishes snapshots, on which it demonstrates the tightened figure and a flat belly. Photo: instagram.com/victoriadoineko.

While the fans are discussing rumors about pregnancy Victoria Daineko, the singer itself regularly publishes snapshots, on which it demonstrates the tightened figure and a flat belly. Photo: instagram.com/victoriadoineko.

By the way, although Daineko speaks little and the wedding, in his "instagram" she admitted that she did not decide on the wedding travel: "I still don't know to the end, where our wedding trip will be, but I already know what I will be worn "," The artist commented on the photo on which the logo of the fashion brand is depicted. And then still admitted where to go: "In Scotland or Ireland (if very honestly), but, apparently, there will be something from the rank of the Sunflower."

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