7 steps to "dispersed" metabolism


If the metabolic processes in your body go slowly, then no diet can help you lose weight. Output one - accelerate metabolism. And how to "wake up," will tell.

Step number 1

Increase the amount of fluid consumed, because if water is not enough in the body, it is engaged in its restoration and does not consume extra calories. Therefore, drink more often and more. Choose unsweetened and non-carbonated drinks, such as green tea or mineral water.

Drink more water

Drink more water


Step number 2.

Review your diet. We remove from the sausage menu and other products consisting of taste amplifiers, any E, GMO and synthetic fertilizers. They brake metabolism. Fit organic products.

Fast Food is excluded

Fast Food is excluded


Step number 3.

Observe the mode. It is necessary to get up early, but to go to bed at 22.30 - so your biological clock will correspond to the daily. Sunlight is necessary for the body for proper metabolism, it gives a charge of cheerfulness and energy.

Go to sleep in time

Go to sleep in time


Step number 4.

In order for the metabolism to go correctly, we need various trace elements. Calcium is contained in dairy products, it helps burn fat and build muscle mass. Iron can be obtained from buckwheat, it satures muscles with oxygen. Replace the usual salt on iodized. This will help your thyroid gland. Carbohydrates that are rich in cereals are necessary for the work of the brain.

Carbohydrates need for brain

Carbohydrates need for brain


Step number 5.

Move more - any physical activity increases metabolism. Take care what you like more. No one makes you sweat in the gym. Even a simple walking time is more useful than the seat of the TV.

Charging in nature will only benefit

Charging in nature will only benefit


Step number 6.

Fit correctly. There is a small portion, but every four hours. If you eat rarely, for example, once a day, the body begins to save energy, and the exchange processes slow down. If you constantly boil something, you just do not have time to burn fat. Between the main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner - do light snacks: eat fruit or handful of nuts.

Take food by clock

Take food by clock


Step number 7.

Avoid stress. Permanent tension slows down the metabolism. The body needs a vacation. Learn to relax without the help of alcohol, smoking, sweet and other bad habits, they do not accelerate the metabolism. A unhurried walk through the park, meditation or pleasant music will bring more benefit.

Sweets will not help with stress

Sweets will not help with stress


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