Where is the point G in men


Most are known where the zone of pleasures is located and how to act on it. However, as soon as it comes to male physiology, women, and the men themselves are lost ... Find a point G in men is easier than you think.

PointG - where is located

It seems that it is almost impossible to find it, but it is not. In the scientific book "he. Intimate conversation about the very authority »Authoritative Polish sexologist Andrzej Grishevsky notes:" Men's point G is about prostate. Prostate is between the testicles and anal hole. " The doctor confirms that "some even has an orgasm from prostate stimulation." The fact is that through it there are many nervous fibers that stimulate blood flow to the sexual organ. This is a sensitive zone that quickly reacts to touch, causing erection in men.

Some sexy to attract a partner

Some sexy to attract a partner

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

How to stimulate the pointG.

Sexologist advises that "You can place this place between the anal hole and the testicles to compress, massage." To deliver a partner with pleasure, use a lubricant for massage - it will strengthen the slip and will additionally give a pleasant warmth, warming up the hands of the partner. Movements should be not sharp and compressive, but smooth and progressive - move your fingers in the direction of the anal hole to the scrotum and back, additionally with a slightly pressing stimulate the zone with circular motions. You can achieve the greatest effect if you enter two fingers into the anal opening of the partner and fasten the prostate gland - it is located on the front wall of the rectum, about 4-5 cm from the entrance. True, the likelihood is great that a man will not agree to such an experiment: "Our cultural environment is such that a man rarely appeals to a woman with a proposal to make Rimming. They are afraid that they are "accused" in homosexuality. " If your partner still agrees to an unusual massage, then before the introduction, make sure that your nails are the length so as not to damage the man, the fingers are generously lubricated with a lubricant - it is absolutely harmless to the body. Similar movements stimulate the prostate. Some girls advise compatible massage with oral caresses so that the man felt as comfortable as possible.

Relaxing atmosphere will help massage

Relaxing atmosphere will help massage

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

What is useful to stimulation pointG.

"After 35 years, some men have (prostate, approx.) Increases. Prostate swells, increases, presses on the bladder from two sides. There is a problem with urination. This does not need to neglect, because problems with the prostate very affect sexual function. Men who have a little enlarged prostate suffer from low libido, erection and ejaculation disorders, get less pleasure from sex life, "comments the situation of the sexologist. Prostate massage helps reduce the risk of tumor development, which will lead to the removal of the prostate gland. It is better to avoid this not to damage the nerve fibers, which, as we noted above, in this zone are abundant. "It happened that the removal of the tumor led to a violation or complete loss of erection," the Antzhey Grishevsky emphasizes. He also notes that "the prostate is useful to eat cranberries, as well as to have sex or masturbate."

As you can see, the point G in men is not a myth. The prostate massage is useful not only to satisfy partner, but also to maintain his health. It is important to regularly examine the sex system to notice violations in time and eliminate them until it came to the help of the surgeon.

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