Work, are you my friend?


Ozhegova offered other positions, but with such a schedule of work and such a salary that she fell into deep thoughtfulness. And then transparently hinted that in general in her knowledge and experience the organization does not need. It can go to work, but ... In general, a large mother understood: the manual will do everything possible to survive it, it is better to immediately quit on his own accord. What she did. Since then, looking for where to attach their knowledge and receive a decent salary for their work.

Alas, her story with employment is not single. Other mother-in-law, relationships with employers are also not addressed. Why? And is it easy for a large mother to get a job on such work so that the salary is more or less decent to receive, and do not leave children without supervision? We tried to find an answer to these questions, going along with Marina Ozhegova's large families in the Center for Employment Yasenevo.


In fact, Marina lives next to VDNH, but for the official status of the unemployed, you need to contact the employment center at the place of its constant registration. Ozhegova is registered in the South-West District. Therefore, on the road to my employment center, she spent almost an hour and a half. For a large mother, this is a very big inconvenience.

- I do not understand why the Muscovite can not be registered in the nearest room near the house? - Ozhegova is perplexed.

Marina has this fourth occasion at the labor exchange (previous ones in 1995, 2006 and 2008), so it represents which documents may be required. Originals of the Labor Book, Diploma of Education, Education Certificates, Cancellation Certificates, Passport - All this had to be submitted to the administrator. True, it turned out that the Inn lacks (however, he is not obligatory) and the pension insurance certificate. So because of this testimony, we were wrapped, advising to come to any other day convenient for us.

And although the documents of the Marina did not accept, employees of the Employment Center Yasenevo Solna satisfied our curiosity. Unofficially Ozhegova even advised not to register: she has a great break in labor experience, so the employment center on quite legal grounds will offer her unqualified work. Refusing two vacancies, she will lose the right to be called unemployed, will be discontinued and deprived of benefits. So now Marina regrets that, helping her husband in his company, did not bother to arrange its activities on all the rules from the law by the payment of taxes, record in the employment record or at least a legally decorated contract.

However, all this Marina has already passed. In 1995, when her essentials fell apart and she first appealed to the Birjan, she was directly told: "You have two young children, no one will take you." Nevertheless, she still found a job. Through friends. The second time about the same thing was told in the employment center in 2006. However, offered vacancies of the janitor and the guard. From which Ozhegova refused. Sighing with relief, the employment center did not even register it.

In 2008, the campaign to the Employment Center was, it can be said to lightning. Mother of the mother immediately said: "Now the crisis, you have a husband, sit at home." When Ozhegova grew up about retraining, she was offered to get working specialties, learn how to drive a car or master the computer. It was not going to go to the construction site or in the factory shop, she was not going to the computer for a long time for you, the driver's license was also not going to receive.

"But I understood that I need legal knowledge," said Marina. - By 2008, I was born a project, to implement whom they would be very useful. Alas, legal education is worth a lot of money. Seek them from the state is meaningless.

So three years ago, Marina did not register: 1,700 rubles (allowance as such and urban surcharge) of the weather in the family do not do.

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In 2008, at the employment center, a large mother immediately said: "Now the crisis, you have a husband, sit at home."

Vacancy - class! But not for us

And here we painted us: you can find out about the available vacancies without claiming the status of the unemployed. It is necessary only at the Employment Center to fill out a questionnaire on providing the state assistance in finding suitable work. Questionnaire is the most common: education, work experience, qualifications, wishes - in what area of ​​activity, by whom, where, from which salary and in what schedule (full, part-time work, part-time work) you want to work. Having consistent, we decide to look for work in the editorial and publishing business (Marina has some experience of cooperation with magazines and editing articles on economic topics) for full time. As a position, we indicate the "Correspondent of the magazine" and "Technical Text Editor".

By signing the obligation, if we find a job, within a week, report this on the work of the labor exchange, we submit the entire package of documents together with the questionnaire into the cherished window. Literally in ten minutes we get a printout on the hands with vacancies. Hooray! Their intake × 23! Well, who would have thought? Salary - Dream! From 60 to 100 thousand rubles. But! Everywhere you need experience from 3 to 5 years, and confirmed documentary. Marina is natural, no. The requirement of free possession of a foreign language, preferably even two and three, also makes marina non-competitive. Yes, and education everywhere requires higher philological. There are other conditions: work in the Western media, foreign institutional education, experience in a law firm abroad.

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We have not been lazy and already at home "went" to the site of the City Department of Labor and Employment. Sales managers, sellers with 12-hour working days, a taxi dispatcher (changeable work), a regional representative of the company with experience in a similar position ... to work by the seller a large mother will be able, if only grandparents help her. Otherwise, the children simply have no one to leave. Sales managers must have experience in presentations and personal sales and, as we hinted in one company, not older than 35 years. As for the work by the courier, then ... by calling and saying that the Marina has three children, we heard:

- You are hardly suitable for our conditions.

"I understand the employers," says Marina. - Large mother - these are constant hospital care for children. Three days of such a hospital pays the employer. These ill-fated three days put a cross at work for many moms. What to say about large families!

And yet, Marina firmly intends to seek the status of the unemployed. She has already matured its own project. Business plan is there is no money. To obtain a subsidy and need notorious status. And we will definitely see that from all this ventiy will turn out.

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