Denis Klyaver: "Everything is possible - just want!"


At about sixteen years I came to the gym . The thin teenager with the complexes wanted to turn into a big serious man. C then Sport is an integral part of my life. Now the fitness club attend not so often, I have a gym at home. I can not say that I run into fitness, but also the silence, too, do not pull me there. I perceive as a routine work. However, if it turns out a big break in sports, it is definitely already running to do. Recently, switched to light weights. Virtually five times a week - a horizontal bar with bars, well, and twice a week I go to the hall, where I already engage in heavy weights, for example, with a barbell.

I have the whole family sports. My wife and We are in a short time, just going to go to the hall together. When my eldest son Timofey comes, we also definitely go to the rocking chair, I have a professional sport-shift, world champion in Taekwondo. Now he is seventeen years old, he has long wanted to gain a mass, now it is implemented by his goals.

Irina, the spouse of Denis, and their five-year-old son Daniel, like dad, lead an active lifestyle

Irina, the spouse of Denis, and their five-year-old son Daniel, like dad, lead an active lifestyle


In order not to sit on diets, you need to maintain proper nutrition throughout your life. I just do this. I can not say that I constantly limit yourself in something, the main thing is to observe the diet. For two years already for breakfast, I have a Hercules porridge on water, sandwich, preferably not with sausage, but with cheese, and coffee. At lunch, I let myself all anything: what would I want, then it is. Throughout the day, we eat different fruits and necessarily drink a lot of water, at least one and a half liters. In the evening, as a rule, eat something easy. Kefir with cottage cheese for example. This diet can also be quite easy to come - our body gets used to everything quickly. Therefore, for two to three months, it will endure any of your menu of the day. By the way, on tour, I always have a pack of Hercules. Better instead of incomprehensible meals far away from home eat a healthy porridge.

Once he tried to "dry" and refused carbohydrates. But it was a catastrophe. I am in my own very good man, but without carbohydrates became completely evil. These are the consequences from diets. And I realized that diet is definitely not for me.

And 17-year-old Timofey, son of Denis from the second marriage, - professional athlete and world champion in Taekwondo

And 17-year-old Timofey, son of Denis from the second marriage, - professional athlete and world champion in Taekwondo


Once in the distant past I smoked. A terrible habit. For some reason we live in an atmosphere of what it is normal. Although recently there is some kind of movement against cigarettes, it really becomes smoking. I hope most people will soon refuse smoking, because it is so incomprehensible than we breathe every day in a metropolis and what eat, plus you still kill themselves with this disgust. Perhaps in cigarettes already and normal tobacco as such and no, paper impregnated with nicotine acid. So I am immensely happy that got rid of it. At some point, I realized that I was sobring my health. For those who lack some kind of visualization when understanding, as far as terrible, imagine that the freon is drinking, the substance that cools the engine. It seems to me that the same impact on the body and from cigarettes.

I treat my person with respect, as it is part of my profession. I tried hyalurone moisturizing punctures. These are the usual procedures that support the face in good condition. At the same time, I know that if you even beat the cosmetologists periodically, but at the same time to use alcohol to be nervous, not to sleep, do not sleep and lead a terrible lifestyle, then no good result will definitely lead.

Denis Klyaver:

"In order to want to play sports, you need to mature inside for this.


Tip from Denis Klyaver

In order to want to play sports, you need to mature inside for this. Want to be a healthy person, living long, look beautiful, like other people not only with human qualities, but also outwardly? If it motivates it, then you need to go to the hall. The first two months, maybe it will be uncomfortable, but then you will feel the buzz from adrenaline. Increased blood pressure gives a certain psychological tone, life acquires other paints. No need to forget that we have not so much the sun in the city, so there is a certain incentive to remain active, we are simply necessary. And the gym in this sense is an amazing thing.

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