Learn a child to stand up for yourself


Children react to criticism much more painful than adults. The child almost never thinks about what to say when he wants to offend someone, so it often says very offensive things. If your child faces constant ridicule of other children, in your power to help him defend his borders. Teach it to solve conflict situations, refuse and correctly communicate with the rest of the children. Believe me, your advice will once help the child in a difficult situation.

It is important to make a child believe in yourself, for this you need to raise the quality in it that will make it more confident. It is necessary to learn communication from the moment when the child is coming in contact with other children on the playground.

Highlights that your baby must learn

Child need to learn to defend their borders

Child need to learn to defend their borders

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

1. He is not a victim

People who are trying to please, show softness and helpfulness, usually fall into difficult situations. It may well happen to your child if you know that it is inherent in quality data. Try to explain that no one has the right to insult him and laugh at him. Neither its appearance nor the age, nor anything else is a reason for humiliation. Tell me that you do not need to be afraid of blowing guys, if the child is to succumb to their provocations, will make it worse only.

2. He should not be afraid to seek help to parents.

Many children believe that, addressed for help to parents, they show their weakness and inability to solve problems independently. However, such a decision from the child is often drawn by even big problems. Explain your tea that help from parents is not considered a galloping, it can and should ask for advice from the family in case of trouble.

A school teacher or a psychologist who is in every school can be played as an assistant.

3. Do not react to provocations

Children are very painful perceive any insults and are ready to respond immediately offenders. Due to age, the child does not understand that, rushing to the instigator, it just shows weakness, and not the power, as it seems to him. If you do not react to such evapunations, the offender is likely to quickly lose interest in his "victim".

You can tell why the child who teases itself. In your power to give the child the Council, how to behave in a similar situation, to work out with him your behavior strategy.

The child should not take other people's things in demand

The child should not take other people's things in demand

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

4. Wrap your property

There are situations when a child begins to take other people's things without permission. If you know that your child can do that, again, explain why it is impossible to do so, than he threatens such behavior. Another extreme - when things take away from your child. The child is not obliged to share anyone if it does not want it. However, be prepared for the fact that you may have to intervene and demand a thing back if the child cannot solve the conflict independently.

5. Teach the child to say "no"

Even if the child is in a good account of classmates, there are times when it is put in an uncomfortable situation. Suppose the children decided to announce an unfair boycott to one classmate, and your child questioned the correctness of this decision. But, most likely, he will give up the influence of the class and will behave accordingly - that is, to ignore the universal "sacrifice" from fear of being incomprehensible.

In this situation, you must explain to the child that its decisions no one has the right to question, and he should not go on the rest absolutely always.

6. Cook in witty

Each of us in the class was stories when the conflict ended with a fight. Many children from early childhood are confident that this is the only way to solve problems, they carry this idea to school, where there are quite a few supporters. So the authoritative companies are formed, which are kept in fear of women's classes.

Your child should understand that the word is much more efficient than the fight. If he succeeds to prescribe a weak offshift place, he will be in a winning position and hesitates all OKTU to contact him.

Friendship can go through all life

Friendship can go through all life

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

7. It is important to make good friends

Friends are important at any age. They provide an indispensable psychological support, if necessary, will help to deal with the bully. It is important to teach a child to appreciate friends and to be a good friend. When the child is still small, but already able to absorb the information, look at a good cartoon about friendship that will show how important it is to have support nearby.

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