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Fashion legislature on dwarf dogs consider Paris Hilton. At different times, in the house of the secular lioness, he lived from twelve to seventeen dogs, most of whom Chihua-Hua breeds. The most popular of them - the Pesk named Tinkerbell. Paris everywhere takes a baby with him - and on secular rounds, and for charity events. Tinkerbell even took part in the shooting of a reality show "Simple Life". It was removed by a lot of parodies. Including in the movie "Blonde in Chocolate", the Pinc Stuff Girl clip and the popular South Park animated series. When in 2004 the puppy was lost, Paris announced the reward for his catch of 5,000 dollars. True, Tinkerbell found a little later in the house of the parents of the girl, where she simply forgot him. The star was repeatedly accused of the fact that the animals need it only as fur accessories. But, probably, many would agree to be in their place - Paris provided a luxurious doggy to dogs, building a whole mansion in Beverly Hills for them. It represents a reduced copy of its own home. Hilton does not want to part with pets and after death. She taught the largest cryogenic company not only his body, but also the bodies of their chihua-hua to "rise" with them.

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Pesk Tinkerbell - Hollywood celebrity. There were several parodies on him, he took part in the shooting of the show "Simple Life"

Our secular girls belong to pocket dogs with no less delight. Anna Semenovich, in full, claims that her Spitz Marselyza is very similar to her itself, and does not cease to admire his "nose nosasten and eye-eyed eyes." York TV presenter Ksenia Borodina named Klitschka Rudya flames in suites from Adidas, and Anfisa Chekhov bought his peeling collar and leash, decorated with rhinestones. What is the girl there! And men seem to have lost their heads from these fluffy crumbs. So, Parodist Alexander Peskov invariably appears at secular parties accompanied by one of his yorks. He has three of them: Vadik, Yerema and Louis. And the last two are the winners of the international dog exhibition "Grand Prix". Yerema won in the nomination "Best Male of the Year", and Louis - "Best Junior". Singer Alexander Malinin loves his Yorkshire terrier Frosya. He often takes her with him to the techniques, and so that the dog does not disgrace him in front of the bomb, taught it to drink water from the glass and gently eat from the plate.

Alexander Peskov raises from his yorks of real champions

Alexander Peskov raises from his yorks of real champions

Daria Dontsova is so tied to pugs, which makes them the heroes of their novels. At the front entrance of the house of the writer, the nameplate "Mops House" is banging, and the muzzle of her beloved Mobsi Mulechka is converted on 125 million books. Now the famous muzze is no longer alive, and four dogs live in the writer's house: Fira, Musya, Fenia and Kapa. "When my pugs appeared, I realized that these were my dogs," said Daria. - Love does not succumb to explanations. Maybe I myself look like a pug. Pug is a dog-companion: if you have a cheerful mood, he is always ready to play if you are tired, he just falls around. He surprisingly feels the mood of the owner, this is a four-paced psychotherapist, with whom you can talk about everything. " The writer even established his own premium - "Blue Pug of Happiness."

Kaban named Chick Max lived with George Clooney eighteen years. The actor took him with himself on the TV show and divided the bed with him.

Kaban named Chick Max lived with George Clooney eighteen years. The actor took him with himself on the TV show and divided the bed with him.

Solid pork

Recently, a serious competition of pocket dogs was dwarfed hedgehogs. These cute creatures are easily tamed, unpretentious in everyday life and may well live on cat stern. Their color is from albino to pink, peach and chocolate - made hedgehogs with a new fashionable accessory. In Europe, this is a real excitement. For example, in a rainy Britain, rich ladies and wives of famous players are recorded in the queue ahead to get a spiny lump. Celebrity crazy and from mini-pigs. Stars are ready to lay out for a miniature pig (at the birth of mini-peeix weigh no more than 270 grams) quite a maximal amount of $ 1600. So, Victoria Beckham acquired two piglets as a christmas gift to the adorable husband David. Hero Ptteriana Actor Rupert Grint presented the sister's microsawn for a birthday, and George Clooney bought it for himself, her beloved. This microposenal is a consolation and reminder of the big friend of the actor, Kabana named Max. He lived at Clooney for almost eighteen years and died in December 2006. The poor fellow George was delicious: "Max was a large part of my life." In Hollywood, the kabanchik was not a smaller star than the actor himself. George all the time took him with himself on the TV show. They said that sometimes they even divided the bed, which was the cause of the conflict of Clooney with their favorite women.

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"Pig is a very smart cattle. Tied to the owners. And clean, whatever they spoke. Do not poke where he lives. In any case, it does not require more attention than the same cow, "the" atmosphere "of Ilona Bronvitskaya said. Eleven years ago, the singer together with the son of Stas bought in the market of Vietnamese pig. But not on the needs of the stomach, but for the soul. According to Ilona, ​​she tries to achieve the harmony between man and animals, which existed in ancient times. The pork singer settled in a country house and never regretted it. She gets great to other inhabitants - journals and a lounge.

But the guinea pig Mary Aronovova demanded special care. "We lived as if on the farm," recalls the actress. "Thomas had his own honeycomb cell, where we poured the hay, a drink with a nipple, feeder. Clean the cell accounted for every day. But guinea pigs are very cute animals, feel love and good attitude. " The pig lived in the house of the actress for several years and died surrounded by relatives and loved ones. But Aronov cannot do without pets, and recently bought a little spitz for seraphim daughter. "It looks like a fox. Dry eyes, tricky muffin and the same manners. All homemade, especially SIM, is delighted with him. We are strict teacher. He has his place to have his own place, he is not allowed to sleep with the owners. "

Eh You, my horses, horses ...

Having their purebred hopper has always been considered a sign of aristocracy. Amateur to ride the riding can be attributed to Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Yuri Luzhkov's politicians, TV host Alexander Nestrinova and actresses Maria Golubnu, Anna Terekhov and Olga Cabo.

Alexander Nevzorov - Master and Mentor of the High School Education of the Horse, writes about them books and shoots movies

Alexander Nevzorov - Master and Mentor of the High School Education of the Horse, writes about them books and shoots movies

"Riding a horse is freedom," Olga says. "When you rush a gallop and a wind in the face, all sad thoughts disappear." It remains only flight over time. Horses - very smart animals. If the horse feels human slab, he will immediately reset the ride in the sawdust. " For the first time Olga sat on the horse on the set of the painting "Adventures of Quentin Dorvard". Her heroine had to jump riding all the time. Forget the excellent feelings of the actress never could and soon acquired a chocolate stallion of the Don breed named Bourbon. In his spare time, Cabo visits his horse on the equestrian base of "Otrada". By the way, Tatyana actress was divided by Tatiana's horse riding and daughter. She rides a pony.

Olga Cabo loves his stallion named Bourbon

Olga Cabo loves his stallion named Bourbon

Maria Golubanka is engaged in equestrian sport for more than twenty years. As a child, she came to the equestrian school, and after the lessons cleaned and fed the horses. Now the actress has two horse - sapphire and the Urals. Sapphire "Under the Treaty" in winter, he has children on the sleigh, and the Ural "quartes" on the sports base in Sokolniki. This horse stands for the Russian national team. But once, twelve years ago, Masha bought it just out of pity. The Urals almost died of hunger and looked like a skeleton rather than a purebred animal. Golubina came out. Now the chill is not to know. "It goes the best rider of the country Sasha Karelov. Here is such an American story, - Masha laughs, - from the dirt in the prince. " As the actress told us, she recently won the championship cup among lovers, becoming the best rider at all twelve stages. Now it may well perform at the tournament among professionals. "Only I don't need it at all. Horses for me are not a sport, but love. These are not just smart animals, they have a heart. "

Masha Golubanka won the champion cup among lovers and can now act as a professional

Masha Golubanka won the champion cup among lovers and can now act as a professional

Helting the snake on the chest

Love, as you know, is evil. For example, the passion of TV host Nikolay Drozdov to snakes, scorpions and poultry spiders, whose bite is poores and dangerous, his homework is not separated. For a long time in the house of the scientist lived Snake Cleopatra and Spiders of Telem and Penelope. "And now I have a big family, two grandchildren grow up, and not to animals," Nikolay Nikolaevich told us with sadness.

Crocodile Fedya lived in the House of Singer Natalia Sturm for fifteen years, and then grew up, and he was passed to the zoo

Crocodile Fedya lived in the House of Singer Natalia Sturm for fifteen years, and then grew up, and he was passed to the zoo

Recently, it was forced to part with his favorite - a dwarf crocodile Fedi - and singer Natalia Sturm. Latin American Cayman Natalia presented fans fifteen years ago. "A very comfortable animal does not require special concerns. It is not necessary to walk with him, it is not necessary to feed every day. But he grew almost to one and a half meters, and we were tired of messing with him. Bulky, noisy, night did not give at night, bunted, "the assault told us. Now the singer visits Fedy in the Moscow Zoo. At one time, Natalia had a chance to get a bear: his friends were presented. But to find out in the apartment, Bear, according to the singer, Oral, "As a healthy man, which is cut into parts." I had to give it to the zoo too.

Mike Tyson repeatedly used tigers as sparring partners

Mike Tyson repeatedly used tigers as sparring partners

Probably, the favorite pet to some extent reflects the nature of his master. The American Boxer Mike Tyson became known to the whole world by the fact that the part of the ear was bored with his opponent Evander Holyfield. For almost seven years, Iron Mike held in his mansion in Texas three Bengal Tigers - Kenya, Storm and Boris, who used as sparring partners. They say that the famous Hollywood trainer Carl Mitchell advised Tyson "Slightly upset tigers for ears to strengthen and maintain his authority." After the bankruptcy of Boxer, Tigers were transferred to the National Park in Colorado, and now Mike Tyson has to be content with a more peaceful and harmless ostrich company.

Friend of human

Sometimes a homemade pet means more than close relatives. In the last path, he escorted with the honors. Some of the celebrities bakes up large land plots in the picturesque places where "family burials" are erected. And then regularly visited the smaller brothers. According to the French magazine La Chronique Laїque, some popular artists and singers almost a third of their lives spend on pet cemetery. For example, Patricia Kaas will visit his dog's grave at least five times a year.

Flostersi saved Drew Barrymore from the fire and became the heiress of her real estate.

Flostersi saved Drew Barrymore from the fire and became the heiress of her real estate.

Drew Barrymore took the house worth three million dollars to his Labrador nicknamed Flosmya. Once a dog saved her from a night fire, which happened in the mansion of actresses in Beverly Hills. That night Drew and her boyfriend Tom Green slept firmly in each other's arms. But Flossti Beary and rushed to the locked bedroom door until the couple woke up. Despite the strong smoke, Drew and Tom were able to get out of the burning house. After a few hours, the fire was eliminated. For the salvation of the life of Drew decided to thank the dog, making it the heir. "Flosthy is like my little daughter. We are in love with each other. This is a relationship that you succeed, "Drew is recognized.

Michael Jackson was sentenced to Father's will, but his chimpanzee received two million dollars.

Michael Jackson was sentenced to Father's will, but his chimpanzee received two million dollars.

But Michael Jackson never had a relationship with his native father. For this reason, the latter did not receive the pop king's will neither the cent. But Michael wrote two million dollars to beloved chimpanzees Babbble (bubble). In 1985, the singer bought a monkey at the research oncological center in Texas, where there were experiments on it. And since then was indefectible with it. In the estate, Neverland a couple ate at one table and slept in the same room (the bubble had its own bed). Jackson even allowed a favorite to use his personal toilet. Chimpanzee accompanied the pop king on tour and participated in his photo shoots. Eyewitnesses argue that Babblz imitated the famous lunar gait. Then the monkey fell clouded with a star disease: she completely spoiled the character, she began to show aggressiveness. I had to transfer the animal to the center of primates. But Michael regularly sent a love card for his birthday greeting cards. Moreover, insisted that they are read out loud.

Persian cats Freddie Mercury were inherited from the owner money, paintings and house. The leader of the Queen group was crazy about his fluffy beast and allowed them all. Cats used long curtains as a toilet. The luxurious expensive covered out of a thousand ostrich feathers, in which Mercury was conquered in the i'm Going Slightly Mad clip, was ruthlessly inevitable by their claws. But Freddie traveled to pussy any pranks. If he was on tour, then called pets by phone. He even dedicated to them songs.

Freddie Mercury allowed everything to his pussies: to tear his concert outfits, climbing the porters. He devoted to them songs, and on tour called them by phone.

Freddie Mercury allowed everything to his pussies: to tear his concert outfits, climbing the porters. He devoted to them songs, and on tour called them by phone.

Perhaps the most absurd story happened with the testament of the film producer Roger Dorkas. All its own fortune - 65 million dollars - he unsubscribed Maximillian's favorite ps, without leaving his wife's wife. And the court acknowledged such a decision right, since during the lifetime the millionaire did human documents. However, the ingenious lady still found a way out: she came out for Maximillian married! And after the death of PSA quietly entered into the rights of inheritance.

Well, celebrities can be understood: the only love you can buy for money is the love of a dog.

Photo: Natalia Loginova / Photoxpress, Fotolia / Photoxpress, Fotobank, Rex / Fotobank, Persona Stars, Zuma / Legion-Media, Alexander Peskov press service, Archive of the Atmosphere magazine

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