Anna Plenev: "I am a witch, never hid it"


"Anna, now any interview begins with a question about quarantine. How did he affect your plans? How do you feel about the current situation? Do not panic?

- Coronavirus changed the whole planet! And, of course, my life today is radically different from the one to which I used to. Literally in one week, all concerts, tour, shooting were canceled. In April, I had a two-week journey to warm countries, which also did not take place ... But with Alexey Romanov, I finished work on the new album "Forever", the release of which was held on April 14. The plate fell on the first places on all the country's music platforms and entered the European Chart iTunes! Album, which we prepared for more than a year, was now very relevant and close to listeners in their content and mood ... We were also able to remove the clip with Vlad Topalov and bring a positive attitude to the world so that each person could smile and coen.

As for panic, I can share one lifehak, how to get rid of the waves of depression and longing. If you felt that the mood is spoiled, give yourself time. Just determine it clearly. For example, sad 15 minutes. You can even start the alarm clock. And give this feeling, sit, sink and even pay, if you want. But as soon as the alarm clock, it is necessary to immediately switch to some business. Paul wash for the third time per day or make gymnastics. The main thing is to give yourself a pre-clear installation that time for longing ended and you are doing business.

- Anna, on the stage you firmly secured the image of a bad girl. And in life?

- Anna Plenev on stage and in life is two different people, and I have a document confirming it. In everyday life, I cook the borschy at home, the whole white and fluffy ... But it is worth painting the arrows in front of your eyes, take a wagon, as I become another person.

- Since the appearance of the very song about the "bad girl" has passed for 10 years. During this time, there was no desire to change the role? Perhaps now you rethink yourself and want to position otherwise?

- I absolutely organically felt myself in the image you are talking about. The desire to disappear and do only what I want was determining in our work. Unfortunately, people often judge superficially ... I doubt that the "bad girl" would be popular all these years, only thanks to a beautiful pope, there are still other components that cling to the audience. "Vintage" is not just a picture. For the fans of the band who listen and know all the songs and albums, is a whole story, religion associated with the music and energy that I and Alexey Romanov have invested and continue to invest in this project.

A few years ago, I tried to change something, become an "adult singer", go on the stage and stand beautifully in the dress in the floor ... But nothing happened, as soon as I heard the first sounds, I took a missing lady, immediately forgot about these plans. Still, it is much natural for me to jump into the hall on the hands of your fans and enjoy it!

Anna Plenev:

"In everyday life, I cook the borschy at home, all the white and fluffy ... But it's worth painting the arrows in front of the eyes, take a weak, how I get another person"

Photo: Daniel Velichko

- Studying your "instagram", immediately bump into a very unexpected appeal to fans - "My children". Why do you call them this way?

- Because I really consider them your children, I am responsible for each of them. I have a very gentle and trust relationship with fans. Often I ask questions how to do in some difficult situation, sometimes complain or, on the contrary, you will praise with your victories. This is insanely nice. And I often add "Mamuly", "Mommy". I like.

- You have very beautiful photos, but on many of them you positive in provocative outfits. How does the husband react to them? Do your children are signed on you?

- Wonderful, react perfectly. I believe that all this is very beautiful. Plus, my children learn in the American School, watch clips of foreign artists - for example, Rian love. There are outfits there are much frank. They are very advanced in this matter.

Fortunately, they understand that the stage image and mother in life are two different people. They understand what modern show business is that modern clips of fashionable singers, whom they adore. And they also know the main thing: Mom is engaged in a favorite thing. When I arrive after a concert with a bunch of flowers, I have eyes burn, children catch this wave, they like such moments. After all, I'm on the rise, we can start fooling together together, dance. And it is very important - so that your loved ones have seen you happy. It is important for the relationship between a man and a woman, and for relationships with children.

- Now your children are already pretty adults, how do you cope immediately and with the role of the singer, and with the role of a large mother? Do you have any secrets of educating teenagers? How do you respond if they want to engage in artistic activities?

- I was very lucky in my life, my parents provided me with complete freedom of choice. Looking at your childhood, it seems to me that my parents did not bring me up at all, and allowed me to develop naturally. Even for the offense, who now seem very serious to me, I never scolded and did not punish ... But for your children, I still caregiver. Even if I wanted to provide them with that freedom, which I used to use, nothing would happen: they are still three. I can not allow them to do anything, because our house will begin with a colossal chaos. But I can definitely say that I will never put pressure on children, dictate than they do. Whatever way they chose, I will support them and help.

- Do you look great, are there any secrets that help you maintain harmony and youth? Maybe some favorite procedures, masks or physical activity?

- I am a witch! I never hid it, I honestly tell everyone that I drink the blood of young boys, I always have a cup in the refrigerator from the evening, it must be broken. (Laughs.) And constantly perform some rituals, for example, I drink the morning dew. But, seriously, I am not perfect at all. Secret is love. Moreover, in all the senses of this word, in its widest areas: love for themselves, first of all, the love of the case I do, love to all others and the desire to be for all the best, most beautiful and sexy.

And I also love to play table tennis, I can do this clock if there is a worthy opponent. Remember, Fandorin has Akunin never lost in gambling? And I never losing in table tennis. I began to train early, eight years old. In general, table tennis is an extremely energetic sport that gives a serious load. If you are really playing, you will have to jump around the table.

Anna Plenev:

"Fortunately, my children understand that the stage image and mom in life are two different people"

Photo: Daniel Velichko

- And you still have gorgeous hair. How do you care for them?

- I do not know how my hair is removing all my "bullying" above them. To bring them in order periodically make masks. From Japan, I am brought to a mask, which is called: "Happiness for hair." My mane is immediately filled with life. And in my childhood I made a mask on the recipe of Mom: from a raw egg, lemon and cognac. I remember how it was unpleasant when it was a picture of the neck and face ... It's good that now there are really good professional means.

- There were no rumors in the network that there were rumors that you almost a split personality. Does it all have at least some attitude to reality?

- I confess, I often do not even remember after the concert that I did on stage, which happened there. There were cases when the guards came to me and said: "Anya, please do not do so more. When you jump into the crowd, we cannot guarantee your safety! " Therefore, once I still appealed to the doctor, and I was given a certificate that I had a split personality. Therefore, I do not bear any responsibility for everything that I am doing on the stage.

"You manage to combine an artistic career and a happy family life - and this is a rarity." Is there any secret or useful advice to those who still have to sacrifice something?

- As soon as the woman starts to arrange priorities, it is more important for her, she will have a lot of complexes, and this will not benefit neither at work or at home. My secret is that I do everything that I love, I like it insanely. I am a favorite thing, I give concerts, shoot clips, write songs and work in the studio, while paying attention to the family is not less than my non-working girlfriends. If you do what is important for you, there is enough time for everything!

- If you had to choose another profession, what would you choose?

- I'm on stage from 3 years old. I received my first salary in the form of toy dishes and package of chewing. From 7 years I drive on tour. Therefore, I can not even imagine yourself in this life someone else. I have two education, I am a sculptor and teacher on vocal. Yes, yes, I'm a teacher. But still I can say for sure that the musical career has always been and remains in the first place. I was offered many times to do restaurant business, create collection of clothes with different designers. I always refuse, because I have a favorite thing that I don't want to change for anything.

- You with Vlad Topalov together participated in the show "Mask". On the Internet there are a lot of video where you hug and fool on stage. Have you become close friends?

- For me, Vlad has become a huge discovery. I discovered a steep singer with an incredible voice! It seems to me that now he will definitely begin some incredible round in his career, because he sings very cool.

- Recently came the clip to your duet. Tell us how to shoot? Will there be more duets with the participants of the show?

- Because of the quarantine, the shooting was held in appropriate conditions. Everyone was masked, and no one approached each other. I had to abandon absolutely from all amenities that are always on the set. There was no usual Grimvagen, Catering ... Literally everything was done "on the knee." Gosh Kutsenko, who first doubted due to quarantine, could he take part in the video when he learned that a parrot mask was, I immediately agreed. He said that he watched all the releases and parrot was his favorite hero. He also arrived at shooting in a mask, at which Gosha Kutsenko was written on the side, and literally from the first dubl played the traffic police officer.

Listeners are waiting for a duet with Philip Kirkorov on the song "Marina". But I think that we can only write down the Hit "38 Parrots" about the high growth of Philip Pedrosovich.

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