Blondes - expensive pleasure


The image of the blonde is surrounded by legends, speculation, funny myths. There is even a pseudo-scientific concept built on the approval of the full disappearance of the owners of blond hair after 200-250 years. However, this myth debunk Professor of Edinburgh University Jonathan Fig. Nevertheless, to visit the blonde dreams every second resident of the planet. Obviously, because the blondes easier to arrange a personal life, because men experience unconscious to gold-haired beauties. Scientists explain this by the action of female sex hormones (estrogen), the level of which natural blondes are higher than that of brunettes, brown and red-haired. Estrogens are responsible for femininity, softness, fasciability - qualities that are so attracted by representatives of strong sex. In addition, according to psychotherapists, archetypical images play a major role: light hair is associated with purity, innocence, meekness. Of course, men instinctively react to chillers, not trying to analyze their impulses. Many women know male psychology and to become more attractive, resort to lightening strands, counting on the same color as on hair paint packaging.

Shopping only expensive high-quality paint is not enough for wonderful reincarnation. Often in a week, another after staining, blonde hair acquire a yellowish or reddish tint.

"In the structure of each hair, there is an eumelain and feomelain - pigments, on the number of which the natural color of the hair depends, - tells Denis overwhelming, the stylist-technologist of the company" Sharm Distribusch ". - Eumelianine molecules - dark and grainy, and Feomelanyn microparticles are reddish and small, non-forming granules. With a significant number of femalenin curls have a reddish color. The high presence of Eumelianin on the background of low feomelanin gives dark shades. Very low concentration of eumelinine and feomelanin forms light-colored tones. Any coloring destroys natural pigments, the remains of which give a light hair with a yellowish tint. With a significant clarification, the yellowness is stronger, and it is required to neutralize - only so you can create a natural blond color. "

As you know, in nature there are only three colors: yellow, red, blue. Their mixing gives secondary colors: green, orange, purple. Thanks to the knowledge of the foundations of colors, you can neutralize unwanted hair shades after clarification. For example, eliminate the yellowness by imposing a purple pigment by getting a beige color. To achieve brown, the blue shade is imposed on the orange. It is impossible to avoid the appearance of yellowish or reddish shades on her hair, but you can leve them.

That is why hair coloring takes place in two stages:

1) lightening;

2) Tinting with a dye containing purple or blue pigment. The color of the dye is mixed with a yellow or orange color of clarified hair (clarification background), and beige, blonde and ash shades are formed.

Toning is used and after some time after staining, when the dye under the influence of environmental factors begins to oxidize, collapse, wash out and light hair begin to shrust. In shampoos and balms for painted hair add a pigment returning curls initial color. Therefore, to maintain the desired shade, it is necessary to use special shampoos intended for blondes.

In addition, color durability depends on hair quality. Lightening always negatively affects hair health, it is inevitable. Especially if the lightening is significant - when the brunette decided to experiment and repain in platinum blonde. However, even if the client from nature is blond and changed the color of only two or three tones, you can already talk about damage. And damaged hair is not capable of holding a pigment for a long time. "The ash tones are the most unstable, holding a maximum of two weeks," says Denis. - The fact is that the clarified hair has a porous structure, so the blue pigment, giving the hair a beautiful blond or beige shade, washed out extremely quickly. To preserve the color and avoid the appearance of the yellowness, the concentration of blue pigment must be constantly maintained at one level. This can be achieved using sample shampoos, air conditioners, masks. In fact, these tools contain a straight dye that does not need to be mixed with anything. Such products are applied to the hair, the pigment settles on their surface and penetrates between scales. "

So, shampoo and balm Sexyhair "Purple mood" with wheat amino acids, aloe vera leaves extract, vitamin E acetate and jojoba oil neutralize yellow pigment on blond hair and residual products of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia on the surface of the head of the head. At the same time, they increase the color clarity, give hair glitter, moisturize and smoothed, warning damage to curls.

The main difference between SexyHair funds - the absence of sulfates (foaming agents, flushing dyes). Shampoo stains hair, at the same time moisturizing them, protecting against UV rays and saturated with antioxidants.

However, SEXYYHAIR shampoos and air conditioners have another advantage. When using conventional funds for painted, curls, as a rule, are scorched unevenly. The pigment settles on damaged porous sections, on the tips of the hair, giving them gray or blue-purple shades. The roots remain yellow. SEXYYHAIR shampoos and air conditioners act differently: even with long use, the pigment does not settle on the tips, it never forms blue, gray, dirty or purple shades, is distributed over the entire length of strands, painting curls into one color. Therefore, even a month after staining, the hair does not ship, do not sit down, and they will look natural and harmonious.

"After applying the funds" Purple Mood ", the hair acquire beautiful pearl beige shades.

And at the same time becomes silky, soft, smooth, "adds Denis.

In the sunny summer months, it is additionally worth using a moisturizing mask Colorset Moisturizing Treatment from SexyHair with sunflower seed extracts and jojoba, which protects hair from burnout, moisturizes them, fixes the pigment and gives a dazzling shine.

Competent care helps to maintain hair color and health, avoid damage to strands and change the tone at the maximum time. Therefore, it is necessary to use special care products from the first days after staining. Unfortunately, this is not known to everyone. Many begin to be interested in additional post-change care products when the hair is already wishes, sweat and thinned. In this case, the reconstructive cosmetics helps. However, when choosing restoring products should be attentive. "Many funds act exclusively on the surface and are active only during the application, - warns Denis boiled. - As soon as you stop using them, the hair again become brittle and dry. I advise your customers with health cosmetics from the HealthySexyHair line with soybean and wheat proteins, jojoba oils, avocado and chamomile. These products penetrate inside the hair, restoring damaged areas with the help of natural building material - wheat protein (the structure of wheat protein is as similar as possible with the structure of human keratin protein). This allows you to return the hair color, shine and softness. "

Blonde - expensive pleasure. Coloring needs to be carried out only in the cabin at a professional master and subsequently carefully care for blond curls, applying proven and high-quality tools in order to avoid the appearance of the "cheap" yellow shade. However, the efforts spent are worth it! As the heroine of Lii Ahacedzhakova rightly noticed, "such a woman does not miss a woman!"

The most famous blondes of the world

Marilyn Monroe (real name is the norm of Jean Baker Mortenson).

Legend in life and legend after death, Marilyn Monroe lived a bright, but short and difficult life. Sex symbol of America, the subject of dreams of thousands of men, beauty, which was envied by millions of women, brilliant comedy actress. Few people know that the whole life Marilyn led a diary. Here are a few quotes from it:

"I agree to live in the world to which men rule right, as long as I can be in this world a woman";

"We, women, there are only two weapons ... Mascara for eyelashes and tears, but we cannot use both at the same time";

"The dream of millions cannot belong to one."

Madonna (real name - Louise Veronika Chikkon) - Commercially successful singer. Compared with other pretty women, she sold the largest number of their records (more than 200 million albums and 100 million singles). In the English press, Madonna received nicknames "Materialist" and "Queen of Pop Music". It is also known as a sequence and popularizer Kabbalah, activist many charitable and human rights organizations, one of which is the "revival of Malawi".

Marlene Dietrich (full name - Maria Magdalena Dietrich) - Outstanding German actress and singer. Six Hollywood films with her participation brought her wide fame. The picture "The Devil is a woman" glorified her to the whole world. In 1936, Joseph Goebbels offered Marlene for every film, filmed with her participation in Germany, 200 thousand Reichsmarocks, as well as a free choice of theme, producer and director. But the actress refused to the Minister of Propaganda. During the last visit to Germany in 1937, she again rejected the tempting proposals of the National Socialists. On the ninth of June 1939, Marlene Dietrich moved to live in America.

Grace Patricia Kelly - American actress, spouse Prince Monaco Rainier III, the mother of the now ruling prince Albert II. Her mother Margaret Meier was a fashion model, her uncle is a famous playwright, winner of the Pulitzer Prize. The Grace family lived in a luxurious mansion in Philadelphia and had access to the Higher Society of America. Grace Kelly dreamed of movies and achieved great success there. She starred in the cult films Alfred Hichkoka "In the event of a murder, score" M "and" Window to the courtyard. " Oscar owner. The case of its time cash actress.

Brigit Bardo (full name - brick Ann-Marie Bardo) - Actress of French cinema, model and active protector of animals.

The first film that glorified it to the whole world, became the film "And God created a woman," which came out on the screens in 1956. Bardo Bardo in the 50s was in Europe a real sex symbol and used as glory and popular as Marilyn Monroe in the States. For her many years of career in show business, Bridget starred in more than 48 films, recorded about 80 songs, also performed at different events and shows. In 1973, Bardo left cinema and show business.

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