Lyanka Gryu: "My son does not interrupt and removes toys himself"


- Now I do not work, baby in kindergarten. I won't go around without a nanny. - Telted the actress. - I just cope myself. When I leave for shooting, my mother helps me, and now, while there is time, herself. Of course, it is difficult to combine the education of the child and the shooting shifts for 12 hours. But it happens not every day!

- Are you a strict mom?

- I love when there is a discipline, but not very strict, it seems to me. I agree more with the child, I believe that in the family the most important respect. If relations are built on respect, they will always be soft enough, but at the same time comfortable for everyone. The child is taking it to this since childhood. If we are talking, it does not interrupt. If he plays, then then removes his toys. But there is no special strictness in this, there is simply agreement. I feel comfortable with him. The child is listening, eats good, we walk a lot, we have fun.

- And even cook yourself?

- I'm doing everything around my house. Many mothers live such a life. Why is it believed that if the actress then should somehow be some kind of heeled fifa? No, I am an ordinary mother. I love to cook, care for the house, take guests.

Lyanka Gryu:

The actress calls his son "My Sweet Heart". Photo: Social networks

In instagram artist, too, a lot of photos with a son Maxim. On the page, she calls the child "My Sweet Heart" and accompanies pictures with philosophical comments: "Everything happens in life, but the main thing is when happiness is near."

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