10 main rules for the implementation of oneself


How to realize yourself in life? This is asked every person. Questions "Who I see myself after 5, 10, 15 years old" seems stupid, everything changes very quickly, but in the head we still think about at least a couple of steps forward. So how to implement yourself correctly, do not get away from the right path, and even find the very path.

1. Probably the most important thing is Do not be scared . Many people are really afraid to do their loved things, think that they will not have anything, without even trying. It is necessary to consider different options for its activities. Perhaps what you have burned in thoughts for several years, not yours at all, but you will not know about it until you try.

2. Decision only for you . Around us there are a lot of advisers who do so teach something. Of course, there are relatives and friends who do not want an evil at all, they should listen to them, but they will never be able to solve for you that you are better. And if you want to do something, but doubt it, and even loved ones will persuade from "stupid idea." Better do what you think right you are. You will be wrong, your mistake will be, not the "best friend Edika."

3. Do not invent detects And do not postpone cases for later. "Then" may not come at all soon or not to step at all. Act here and now. You live in the present.

four. No need to put super-impossible goals . It is better to determine some one and consider small tasks that will lead you to this purpose. You can incarnate them for a short period of time. So you will not have a feeling of dissatisfaction with yourself, because you will always seek something. Of all these small achievements and will ultimately be the most important goal.

5. Never under what conditions Do not compare yourself with anyone . This is a very important rule that many know, but they still neglect them. You can be inspired by other people, draw ideas, but not compare. After all, people who achieved success did not wake up in one moment such. They worked for a long time, but we only see their end result. Believe me, their enormous labor just stays behind the scenes. It is better to take care of my past and true. What you managed to achieve, who became, what has changed. You can write a list of your achievements, absolutely any. You may be surprised how much they are much. You just got used to ourselves "ordinary", learn how to feel individuals.

6. Do not retreat from the goal . Smooth and just nothing will be. Remember it. It didn't come out now, it will turn out later. It is necessary to become literally a "punching person", develop the power of will and a serious approach to the case.

7. Listen to criticism . He will be able to take it and perhaps improving something in yourself. But the criticism should be justified and supported by some arguments. Every person has its own subjective point of view, and perhaps he just does not like what you are doing. But this does not mean that you do it bad. Consequently, if you are criticized, it should not be from the category: "Well, something is somehow not very ...", it is absolutely not constructive. With any criticism, find out what exactly did not like the person in your activity and how it can be corrected.

eight. Do not think that others will think . In any case, a person is a social being, every day we at least once think that and who thought about us, it is completely normal. But do not need to be fused on public opinion, especially when it concerns your future. There is one very simple phrase: "It doesn't matter what others think - because they will think anyway in any case. So relax. " And this is the truth. Remember, first of all, everyone thinks about himself, and then about others.

nine. Ask the advice from more experienced people In your field, try to understand how and what they did and continue to do to seek success. You can read their biography, if you can write it to email or social networks. If this message is really in the case, you will definitely answer.

10. Try Surround yourself with purposeful people , then you want to do something. Manage the initiative, but do not be obsessive. In everything must be a measure. Work on yourself, have patience, and it will bring their fruits in the future.

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