My your own: why you are not given a foreign language


Is it possible to submit a successful specialist in the 21st century without knowledge of a foreign language? How to feel comfortable at any resort of the world, if it is difficult to even explain to the reception that the air conditioner does not work in the room? The study of foreign languages ​​helps not only to advance through the career ladder, but also prevents multiple mental illness, and this is due to the fact that when memorizing new words and structures, our brain makes an incredible work that supports our consciousness in a clear state. And yet, a foreign language is not given to everyone, we decided to study the question and figure out why all the same immersion in another culture is simply not all.

"I have a tutorial, but still it does not work"

No one promised that learning would be simple. As a rule, we buy the most popular publications and it seems to us that after two weeks, Shakespeare himself would have begun to our level. But it was not there: the grammatical designs and the rules of phonetics descend us to the ground. Faced with the first difficulties, we gradually lose enthusiasm, and with it and interest in learning.

What to do: If you are a novice in learning foreign languages, you can not do without the help of a tutor if you want to know high level language. Yes, it costs money, but the result will not make himself wait, but it is important for you to be able to use the knowledge gained, right?

"I do not have much time"

Language learning should pass on an ongoing basis. It will not work that in one day you will make the month of missed classes, because the language is like a muscle - if it does not "pump", she flies. Find at least half an hour every day to task the tutor or learn a new design, it will not take much time.

What to do: If you do not want to sit for a boring tutorial, you probably have a favorite movie or a series that you know by heart, dozens of times looking at him in Russian. Find a version in the original and arm yourself with a notebook and handle. Turn on the movie with the original track and in the course of the action, write unfamiliar or interesting words and phrases.

constancy. constancy and again constancy in the study

constancy. constancy and again constancy in the study


"For a couple of months I will study, but I can not speak freely"

People spend all their lives to study foreign languages ​​and still achieve the level of carrier is impossible if you have grown in the country where every second does not say in the study. Your goal is not to hit foreigners with your knowledge, but to understand you and you understood the interlocutor, and for this it is necessary to properly build phrases and constantly improve the pronunciation and teach new words.

What to do: If you do not see any progress at all, report it to your tutor and do not think that we will make it sometime later.

"This is not for me"

The phrase that can often be heard from the mouth of a person who began to learn the tongue once a long time ago and for some reason throwing this business. Remember that there is no such language that you could not master.

What to do: Look for a "your" tutor, which will make a program of classes specifically under you. Each person has its own requirements and features of memorization, and therefore if you experience difficulties in mastering a foreign language, do not lower your hands and carefully select an individual program.

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