Feng-Shuya zones: rearrange the furniture


Did you suddenly wanted to change the placement of furniture in the apartment? It is possible that the desire for change is caused by specific reasons - a sense of discomfort when you are at home, a tense situation at work or in a family, or something else. No wonder they say that all changes for the better! We arrange furniture on Feng Shui to help life return to the usual channel.

Where to start the alignment

It is better if you choose the location of the furniture before the time planning the apartment repair. So the designer will be easier to come up with room design and calculate the required number of building materials. Have you done repairs? Dont be upset! It is enough to check whether furniture is right. In total, there are eight zones, each of which is responsible for a separate sphere of life. To mark the room around the zones, draw it a scheme with furniture. Then take the compass and put it on the palm. In modern compasses, the Red Arrow will point to the north, and black or white south. Sign in the light side scheme. Now check Is the furniture right below the items below - Go clockwise:

Draw a flat scheme

Draw a flat scheme

Photo: Pixabay.com.


Career sector. The arrangement of objects depends on the kind of your classes. If you work at a computer, then put a desk, a comfortable chair and the necessary electronics. Next to this zone on the wall hang everything, which indicates your career successes - diplomas, letters, praise, letters, letters. They not only concentrate positive energy in the "Career sector", but also help to receive visualization. Looking at them, you will dream of great achievements and motivate the work available for high-quality work. If your job is related to creativity, install the appropriate subject: Writer - Printing machine, artist - canvas, musician - musical instrument and so on. According to the fan, the color of this zone is black, therefore it is better if the table or other furniture items will be made of dark wood.


The sector of wisdom and knowledge. An ideal place for home library. Get a cozy soft chair, a warm plaid - so read will be much more pleasant. Install racks or cabinets where you place the books. If you do not like to read, in this area you can do any other hobby - to study a foreign language, draw, sing or embroider. The color of this zone is sandy or ocher, so it is better to purchase the appropriate decor for it.


Family sector. If the area of ​​the room allows you to install the sofa and a coffee table in this zone, and the projector or TV and the audio system are in front of them. Here you can watch movies or TV shows together, gathering a cup of tea and a delicious pie. Well, if next door you put albums with family photos or put photos within. Print them or go to a family photo session, snapshots will remain for a long memory and will delight you. In this zone, there must be green objects: from room plants to decorations and furniture items.

In the family zone there must be a sofa

In the family zone there must be a sofa

Photo: Pixabay.com.


Zone of wealth. This zone is also suitable for a written table or any objects related to your work. Also in this zone can be stored - install the safe or put the wallet where you will fold the cash. The color of this zone is light green. Buy the appropriate decor - it will benefit to the growth of family savings.


Zone of glory. There may also be a space for work or hobby. Here you should actively act - learning, read, write, draw - anything, but not to rest. You can hang on the wall any diplomas about the end of the courses, passing online marathons or something else than you proud.


Love zone. This is a great place for a large bed and cute family photos. You will feel comfortable together with the partner. If there were quarrels before in the family, then the likelihood is that they will take place less often. Special, if you really believe in Feng Shui. The color of the "Love Zones" is brown and all its shades.

Bed must stand in the love zone

Bed must stand in the love zone

Photo: Pixabay.com.


Creativity zone. Suitable in order to engage in the hobby. If you pass individual language learning lessons, the child is engaged in a tutor on any subject or you yourself do it, then in this zone, training will be easier. You can put the white rack (color of the zone) from the metal and put on it the textbooks and any notebooks.


Travel zone. The Masters of Ancient Art great attention is paid to obtaining new knowledge. Travel is a new information, emotions and impressions. Place the photos in this area within the silver color, discs with video from travel and any souvenirs. If you collect anything, then this zone is suitable for placing a collection.

In the travel zone, place souvenirs and photos

In the travel zone, place souvenirs and photos

Photo: Pixabay.com.

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