7 signs that it's time to sign up for an endocrinologist


A small invisible body that is responsible for the production of hormones is a thyroid gland. If it is not in order, it can affect the work of the liver, kidneys, intestines, reproductive system, heart and brain - in the general, the whole organism. Often we do not notice that she serves the signals "SOS", and then it is too late. I found out a few signs that they say that you have to turn to the endocrinologist.

Sign №1

If suddenly you have become stronger to tired in the evening, but wake up without your strength. Energy goes somewhere, like air from a sled ball. You are constantly annoyed, and insomnia torments you at night - it's time for a doctor.

Decay of forces and drowsiness talk about reducing hormones

Decay of forces and drowsiness talk about reducing hormones


Sign No. 2.

The lack or, on the contrary, the excess of the hormones of the thyroid gland is reflected in the heart. If you have a slowdown beat, or, on the contrary, it seems that it is now popping out of the chest, there is a tremor hand, you need to see a doctor.

Follow the pulse

Follow the pulse


Sign No. 3.

Sharp weight fluctuations if you are not specifically sitting on a diet. Racing at 5 kilograms, both in one and the other side - a sign that you need to a doctor.

Weight fluctuations are dangerous

Weight fluctuations are dangerous


Sign No. 4.

Dry, sluggish, lifeless skin and brittle nails, on which longitudinal strips have become noticeable, is another reason to consult a doctor.

Pay attention to the nails

Pay attention to the nails


Sign of No. 5.

If you are constantly hot, you sweat, and relatives are hung up in sweatshirts, or you shy on a sunny day - this is a reason to think about your health and sign up for a doctor.

Freezing in the heat? Disorder

Freezing in the heat? Disorder


Sign No. 6.

If you have "strangle" your favorite turtleneck, the front appeared on the front, and you think about beads and scarves with horror, then go immediately to the doctor.

Bad if the neck decorations interfere

Bad if the neck decorations interfere


Sign No. 7.

Strange, incomprehensible muscle pain and convulsions, swelling is another sign that you need to go to the doctor.

Diseases of the thyroid gland can be very serious

Diseases of the thyroid gland can be very serious


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