Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota will marry June 3


The wedding date was not accidentally chosen. As it turned out, on this day will be exactly 25 years since the parents of Vlad it happened.

Lovers became acquainted on the project "Star Factory". But then the thoughts of young performers were mainly aimed at music. Therefore, at the end of the "factory", their roads were separated. After Rita, and Vlad accidentally fell to one event, where they began to communicate again. True, this time they looked at each other better. As a result, we decided to meet. And the girl very soon moved to live to the young performer.

Sokolovsky's hand and heart suggested his girlfriend during their romantic travel to Bali. In this trip, their parents of Vlad were joined. Mom's artist just fell a birthday to one of the days of stay. He was celebrated by the entire company. Well, the sentence of a young man did already in a more intimate setting. Margarita Obomlla, but replied "Yes!" Instead of the wedding rings of the bride and the bride made themselves the same knaps.

Dakota received an offer of his hand and heart to Bali. Photo: Social networks

Dakota received an offer of his hand and heart to Bali. Photo: Social networks

Apparently, so on Vlad affected the romantic setting of the island. Photo: Social networks

Apparently, so on Vlad affected the romantic setting of the island. Photo: Social networks

At the moment, a couple began to prepare for the wedding. The party will pass in the style of the legendary film "Once in America". In addition, following the example of his parents, Vlad intends to get married. And although the wedding left a month and a half, Sokolovsky, it seems, not yet much loaded by the preparatory troubles. Vlad flew into the warm edges, where combines work with rest. "If you have at least one day for travel, then be sure to use it! For me personally, the journey is one of the most important pleasures, "writes the groom in his microblog.

Despite the coming celebrations, Vlad went to a new journey. Photo: Social networks

Despite the coming celebrations, Vlad went to a new journey. Photo: Social networks

Rita chooses a wedding dress, and at the same time trying to pass his studio apartment, located at the intersection of the district of Zhulebino and Lyuberets. After all, she still lives at the future husband.

The future bride is now busy with the choice of a wedding dress. Photo: Social networks

The future bride is now busy with the choice of a wedding dress. Photo: Social networks

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