Why business ladies sneakers with hares


When we talk about female strength, it scares it. For the past few years, women's trainings about "put on a long skirt, swim in the stream and be a resource for your man" ...

Many women understood it literally. Especially those who are used to show power and manage their lives. Well, of course! We must hide yourself real, become a cutie in sneakers with hares to attract a strong man ... This is still the grandmother spoke.

Since childhood, we were taught to be good girls. Smile, not to show the kind when we are evil when we do not like something. We must smile! You can cry girls, but to manifest angry girls. You can be cute, brought up, but under no circumstances can be a bitch.

Why? Because it is not accepted. If a man is bright, strong, knows what he wants, and achieves goals, they say about him - purposeful, well done! If a bright woman knows what he wants, acts in his interest, achieves his goals - who is she? Bitch! And the girl is searched in a socially acceptable capsule. Inner strength hides deeply.

And while we are in sneakers with hares, surrounding us perceive normally. Well, yes, sweet, pleasant, with her all Okay! And for us it is important to be "Okay". But at the same time we lose touch with the deep inner force that lives in us.

Women's force is internal power, it is a connection with the ground, the inner fire

Women's force is internal power, it is a connection with the ground, the inner fire

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

When we are talking about female strength, the first thing that comes to mind is: a, well, it is clear, it's a "horse to stop", "plow on a par with a man."

Not certainly in that way! Women's force is internal power, it is a connection with the ground, the inner fire. A woman is a creature giving life. And it is associated with pain, from then, with blood ... A strong woman who is in its energy enjoys life, remembers his ancestors, protects his space, cares about himself, his interests and his children. This is the state of the internal resource on which, unfortunately, there is a ban.

Business women or big career, successful and bright, of course, use their inner power. But at the same time, constantly with caution: what if they won't notice, but suddenly I am a bit of "that only", suddenly everyone will think that I am a monster! And the sneakers with the hares are always at the ready, so that it is possible to "rebuild in the air" if that ....

When we are in a capsule of everyday reality, the power is sleeping. It goes to the surface, only when you need to defend yourself or your loved ones, your territory, your business.

If you had to stand up for your child, would you stay cut in sneakers? I do not think. This power would have woke up in you and lit in the inner fire, as a volcano that demolishes all the obstacles. She is able to change any situation.

But at the same time, when this primary energy rises in us, we are afraid and begin to "merge". Work "on wear", to take responsibility for all, to engage in routine, anything, just to distract. Shoot the volcano taps, and then sick, Handrim ...

Enjoy your resource condition - and then retreat stress, diseases will be

Enjoy your resource condition - and then retreat stress, diseases will be

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Why do we need it? Why not take and start using inner power with joy and pride?

First, it is scary. This will entail changes in life. Our loved ones are hardly ready to accept us in such a new condition.

Secondly, there is such an idea that if we want a "real man", Leo, the king of the beasts, then the girl should be a cute, having a bunny. Eye beads, sponge bows.

But in nature, everything is not so arranged. If you are a bunny, for what purpose can you attract lion? Want a lion - be a lioness! It is also very scary and requires a certain inner maturity - to live next to Lvom, the king of animals. And if you have an evil hare at home on the sofa - think in what condition you attracted him. He, the poor fellow, is tough, because I have to "be lion."

Allow yourself to remember your strength, "unpack" it, exit a close capsule where you attached yourself. Burn yourself to betray and "stick." Enjoy your strength, and then retreat stress, diseases, fatigue and overweight.

... and, by the way, burn sneakers with hares!

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