Dilbar Fayseeva: "Favorite considers my dishes with the most delicious"


- Dilbar, you live in Moscow for more than five years. Do you miss our Tashkent?

- Sure. I miss the scorching Tashkent Sun, especially this year, when summer in Moscow is simply impossible to wait. As a child, we went to fresh pellets in the morning. In Tashkent, there is a bakery on every street, from where the pellets can be taken with hot, straight out of the tandora, burning hands. What is the fragrance of this bread, but about the taste I'm already silent! Every two or three months it covers me, and I want to break out from everyday fuss for a few days and go home.

- A completely natural desire for a girl who starts its working day when still sleep. Tell me how to restore after the ethers?

- I always help walking, meditation, sports. I try to run in the fresh air. Not in the hall, and in the park at the house, for example. Now I am doing yoga again when at home, when with a teacher in the group. Since in the etheric days I wake up very early, sometimes deep at night, I try to sleep at the weekend. After all, sleep and right mode are very important to health.

- I heard that you have moved not so long ago. What is your favorite place in the house?

- Now it is a kitchen. Now she is big, and I spend a lot of time: experimenting and trying to make meals yourself yourself, whose recipes brought from their travels.

- I know that you are even thinking about a culinary blog. Where does this passion come from?

- I just decided to do what I really like. All the more so now there is someone all cooked to evaluate!

- Do you like your young man, how do you cook?

- He considers my dishes with the most delicious. And I believe him. Itself always suffers from the fact that I tastefully in establishments. Sometimes I want to go to some new, fashionable, tight place, but most often we are disappointed. It happened, did not even understand how to file something that is impossible to eat!

- What dishes do you have corona?

- Uzbek national, much I adapted for vegetarianism. But my young man is meat, so sometimes you have to prepare two versions of one dish at once. For example, two broths can be cooked on the plate in parallel.

- Dilbar, you have already presented to the public of your chosen one. Fans are very interested in the question, how did you meet?

"We met exactly that day when I wanted to be alone: ​​without makeup, in almost homemade clothes came out for coffee." And immediately hit the frame to the young man with the camera. We talked, I asked him to send pictures to the post office, and then somehow started to communicate. That day I saw in him a talented photographer, but it turned out that this is just a hobby for him. He is an expert in information security. However, and here we have a lot in common. (Laughs.) I am always interested in IT-news, carefully treat my personal data, constantly changing passwords everywhere. (Laughs.)

- Do you think about family and children? Or while the focus is on your career?

- I do not build plans for many years ahead, it is useless. Life is so unpredictable. I could not predict our favorite meeting with my favorite meeting, but it happened, which I am continually glad. Therefore, I continue to live, do my favorite things and rejoice in every day.

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