Is it true that women are monoga and how to split sex and emotions


Polygamous man - free bird with a healthy libido. Polygamy woman - special with low social responsibility. But all in today's world is changing with unprecedented speed, and even such, it would seem that the basic foundations have changed.

It was assumed that the default women are the default women, because they are the keepers of the hearth and simply obliged to be faithful to their partner, sit by the window and covered with dust.

But is there a woman's gallery, how to go into women's heads into women's heads?

I am sure that "one man for life" is a solution that is not caused by physiology, but is connected exclusively with social pressure and rules that, as we know, were written by men. And in the rules of these - "Know your place, a woman." And I defined this place for her you know who.

Previously, dependence on public opinion and the sweatful father's fist, which he beat on the table in case of disobedience, were stronger than any predispositions, desires and instincts.

The woman had a list, opposite each of the items, she put the ticks alternately:

- take care of yourself before the wedding;

- Pregnant after the performance of almost every marital debt;

- Riga - regardless of the well-being, pregnancy and previous birth;

- Caring for children, home and husband.

From the oversupplication of duties, from the oppression laying on their shoulders, from the lack of contraception of a woman put a cross on themselves and perceived sex as a duty, aunt and debt. The pleasure of speech and did not go. Yes, there were always women who listened to their desires and walked on the road of the least resistance - despite society, on his pressure and condemnation from many, they chose their own pleasure, their nature. But it was always an exception to the rules.

The times have changed, and women declare their rights louder and louder. The appearance of contraceptives gave the freedom to every woman from an imminent outcome of sex - pregnancy, who pursued our ancestors.

Woman herself chooses a partner. Listen to his feelings and can already be quietly talking about the real causes of "incompatibility of characters" as the causes of divorces - different sexual constitutions, a lack of sex.

And yet, as a psychologist and a sexologist, I see a very important nuance. The female polygamy in its pure form takes place to be at certain moments of the life of a woman and not in such a large number of cases. And here our natural mental features have a huge role that cannot be discarded with accounts.

The most important thing from men is the strongest emotional binding to a sexual partner.

Only a small percentage of women can distinguish between bed and emotions, physical satisfaction from the satisfaction of moral. I know the situation when we refuse rapid reconciliation after a quarrel with a partner, because the offense did not pass and passions did not subside?

So, the men never understood us in this matter and will not understand, since there is nothing better for them than to make in bed.

Fully split sex and relationships, sex and emotions, sexual satisfaction and emotional is obtained in a few, therefore the free relationship, supported by a physiological impulse, are less common in women than men. Yes, men change their second halves with women, only those are more often tied, fall in love and, ultimately, suffer, because the man did not promise anything, and not supposed ...

Another major moment: if everything is asked for the sake of satisfaction of your desires, sex, then we know that the best sex appears when the trigger has occurred, addictive to the partner's body, the feeling of each other. After all, a woman's orgasm, unlike a male, is not just a mechanic and without some pretreatment (which is impossible for one-time contact) simply will not happen.

And then it turns out that only Drive from the feeling of freedom, and at all, not satisfaction was the goal, then we are not talking about monogamy, but about overcoming the internal prohibitions - and here it is better to work with a psychologist, than to be involved in the transfer of partners.

Obviously one thing - for us sex is as important as well as for men. Women came out of the dusk belief, condemnation, senses of duty and blind obedience to many years of stuff. Is it bad? Is it good? Each woman has the right to solve for himself, how many partners have, how to choose them and live with those who do not meet her needs or find the most suitable option for it. And this freedom is expensive.

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