Russians are waiting for mega polisy


With the new policy, Russians will be able to be treated in any state and even some private clinics of the country - regardless of their address. An application for the extradition of a single policy of a new sample can be written since May 1 (without it, this document will simply not be issued). In the meantime, today many polyclinics and hospitals are trying to refuse medical care on the articles of the old sample, which expired this year. But, says Professor Monica, President NP "National Patient Safety Agency and Independent Medical Expertise", Member of the Public Council for Patient Rights Protection at Roszdravnadzor Alexey Starchenko, old policies continue to operate until you change them to new or up to 1 January 2014.

- If in the medical institution according to your policy is denied medical care or require it to be replaced, this is a violation of the law. About him must be reported by the head physician and the prosecutor's office. Conducting such criminal agreements with clinics, companies provide "insurance field," says Starchenko.

"Cases of refusal to accept patients in old polisms need to be checked and guilty to punish," says Vladimir Zelensky, the head of the Department of Development of the Medical Development Department of the Ministry of Health.

To get a new policy, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the insurance medical organization (SMO). Today, OMS services in Russia have about a hundred companies. Figure out how different is different from another, it is primarily primarily for the patient himself.

To find out which insurers work in your region, go to the site of the territorial separation of the OMS Foundation. Carefully look at the company in which you are insured now. Find out how available its services are: Is there a company's office next to your home in which you can get the CHI policy for you and your relatives or make changes in personal data? Is there a 24-hour countertroprian service with a free phone number? The advantage should be the presence of a specialized protection service for the protection of the rights of insured citizens (in case of conflict situations related to obtaining medical care). Specify who works in it, what is the level of qualifications of doctors that organize the analysis of complaints and conducting the quality examination of medical care.

All information about the insurance company and its reputation in the insurance market from this year the SMO should post on its website. Look, does the company fulfilled this legal requirement and do you have the opportunity to ask her a question and get an answer through electronic communication tools. It is notable to communicate with people who are serviced in this company (perhaps they are among your acquaintances). By following these ordinary tips, you can make a deliberate choice and reduce the likelihood of error.

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As noted in the Ministry of Health and Social Development, new policies will be issued for free. "By the introduction of a single sample, we will be able to create a single base of all insured, which will eliminate the failing of the policy: because in each hospital they will be able to refer to the base and find out all information about insurance," they say in the ministry.

ATTENTION: The policy of the new sample will no longer need to change the place of work, the decoration of the pension, the transition to the "unemployed" category, as it was before (on new plastic cards the data about the place of work and the category of citizen will not be indicated). Therefore, now for the policy, it will no longer need to provide a pension certificate, a student card, a certificate from the employment center for temporarily idle and others. Only a passport is needed with a mark on the registration and data of SNILS - the insurance number of an individual personal account in the Pension Fund of the OMS.

It's not scary if you do not have time to choose a lm by May 1. Until you write statements, you will be considered insured in that company that I gave you the previous policy of the OMS. If you pass for the substitute for the policy until May 1, then you will get an old policy for validity until December 31, 2013. Over time, the OMS policy will be provided by the federal electronic application contained in the universal electronic map of the Russian (as soon as a person get a universal map, the policies of the old sample will cease to force). In the meantime, the OMS policy of a single sample, issued after May 1, will be considered perpetual and continue to act even after issuing universal electronic cards. And the medical assistance can be received on any of these documents.

Change the SMO if she does not suit you, you can only once a year. Just like the clinic. But many experts are now afraid that the right to choose a doctor and a medical institution can go out for the capital sideways - all nonresident will reach out for treatment in Moscow. On the other hand, how then to call a doctor at home if the clinic is far away? As for consultations in large metropolitan medical centers, they will be able to get "in the old manner" - only in the direction.

The ability to be treated at a policy of OMS in private clinics will actually appear no earlier than the next year - when the list of commercial clinics will be drawn up, who want to work on OMS tariffs. All federal medical institutions and high-tech assistance (WMD) of the authorities and high-tech assistance (VMI) are intend to introduce all federal medical institutions over the next two years (some have already enabled this year, for example, Moscow within the framework of the OMS has concluded contracts with the Siechen Academy, Neurosurgery Institute). Since 2013, ambulance will be included in the OMS system.

Therapeutic and preventive institutions of Moscow, part of the OMS system:

Adult Urban Polyclinic 211

Children's 168.

Mixed 47.

Medical and Physical Dispensary 9

Medical and sanitary parts 17

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