We are struggling with the virus: a minimum that must lie in your bag


The epidemic made people reconsider their habits: now many people go to the store, afraid to touch the packages of products, although they had previously had the habit of taking foods from the far shelf. Government measures for health protection obliging to carry masks and gloves also increased the level of anxiety. But we are confident that in any emergency situation, the only right path is to think logically and argue that leads you to the desired result. Speaking of coronavirus, it is a decrease in the risk of infection and loved ones - it will tell about it in this material.

Disposable gloves

The World Health Organization approves: "People can infect COVID-19, touching polluted surfaces or objects, and then touching eye, nose or mouth." But doctors still argue about how much the virus is lying on the surfaces: some claim that it is impossible to catch it in this way, while others insist on the processing of objects with disinfectants. In a situation of uncertainty, it is better to rely on the worst outcome. Wear gloves before entering the street, and after throwing them away and wash your hands thoroughly with soap at least 20 seconds. Put several pairs of gloves in the bag in case yours will be bored.

Wear a couple of replacement gloves in a bag

Wear a couple of replacement gloves in the bag

Photo: unsplash.com.

Reusable bags and bags

We do not advise to use plastic packages for weighing products and their packaging in principle not to contaminate the nature of a slowly decomposed material. Buy a reusable bag of cotton or flax - on natural fabric microorganisms multiply slower than on artificial, as we have already written earlier. For weighing vegetables and fruits, get the bags of organza or grid - to use it is safer than to tear off packages from a common roll, which other people touched you. Erase, as foreign experts are recommended, bags in a typewriter at a temperature of 60 degrees - viruses die with it. Moreover, the washing should last at least an hour - the experiments of French scientists showed that almost all strains of coronavirus were killed in such manipulation in the laboratory. Unfortunately, killing the virus completely at the University of Provence only at a temperature of 92 degrees 15 minutes after exposure. If you boil a bag in a saucepan, you will manage to establish similar conditions.

Antibacterial napkins

Do not believe advertising that antibacterial napkins will kill all bacteria in a second. To strengthen their effect, you will have to pour into the packaging of napkins with a liquid disinfectant or 70% of alcohol, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Use napkins for wiping hands, surfaces that you touch, open the door to the apartment, so as not to touch it with gloves. Do not forget to wipe the screen and phone body to remove bacteria and viruses from it. Be sure to carry a sanitizer with you if the napkins are running out. Either buy a pocket pulverizer and fill in it alcohol - it turns out the same.

Add a disinfectant to package with napkins

Add a disinfectant to package with napkins

Photo: unsplash.com.

Reusable mask

It is not worth going to the pharmacy for the purchase of masks, and there is no point in them - it is unlikely that you will often go out longer than 4 hours, but at the same time throwing a mask according to the rules will need after each exit. But a multilayer tissue mask can be washed in a typewriter at high temperatures, and then unscrewing the iron to know exactly what all viruses would kill. The mask almost 100% will protect you from other people if they begin to cough in your presence - saliva flashes by 1.5 m, and some biologists increase this distance is still twice.

Smartphone with contactless payment

Do not use cash during the epidemic - they contain too many bacteria, and after a day, banknotes pass through dozens of hands and where they just do not lie. Connect the bank card to the mobile phone - all modern smartphones support this feature. In the settings you can set payment without a password so that you do not have to take a mask to identify a person or enter the password once again in the presence of other people. Keep the phone at a distance from the terminal - it will still catch the signal and give money to the bill from the card.

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