All the same happy I will become the fate and career of Irina Muravyeva


The future star was born in the family of a military engineer in difficult post-war times, when the actress was thinking about the profession. But the young Irina was not embarrassed at all. It was not embarrassed by the fact that no theatrical university adopted her documents. The girl did not give up, trying to enter the following year, and this attempt turned out to be a little more successful: Irina was taken to the studio at the children's theater. After graduation, she remained in this theater to serve. Later, Muravyova still enrolled in Gitis, where, however, he studied in absentia.

First time Irina Muravyova played ... male characters. For example, Shuchinkina Shura in the statement of Sombrero and Fedy Druzhinin in the play "2001".

It is not known how further her theater fate has developed further, but in 1977, the actress was invited to the prestigious theater named after the Mosseta, where she served until 1993, then leaving the Small Theater.

In the filmography of Irina Muravyeva more than four dozen movies, among which there are truly nationwide favorite paintings

In the filmography of Irina Muravyeva more than four dozen movies, among which there are truly nationwide favorite paintings

Photo: Frame from the movie "The most charming and attractive"

Musseva film origin began in 1965 - with the participation of the film "Children of Don Quixote". Then, in 1973, she played two tapes: "Letter from youth" and "Rice Grain". In the same 70s, the spectators saw Muravyev, in three rather well-known paintings: "Ivan and Colombin", "Duenha" and a detective "purely English murder."

But the real glory she brought a role in the film "Moscow does not believe in tears", where Muravyeva played a punchy girl Lyudmila, which builds his capital happiness very adventurous methods. Initially, the picture of Vladimir Menshov was very skeptical perceived by critics, but in the end he won the world glory and even turned out to be awarded "Oscar". And Irina Vadimovna herself was awarded the USSR State Prize.

After "Moscow, the tears does not believe" interesting offers literally fell on the actress. One of her bright works was the role in the film "Carnival" Tatyana Lozinova. Irina played the provincial Nina Solomatin, who came to enter the capital university, but did not become an actress, despite all the misadventures. By the way, the plot of the film in something reminded the biography and the most ants, so she immediately agreed to remove, as well as to lose weight and stand on roller skates. At the time of shooting, the ant was 32 years old, and she played a 18-year-old girl. For this work, it was recognized as the best actress of 1982. Together with the film I was famous and the song "Call me, Call,", which was performed by the heroine of the anti-voice of Zhanna Christmas.

Speaking about the film director Irina Vadimovna, of course, it is impossible not to mention the film "The most charming and attractive", where the actress played a designer engineer Nadu Klyuev, who has plenty of communication, but absolutely no personal life. After this picture to Irina, the very well-deserved "title" itself was attached to the charming and attractive ...

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Romantic images created by the actress in the films "Carnival", "The most charming and attractive" and "Moscow tears does not believe" became the classics of Russian cinema

Photo: Frame from the movie "Moscow does not believe in tears"

Another iconic for the ant became the film "Woman in the window", who removed the beloved and the only husband Murai Leonid Eidlin. The actress, despite the rapidly developing career, always appreciated the family. With the future spouse she met while working in the theater. They signed in 1973, and two years later the son of Daniel appeared, and six years later, Eugene. Irina Vadimovna repeatedly told how she was proud that her children were surrounded by a sufficient care. Muravyova could easily abandon the tempting proposal to spend more time with his family. In addition, she almost never went to long-term expeditions beyond Moscow.

Both Sons Actresses - Creative People. The elder graduated from the legal admission, but at the same time he studied at acting courses in French schools and is now quite often filmed in cinema and serials. The younger graduated from the Production of the Faculty of Gitis, but subsequently became a businessman. In addition, Irina Muravyova is a happy grandmother. The eldest grandson of Vana, the son of Daniel, - for 13 years, the youngest, son of Eugene, - two years old. Unfortunately, the beloved spouse is no longer near: Leonid Eidlin, with whom Irina happily lived forty years, died in 2014 from stroke.

Irina Muravyova with sons Daniel and Eugene. Start 80s

Irina Muravyova with sons Daniel and Eugene. Start 80s

Photo: Alexander Lyskin

Now Irina Muravyova is rarely removed, but continues to play theatrical productions. It practically does not attend secular events and does not participate in the talk show. However, the anniversary year is preparing fans of actress pleasant surprises. It is known that soon after the birthday of Irina Vadimovna will go on tour with an entrepreneurial play in Israel.

Irina Muravyova in the play

Irina Muravyova in the play "On all sages of pretty simplicity"

Today, Irina Muravyeva in the repertoire of the Small Theater has four names: "On all sages of pretty simplicity," A. N. Ostrovsky, "Eight Loving Women" R. Tom, "Power of Darkness" L. N. Tolstoy and the premiere of the last season "Marriage" . V. Gogol in the formulation of Yuri Solmin. In the "marriage", Irina Vadimovna also plays Swhah - Feda Ivanovna, who does not climb the word in his pocket, trying to arrange the fate of the bride Agafia Tikhonovna, of course, not without financial benefits for themselves.

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Irina Muravyova in the play "Philman Marurno"

In honor of the anniversary in the Small Theater, a new performance is preparing with the participation of the actress - the musical comedy "Always call Dolly!" Based on the play of Thornton Wilder "Caution, Swash!", where Irina Vadimovna fulfills the main role. The premiere of the play was appointed for April. The comedy will tell about the famous Swhahi in the district, which takes to find the perfect bride with a rich widow, but in the process of searching understands that it will not refuse such a prominent groom. The partner of Irina Vadimovna in this performance will be the People's Artist of Russia Valery Afanasyev. The performance will put director Vladimir Ivanov (theater them. Evg. Vakhtangov).

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