DJ Grub wears lingerie?


Yesterday, late in the evening, DJ Grub shocked his fans, posing in his microblogging photograph in women's underwear. On Evgenia, a pink kit - bustier and thongs. And he ridiculously pulled his lips, depicting Dakfei, as popular among the secular liones. An unusual was the signature to the snapshot made in the female genus: "Friends! All beautiful weekends! Me too! I so lost it, because I eat only nails! "

Evgeny Rudin laughed at glamorous lions that constantly publish selfie in underwear. By the way, DJ fans were not afraid that he sharply changed the orientation, as he knows - Eugene is happily married, and in 43, they rarely change their views. Photo:

Evgeny Rudin laughed at glamorous lions that constantly publish selfie in underwear. By the way, DJ fans were not afraid that he sharply changed the orientation, as he knows - Eugene is happily married, and in 43, they rarely change their views. Photo:

It would seem, after such a statement, everything was frozen on the eve of the grand scandal. But postscript put everything in its place. It turned out that the groove tried to make fun of glamorous girls, sparking the most popular photo among them - in a bathroom in a swimsuit or underwear, with a drawn belly and lips.

This is how the signature looks like a provocative image. Photo:

This is how the signature looks like a provocative image. Photo:

"P. S. Well, how do you zadolbali with this garbage in the tape !!! " - in the hearts wrote DJ. Rudine fans agreed with him and offered to convey a funny relay further.

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