Sophia Lebedeva: "There was a period when I fell in love only in talented bad"


When looking at her you think: a flower girl, but from the first minutes of communication you understand - this is a quiet ohut, full surprises. Sophie Lebedeva is only twenty-six years old, but she managed to light up in several bright projects, including the international series McMafia. On why not falling in love with the talented "bad" than dangerous international novels, about ambitions in the profession and personal life - in an interview with the atmosphere magazine.

"Sophia, we met in a cafe opposite the MHT named Chekhov." You know this place well ...

- Yes, Alma Mater. I even remember how we stood here on four in the morning, I filed documents to the school-studio MCAT. In general, it was an amazing story with my intake. I reached the fourth round, where you already chose the best of the best, and I did not name my last name. Took another girl of my type, a little older, I was only fifteen years at the time of arrival. I was terribly upset. But the next day a miracle happened: this entrant took the documents and went into the chips. In her place accepted me. For some time I was tormented by this fact and tormented me: how did you not appreciate me! Therefore, the whole first course I pated, I wanted the teachers to understand: they did not take me in vain. As a result, he received the Golden Sheet Prize - the best student in the course. (Smiles.)

- In your family, four generations of scientists. How did you happen that you chose another path?

- I have a very creative mother: she was engaged in ballet, went to art school and us, children (I have a brother and sister), developed, we visited different circles. Now Mom artist in costumes. And Dad is a scientist, besides, he has his own business, but he says that this is also a creative sphere, just a simple approach is needed here. And my great-grandmother-agroned was leaken by the entire city of Obninsk, from which, in fact, I come. This is also absolute creativity!

- Have you tried to grow flowers?

- I gave flowers several times in pots, but unfortunately they quickly walked, because I often in the road, and there is no possibility for them to care.

Sophia Lebedeva:

"Sometimes I arrange at home parties, where I invite talented people close to me in the spirit that are not familiar with each other."

Photo: Yaroslav Kloos

- You are seriously engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, became a candidate for the master of sports. There was no thoughts to go on this path next?

- Gymnastics was given to ten years. I did not reach the Master of Sports a little: I had to prepare for admission to the university. I did not think about professional sports. I was praised, but in general my data would not allow to achieve serious heights. I am prone to completeness, and how much I remember, the coach always said: "Sonya, you have to lose weight, you have to lose weight." Rhythmic gymnastics - also a creative thing. You are preparing the program, pick up a suit (and my mother and I have come to this very creative), go to the carpet to perform acrobatic tricks. This is your "scene", and there are judges - viewers. Even a separate score for artistry is awarded. So all this is not so far from the acting profession, as it seems. In the tenth grade, I switched to the dance theater, and from there to amateur. The director believed me, gave the main roles. By the way, in the play "And the dawns here are quiet" on the novel Boris Vasilyev, I played Zhenya Komelkov, and later in the same film I got the role of Lisa Brichkina. And then I was already diligently prepared in theatrical, but my dad is a scientist, he dreamed to her daughter to study at Moscow State University. So in parallel I was preparing for admission to two universities. Dad himself took me to the preparatory courses in Moscow State University at the Faculty of Global Processes. I have passed the USE well ... and submitted documents to the Studio School of MCAT.

- How did Dad perceive it?

- Not only dad, but many of our friends, having learned about my intention to become an actress, discouraged me: they say, it is impossible to do without a Briton, it is difficult to break through in this profession, to become popular. Many similar cliches. Dad said: "Sonya, this is your choice, you are responsible for it." But the fact that I was so seriously studied, preparing for exams in Moscow State University, gave me extra bonuses. I have a good English, who helped me get into the series "McMaphia".

- He even received the AMMI award. Probably it was nice.

- Of course, it's nice that in this work there is my contribution. The picture was touched upon serious topics. I played a girl who enters into sexual slavery. Misha Glenni, a famous journalist, whose best-selling scenario was written, was present on the set. He said: "Sonya, you understand what an important profession are you doing? Art is a ruger, with which you can convey something important to people. " Preparing for this role, I communicated with a clinical psychologist, with a real girl who passed through this horror. My profession allows you to pay attention to social, moral problems - and in this sense I consider it as a mission. Very important for me the performance "taped" in which I was involved. This is an inclusive performance, special actors play in it - they do not hear and do not see. We went to London with this performance, played in the Royal Theater. Thanks to this work, I met a wonderful girl who became my girlfriend - Irina Pogolotskaya. She is a depleting actress, writer, artist and an incredible person! She is talent, genius.

Sophia Lebedeva:

"At the festival, I met the actor from Bulgaria - a very bright, interesting guy. We met another year, flew to each other. "

Photo: Yaroslav Kloos

- I know that the problem of homeless animals is not indifferent to you.

- Yes, I cooperate with the charity foundation. This address assistance: Volunteers find homeless dogs and cats, give an ad in social networks and are looking for a "family". I also make a photo with these animals, telling about them.

- Do you have a pet pet?

- There is a poodle. This is my joy, my fluffy lump of happiness. But, alas, because of the unstable schedule I had to give it to my mother. When there is time, I immediately go to her.

"Mark Twain said:" The more I recognize people, the more dogs love. " Do you agree with this?

"When I have a lot of filming, I want to make a time-out for a while, distance from communication, to fall into Berloga. But in general, I am a person society. Sometimes I even arrange a party at home, where I invite talented people close to me in spirit, who are not familiar with each other. My opinion: bright, extraordinary personalities should know each other. (Laughs.)

- How do you work with partners who are considered to be the first values ​​in Russia? For example, in the picture "Rose Tea" you play with Svetlana Khodchenkova and Maxim Lagashkin.

- absolutely normal. Maxim I just adore. You understand why a man became a star: He is hypertanding, very open, pleasant in communication, and I did not feel the distance. I love to learn, so let's notify some techniques that guys use in their work. But herself comes to the role seriously. In Rosa, I play a girl who lives in Kislovodsk. And getting ready for shooting, I decided to go to mineral waters for several days to relax and see than the lives of local girls differ from the life of their peers from the capital. Moscow is a state in the state, and in the regions people have a completely different life, other priorities. Many never flew on the plane, did not get out of their city. They live more difficult, landing, but there are no all these unnecessary pathos and husks, which take away the mass of time and strength from the resident of the capital.

- Under the sight of whom did you communicate with the local population? Tourist?

"I understand that it sounds strange, but I wrote off with girls in social networks." I accident walked that I was actress, I came to rest, but I am bored here and I want to communicate. Some perceived this story with distrust: Thought, maybe I am a maniac or participating in the abductions of people? But there were those who agreed to meet.

Sophia Lebedeva:

"He did not feel in relation to me, deceived for a long time. It was my choice - go away. But it was hard and very painful. "

Photo: Yaroslav Kloos

- For you there is a difference: is the main role or not?

- I responsibly come to any. The main role is a big responsibility. The main characters pull the storyline. And if it is a "long-playing story," it is interesting to trace the evolution of your hero, as it changes.

- More stimulates praise or criticism?

- Praise. Very inspires when there is a contact with the director. I was lucky, there were already many such masters, working with which is a real pleasure. Sergey Pikalov is a huge talent, Anna Melikyan is a wonderful, sensitive. At its set reigned complete harmony, happiness, support. Roman Volobuyev, interesting, bright, gifted, with great respect refers to artists. We worked together over the "last minister", the premiere was not so long ago. I have one of the main roles - I play a girl who comes to an internship to the ministry and falls into a tough strange world. And he ruthlessly begging her under him, destroys the illusion.

- Have you already had a disappointment associated with an adult world?

- I'm twenty-six years old, not so little. (Smiles.) I had personal relationships that were very sharp and unpleasantly ended. It was a hard experience, I was restored for several months. But plus the acting profession is that all their experiences, disappointment and pain can be sublimated in creativity.

- Did you connect serious plans with this person?

- Yes, we were together for several years. He came very badly towards me, deceived for a long time. It was my choice - to leave, but it was hard.

- The press also wrote about your international novel ...

- After McMafia, I drove into Ireland as a guest talent, there is a very interesting film festival there. There are few units. And met the actor from Bulgaria, a very bright, interesting guy. Another year we met, flew to each other, communicated on Skype. But the relationship at the distance is a rather strange story. It seems, on the one hand, you are not alone, but on the other hand, your beloved is not there. You can't go to the movies together, take a walk, hug when it wants. And the question inevitably arises: what's next? It was necessary to make a decision about moving, but no one was ready for this. Relationships have come to not.

- It is important for you to feel the state of love when there is about whom to think, and someone thinks about you?

- Relationship is a foundation, support. When you are not alone, completely different self-assumption. But on the other hand, this is a comfort zone, and the acting profession is quite another, about experiences, susceptibility, when you are bare, like a nerve. But love may not be in a specific person, but in life as a whole, when inside there is a fullness of the light, good. And the camera is highlighted as an x-ray and broadcast the viewer. If everything is toxic inside, it will push.

- Are you attracted by people who carry light? Evil is also attractive.

"I had a period when I fell in love only in talented bad, egoists who do not pay attention to man, are engaged only by their creativity, consider themselves geniuses. Many girls are treated on such. But I stopped myself.

Sophia Lebedeva:

"There was a period when I fell in love with the talented" bad ", the egoists employed only by their creativity, who consider themselves geniuses"

Photo: Yaroslav Kloos

- It is important for you that a person near was talented? Could you fall in love with an ordinary auto mechanic guy?

- I think I can. Profession is not so important, more important than intent. And if a person has goals, he does not stop in his development, it is interesting. The main thing is not to close in your dome. The development of the inner world for me is priority, I myself work on it. I will expand the horizons: I love to read, travel, I go to courses, not only the actors. He studied in Holland and Germany, it was associated with the plastic of the body, dancing. I need awareness - fashionable word now. It is important for me that the person is conscious and rich in, not consumer related to the world.

- Are you ambitious?

- Yes. (Smiles.)

- Sofya, you mentioned about the fact that you have a good English, there was experience in overseas movies. Did not think about changing the deployment?

- At one time I had the idea to move. But now after all, self-developments are very developed. I, of course, I consider work in foreign projects. But while my center is here.

- You travel a lot. Was there a country that turned the soul?

- Venice. We went there on Biennale. It is an incredible city in itself, with a powerful, stunning energy. When I rose to the square and saw Venice from above, I just wanted to cry - so incredibly beautiful spectacle opened. The festival also made a strong impression - combining classical and modern art. Go to the ancient temple, and there is some kind of installation interesting.

- You are an emotional man ...

- I try, the actor needs it. (Smiles.)

- Tell me, and in life you somehow use acting skills?

- No, I do not play in life if you mean it. But the profession helps me better understand people, identify their true motivation, at some moments to bypass sharp corners, avoid conflicts.

- Probably girlfriends give advice?

- It happens, yes. I understand that sometimes a person needs to be opened, to speak. But on your own experience I can say that in difficult situations it is better to contact a specialist. For some reason, in our country there was a cliché about psychologists. I once helped to overcome apathy, depression. And now I sometimes appeal to a psychologist-consultant to deal with the scene.

- What do you think you can combine a family and acting career?

- All relations that I had, with creative people. Since the work schedule is not normalized, and I have no one at home, only a person from the same or close sphere can understand it. But I have such an attitude towards marriage ... I consider it some atavism. Relationships are a microcosm, the stamp in Pass port does not change anything. This is a formality.

- Did you have experience in living life?

- Yes.

- Are you a good mistress?

- Not. I even dying flowers. But this is also a belief from the past that a woman should do home. If I can hire a cleaning lady, but at this time to do your favorite thing, why not. My mom is preparing perfectly, I'm trying to learn from her, but it doesn't really work.

- Are there any traditions that you would like to continue in your family?

"I can say that the family is my strong rear, I feel the support of relatives." That's important for me. I love our tradition to gather at the cottage, arrange gatherings with tea drinking, a little Chekhov, to lead conversations. We have a creative family. And the relationship is not authoritarian: parents relate to us, children, as personalities who have their opinions and their views. We can frank everything about everything, and I would like to have such relationships in my future family.

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