Such a man will never refuse


Today we will talk about men who are not known failures. At first glance, these are ordinary men, however, it is with them women go at least to the edge of the world. The fact is that these representatives of strong sex justify the image of an ideal man in the eyes of a woman. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main types of men, in the "web" of which you can get caught.

It happens, a man is difficult to refuse

It happens, a man is difficult to refuse


Romantic man

This is the same character who always has a waste of expensive chocolate, and he knows where to buy the most chic bouquet in the city. He often calls the object of adoration, breathes into the phone, says that it cannot live without it, and therefore he urgently needs to come. At the meeting, it will be long and languidly to watch the girl in the eyes, will not miss a single word. He can tell you about his feelings already on the first date. However, before bed with such a man you will get soon, because his feelings are too elevated to immediately indulge passion.

Overseas Prince

Such men attracted, first of all, not their personal and charisma, but their passport. For our women, everything connected with other countries and cultures is extremely interesting, so a foreigner man can count on intercultural contact simply on the basis of interest in all exotic. Woman wondering how such a man looks at one or another situation, because surely his views will differ from the opinions and views of the Russian man.

For women, stability is important

For women, stability is important


Windy man

With such a man, a woman will be incredibly interesting - both in life and in bed, because it generates ideas with terrible force. They attract the weak floor with their independence of views, determination and readiness to comprehend everything new. However, be prepared for the fact that such a man will not be responsible for the consequences of your bright adventures. He just "will persist" to another girl and will tighten another rapid romance.


He will always look into your eyes and nodding, when you tell him something important for you. Even if he does not understand, anyway will agree with you. If you are lucky to meet such a man, be confident in his support, he will not leave you without a wise council. In some sense he is a modern philosopher. This man is well suited to the boltushkam who cannot live without sharing all the events of their in the morning. In this case, you can't find a more sensitive partner.

As a rule, such men are very smart, as a result of which women simply lose their heads and are long to be lifted to it emotionally.

Confident man always achieves his

Confident man always achieves his


Self-confident man

Not to be confused with self-confident: these are generally not like anyone. The concrete man is adequate in public, it is difficult to confuse, and in witty there is no equal. From him literally proceeds, stability and determination are the qualities that the girls most attract. He is rarely jealous, because he understands that such as he, just won't change.

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