How is the student since hunger?


Over the past 10 years, student scholarships in Russia rose only 5 times, and since 2008, they were finally frozen at the level of 1.1 thousand rubles. What are their current "weight", taking into account the inflation of recent years, it is scary to even think. Other ways of social support for students do not work either. And therefore, according to the guys themselves, they are "easier to do and receive financial assistance in the university of Germany than in Russia." That they are increasingly doing.

From September 1, however, the authorities promise to increase scholarships by 8%. But the addition of 135 rubles will not change the situation. Meanwhile, it is necessary to change it radically, the participants of the "Round Table" were stated on social support for students in the State Duma. And the new rules are consolidated by non-official "pledged certificates" (by subtitle acts), and the law. First of all, the so-called integrative "educational code" whose discussion is just now.

Problems in the field of social protection of students really not consider, He recognized the head of the Duma Committee on the formation of Grigory Balumin. Here and the ridiculous scholarship size, and the desperate position with hostels, and the lack of high-quality food with medical care, and the opacity of the transfer of contracting students to budget places, and problems with the employment of graduates, and permanent attempts to kill students and graduate students in soldiers, and much more. But the main thing is still the mockery size of the scholarship.

"When Soviet power, for 40 rubles per month, it was possible to live. Plus were construction workers who allowed to earn up to 2 thousand rubles for the summer - the amount that was enough for the year. We are surprisingly small scholarships. This money can not live without working. But the main activity of the student is not work, but studies! Imagine how, for example, will be treated by a doctor who instead of visiting diagnostics lectures work in McDonalds! It is not a matter and that the tax is charged with the student mats. It must be canceled, "the representative of the Russian union of students Alexey Kazak expressed a general opinion.

How is the student since hunger? 40015_1

Another problem, according to the student, the conditions in which the guys are forced to live: "Our hostels are in terrifying condition: destruction, overpopulation. Where the situation is completely bad, like, for example, in stringent, they are closed, and students simply drive out to the street. Meanwhile, there are not enough new buildings: about 3 million students need in hostels, and we are proud to introduce 50 thousand new places per year. It is easy to calculate how many years such a process is spread. "

Students and incessant attempts of the Ministry of Defense appeal to students in the army (especially acute due to the unwarked transition to new high education standards from September 1, 2011, this problem will affect graduate students). And even stronger - difficulty with the employment of young professionals: "get a job, without having experience or connections, it is impossible," the Cossack stated. "Therefore, we propose to return to partial distribution practice: I studied at the expense of the budget - to work 3 years."

There will be no direct analogue of the distribution of Soviet times, Gregory Balkhin gave to understand. However, something similar soon may appear. The State Duma, he said, develops a system of state return subsidies on education: First you study at the expense of the budget, and then we work out the spent states in distribution or return them. Another option is to impose responsibility for the employment of graduates on universities, and this idea is supported not only in the Duma Committee on Education, but also in the Ministry of Education and Science.

There are other recommendations of the Round Table of the State Duma led by the legislative fastening of the size of the student scholarship at the level of minimum wage. The minimum program is to exit the level of minimum wage academic and social scholarships in the amount (the latter implies additional payments for children from low-income families). The maximum program is an exit to the level of minimum wage alone academic scholarships so that it would exceed this indicator along with social. Subsequently, it is assumed to withdraw a scholarship to the level of subsistence minimum, to which the minimum wage is not reaching. At the same time, in the law "On Education", it is planned to consolidate the cost limit for the hostel of 5% of scholarship (in the current text of the project there is not a word).

In the Ministry of Education and Science, it seems to the proposals of students relate to benevolently and some, as, for example, transfer to universities of responsibility for the employment of graduates, even support. Moreover. According to the deputy director of the Ministerial Department of Professional Sciences Nikolai Mikhailov, in the agency know that "in recent years, the number of social unprotected university students has increased dramatically." Nevertheless, the main trend of the authorities is "the reduction of state intervention in the social sphere," the official said: "Previously, social responsibility lay on the state. And now - on educational institutions and their teams when activating the personal position of students. " "RD" will closely monitor the development of events.

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