Sylvester Stallone entered the coaching job


Sylvester Stallone, despite the 68-year-old age, is not ready to say goodbye to his favorite Kinogery Rocky. And some time ago, the actor went back to the ring. However, now as a coach. On his page in "Instagram", Sly shared one of the first personnel with the filming of the film "Rocky 7". In the original, the picture calls "Creed". In the center of the plot - Adonis Cred, grandson of Apollo Crea - the first serious rival Rocky Balboa in the ring, subsequently became his best friend. When Adonis opens his grandfather talent in himself, he asks Rocky to become his coach and mentor. And let Balboa, not immediately, but still agrees. The main role of Crea Jr. got Michael B. Jordan. The director of the painting is Ryan Kugler. Together they worked on the film "Fruveveyl station, who honored the prize of the jury of a special look of the Cannes Film Festival. Rocky 7 will be released on the screens in November of this year.

Recall, the film "Rocky" came out in 1976. The painting was awarded three Awards "Oscar", brought broad fame to the Contractor to the leading role to Silvestra Stallone and laid the beginning of the film franchise. The sixth film with fools in the lead role, "Rocky Balboa", went out on the screens in 2006.

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