Taisiya Povaliy: "I" embraced "the future husband when he wanted to meet me"


The singer Taisiya Povaliy can be envied in the good sense of the word. Not so long ago, the artist noted the 25th anniversary of relations with her husband and producer Igor Lichuto. Now the singer is a caring mother and beautiful mother-in-law for the elect's chief.

Taisiya, I heard that the history of your acquaintance and the beginning of relationships with the future spouse Igor Lichuto was quite interesting and memorable ...

- Yes, I remembered it, because at the time of dating was already married. I lived with a spouse in a traditional sturdy family, and then I once brought a musician on the set. He was in a red sweater, bright, arrived from abroad. And defiantly led. And I was a girlfriend modest ... He then wanted to meet me, and I remembered for life, as I was "sewn." (Laughs.) I said that I was hurry, I have a train and so on.

But on the same your joint story did not end?

- Later, I still called me - someone took my phone number, offered to work on the ferry, which runs between Sweden and Norway. I replied that I don't sing on the ferries, my place on the big scene. (Smiles.) Then he passed another month, he called again to the home phone and again offered to work. Here I could no longer refuse, especially since it was shooting on television for March 8. I went to shoot, and then Igor began to conquer my heart in every way. We met at the studio, recorded songs, he tried to like it, I appreciated it. Therefore, when we decided to go to the "Slavic Bazaar" contest in Vitebsk, he suggested me the terms of the director, and I agreed. Before that, we still took part in the competition in Chernivtsi. And when the Grand Prix received at both festivals, then from all this joy, happiness, the feeling of this spirit of Victory, our relationships went to a new level, we fell in love with each other. Victory spurred us to huge feelings. With the previous spouse I broke up. Such a fabulous story. And now the 25th anniversary of their life was celebrated.

Taisiya Povaliy happy together with his beloved spouse for 25 years

Taisiya Povaliy happy together with his beloved spouse for 25 years

You can be called experts in family life. Open the secret: how to save relationships to be together to be together?

- I think people should build joint plans. And you need to be an optimist in life and respect each other. Of course, you can talk about love, but when with a person you are together all the time - on tour, and at home, and on vacation, - here you need to have a special relation to each other, mutual respect. We didn't work with joint children - we were all in tour, in albums, in concerts ... But, on the other hand, Igor had two children from previous relations, I have a son from the first marriage. The children we have, so we all forces and skill invested in creativity. In addition, we have already met adults, knowing what we want. I was almost 29 years old, Igor - more than 3 years.

And your son also became a creative person?

- I gave birth to a son early - he was under my heart and in the lessons of academic vocals in the school, and when I passed the exams. Strange if he were not creative. (Smiles.) He knows how to sing and writes music - the Lord gave talent. Now he also makes the arrangements, he drives himself at the studio. And Denis is the same as me, meticulous - I recognize myself in it. If it were not for my husband Igor, I would still redid all my songs for 10 times. All the time it seems to me that the next time I would do better. And before meeting Igor, I sang a challenging music, I was looking for myself, and only then changed the attitude towards creativity. Son now loves complex music, so that there is something monumental, with complex harmony. Let it go through this path - this is his experience.

The son of the singer Denis went in the footsteps of Mom and became a musician

The son of the singer Denis went in the footsteps of Mom and became a musician

It is no secret that your son has a second half. And how to react to the fact that one day he will come and say that you will become grandmother?

- So what! Very good, it's great. I remember when I left for tour and left my son with my grandmother ... I then worked in the Music Hall, we went for a week, two. I come, and my mother-in-law says: "And Deniska says me" Mom ". So I will probably rejoice when the same situation will arise. I feel like a young grandmother. (Laughs.) I have now remembered the story like me with Denis Little even come out with my husband to play badminton. It was warm, I decided to wear a short skirt, sneakers - I was only 18 years old. And on the threshold there was a mother-in-law with a question: "Where did you dare? You're already a mother!" So I had to be an adult woman at the age of 18, because I gave birth to a child.

And what kind of mother-in-law are you?

- I try not to interfere with the young, sometimes, however, I do not stand, but I see that everything understands light. Now the youth is different: we were looked, waited for a trick, and now, it seems to me that young people are easier. I like that she does not touch and easily perceives everything. In addition, I want to be a girlfriend, not just a mother-in-law. It seems to me that the next generation is smarter than we. More is given above. Not in vain they say. That now children are unique. Born - Come on the tablet, he disassembled it. For me, it is not easy for me: I can find something on the Internet, and then it's hard for me. So there will be grandchildren to teach me. (Laughs.)

Chosen Son, according to many fans of Povaliy, very similar to star mother-in-law

Chosen Son, according to many fans of Povaliy, very similar to star mother-in-law

Well, do pleasant surprises make each other?

- Sure. For any holiday, we make gifts each other. Small ornaments, ordinary, I do not speak about jewelry. We are going home, for example, and see beautiful jewelry - I am pleased when Igor gives her to me. Svetochka also buys some kind of creams good. We are constantly providing each other any signs of attention.

And free from concert activity time you also spend your family?

- Yes, I love spending time with my family. Well, if we talk about hobbies, I can, sometimes crochet knitted, sewed outfits. And now the designers are talented - the most awkward something else to sew something. Therefore, when a free minute appears, of course, I want to be with my mother more time - I have an adult girl. (Laughs.) She loves to remember about childhood, talk about previous generations. By the way, I ordered a pedigree for myself: I wonder where our genus come from. It turns out that our genus went from the White Church, the source of our surname Ivan Giry. He turned out to be a friend of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, his right hand. By the way, I had a nickname in school. Probably, so I have something fighter in character. These are all genes ...

Taisiya Povaliy in free from concerts time tries to be close to her family

Taisiya Povaliy in free from concerts time tries to be close to her family

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