Anna Tikhonova: "After filming Bondarchuk, I shown my father's hand."


The success of Vyacheslav Tikhonov after the release of the series "17 moments of spring" was grandiose. The country literally trembled at his behalf. Numerous fans on duty under the windows of his Moscow apartment and did not give passage. Today it is already difficult to imagine what a huge Glory of the artist was. In the last years of his life, Vyacheslav Vasilyevich was almost not shot in the cinema, he could not take a new time and even refused to lead the acting workshop in the famous Vgika. Talk about the fact that the artist forgot and the roles were not offered, incorrect. Offered. He refused himself. Changes in society caused Vyacheslav Vasilyevich the strongest discomfort. He refused many of the proposed roles, not wanting to play agitated cheelers, corrupt-deputies and opened generals. In modern films, he did not want to shoot and did not watch them, preferring the classics of Soviet cinema. During these years, Vyacheslav Tikhonov appeared on the screen just a few times. He played Nikita Mikhalkov in the "tired by the Sun", in the TV series Dmitry Astrahan "Waiting Room", in the painting "Berlin Express". But former satisfaction from working on the set, according to the Natalia Biograph of Natalia Korneva, he no longer received. The last appearance on television screens was the film Eldar Ryazanov "Andersen. Life without love, "in which Vyacheslav Tikhonov played God.

For the third year in a row in the hometown of the artist - Pavlovsky Posad - the International Film Festival named after Vyacheslav Tikhonov "17 moments" is held. This year the event lasts until February 10th. The third in the account of the film festival was dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the editorial of Tatyana Lozinova "Seventeen Moments of Spring" and the 50th anniversary of the picture of Stanislav Rostotsky "We will live to Monday."

Interestingly, the people's artist was a man very modest, sincere, conscientious and secretive. He could never put pressure or demand. At pompous evenings, he always tried to stay invisible. He was far from any ambition.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov with daughter Anna in 2008

Vyacheslav Tikhonov with daughter Anna in 2008

Photo: Family Archive Vyacheslav Tikhonov

How with such human qualities Tikhonov managed to survive in the acting community, and even get the roles?

An actress and producer answered this question, Daughter Vyacheslav Vasilyevich - Anna Tikhonova.

"I think, at the time when he started, peacefully people were cleaner." Of course, then there were directors who were used to evaluate such mental qualities. They are also in demand, these qualities. True, there are almost no roles for such people today.

- Do not tell me why Sergey Bondarchuk was so seriously configured against Tikhonov's candidacy for the role of Volkonsky in the screening of the novel "War and Peace"? It is said that the reason was the knack on the hand of Vyacheslav?

- It's hard to say why. Each person has their secrets, their kitchen. Sergey Fedorovich was going to play in his picture Pierre Progness. And Pierre, in essence and on the extensions, should be the younger of Prince Andrew. Perhaps he wanted their duet to be more winning. So, I think, the pallows have nothing to do with it. In the cinema you can hide ten knolls.

Nevertheless, after graduating, Sergey Fedorovich, Sergey Fedorovich approached his father, stretched his hand and said: "Glory, congratulations, you won this marathon!" I think so he admitted that he succeeded, and apologized for his sharpness. The fact is that during the shooting process of Bondarchuk, the actors did not stroke the head. Some directors work from the conflict and specially humiliate the artist in order to wake up certain emotions. Sergey Fedorovich walked this path not always, but quite often. This method of work, of course, is not suitable for everyone. Father this option did not fit absolutely.

- By selecting movies in the festival program, did you relieve your dad?

"I certainly put a task to rely on the taste of my father and taste, as I imagine it, those people who did the series" 17 moments of spring ". Tatiana Lozsnova, Mikael Tariverdieva, Julian Semenova. Today, thanks to the film festival, the name of Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Tikhonov is again written in large letters on the bills.

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