The form matters


With the phrase "solid-phase cosmetics", most of us will recover decorative cosmetics (powders, blush, masks, shadows) and very few people will think about therapeutic and rejuvenating drugs. Maximum that the sophisticated consumer can imagine, these are dry alginate masks that are breeded before applying.

However, the emergence of the method of reactive micronization led to the creation of dry powdered preparations on a vegetable basis with a high content of bioactive substances and unprecedented efficiency.

For the first time, this method began to be used in pharmacology, in particular SERVIER, which is known worldwide as a manufacturer of drugs. French researchers were very interested in dry dosage forms, since the absence of a liquid base was delivered from the need to introduce preservatives (and therefore, significantly reduced the risk of allergies) and extended the shelf life of drugs.

Created in 1994 by the Moscow Institute of Beauty "Salon Cosmetics" went further and developed a unique method of reactive micronization of natural raw materials. "Thanks to this technology, the biologically active ingredients are crushed to size 2 microns, which, on the one hand, retains their physicochemical properties, and on the other hand, it increases their biological availability when applied to the skin, - explains Svetlana Ryshkin, the company's developer explains Salon cosmetics. " - Particles from which the resulting powder consists, have a very small size, which ensures the maximum penetration of active ingredients deep into the epidermis. Such cosmetics has a pronounced effect on the skin not according to the principle of replacement therapy, but by stimulating its own regenerative properties of cells.

If ordinary cosmetic products contain up to 20% of active ingredients, then in dry powders this figure reaches 63%. "

Secrets Fitopudry

"At first glance, it may seem that the crumbly form will not suit the owners of dry or dehydrated skin, the powder composition is sometimes confused by even experienced cosmetologists," says Ksenia Samodelkin, a dermatocosmetologist and a coach of the company "Salon Cosmetics". - The whole focus is in the fineness of phytopudra, which makes it possible to achieve a good sliding on the skin when applied, as well as in hygroscopic polysaccharide molecules that accumulate moisture.

Many specialists rightly believe that the future-phase form is the future of the cosmetic industry, because she:

Free from preservatives, fragrances and dyes;

Allows introduce a high percentage of bioactive substances deciding specific skin problems;

Provides The most gentle effect on the skin;

- much Increases Product shelf life (up to 5 years or more);

- OK Combined with other types of care and allows you to create a whole range of procedures on your base;

Performs At the same time, therapeutic, preventive and regenerating functions, and in some cases the functions of the photocellies and masking of flaws of the skin.

Adding to solid-phase cosmetics of water, oils and other structure-forming ingredients in the future will produce fundamentally new cosmetics with unique properties.

The only contraindication to the use of phytopudra is allergic to pollen of plants, as it includes only natural ingredients - crushed herbs, flowers and roots. "

What inside?

For the production of phytopudra, an environmentally friendly raw material is used, assembled at the time of the maximum concentration of nutrients. The biologically active components of the powder are specifically selected depending on the skin problems.

It can be:

Anisian seeds which perfectly help with burns and irritation, tone the skin, give her a young appearance;

Kornevy Aira, possessing more quenching, soothing, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and toning effect;

Fruits hawthorn - give the skin elasticity, blood vessels tone, are a rich source of flavonoids;

Flowers of horse chestnut - stimulate blood circulation, give the skin elasticity and elasticity, strengthen the walls of capillaries and veins, warn thrombosis;

mintList helps with many skin diseases, superbly soothes and softens the skin;

calendula Thanks to its binders and antiseptic properties, it is indispensable for problem skin. It removes inflammation and irritation, reduces pores on the face, reduces the saloination, helps with fat seborrhea and eels. Is a natural photo filter;

ginger It has a powerful antiseptic and antioxidant effect, effectively pulls up and tones the skin, normalizes the selection of sebum, eliminates the fat shine, refreshes the complexion;

coriander protects against free radicals, improves blood circulation, cleans the skin from black points (comedones);

Rice starch which is the perfect absorbent, gives skin froth, velvety and a more flat color. In addition, it helps well in dermatitis.

In addition to the plant ingredients, PREMIUM JET COSMETICS also includes the following components:

Zinc oxide Indispensable for people with sensitive skin, has an antimicrobial effect. But its most famous property is to protect against sunlight;

Azulene - The substance contained in the chamomile, yarrow, wormwood. It has high anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic and bacteriostatic activity;

Diait earth , which is fossil algae, can be used as a soft sorbent scrub or for skin matting;

Hyaluronate sodium (sodium salt of hyaluronic acid) is one of the most popular moisturizing and moisture-holder components.

choose me

"Cosmetic phytopudrome can be used in various ways - continues the Ksenia Selfkin, - for example:

1) as a massage agent (for holding plastic, classic, lymphatic drainage massage);

2) in hardware cosmetology (for the phytopudra, the procedure of darsonvalization);

3) as an alginate mask (for these purposes, powder is bred by clean water or tonic).

All these procedures are carried out in the cabin with a relevant specialist. What kind of impact is preferred in each case, the cosmetologist solves, based on the problems and wishes of the client. It is known that various cosmetic disadvantages can be in different parts (for example, on the wings of the nose - the mesh of the vessels, on the cheeks - inflammatory elements, and on the forehead wrinkles), and the powder form of drugs allows you to work at a time with all these problems.

Cosmetologist based on 11 phytopudr may make the necessary combination of care for each of the 22 skin types. It is so much that there is a skin characteristics that rely on a number of indicators, such as solidity, humidity, elasticity, skin profile, vessel state, pigmentation, sensitivity and others.

Among the solid-phase line Premium Jet Cosmetics there are three directions:

Care of oily and problem skin, represented by Padradami Papula Stop, Postacne Therapy, Anti-Acne Care and Vanilla Dream. Depending on the purpose of the powder, has anti-inflammatory, absorbing, anticoned or matting effect.

During the therapeutic massage, the microparticles of biocomponents easily penetrate into the skin, eliminate cosmetic defects and heal the skin, returning beauty and smooth color;

Caring for dry and fading skin submitted by moisturizing powder Aqua Power, reviva and gerantol, which also possess antique effects. Puddles have a gentle aroma of coriander, cinnamon, vanilla or mint and can be used as a plasticizing mask. They have a lifting effect, stimulate collagen production, smoothed wrinkles, remove the pronounced vascular grid;

- W. Niversal tools , such as Deep Detox with antitoxic effect, Tone Corrector, (leveling skin color), Vascular Tonus, (providing a tone and vessels training).

In addition, there is a special thermomal, intended for intensive care for various types of skin. It enhances the effect of other drugs, well pulls up and warms the skin.

As a daily fluorescence for hypersensitive skin, you can recommend protective powder with SPF 15 neutral bodily shade with a silky texture.

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