Female sex positive: dominant and conquer


Another Zigmund Freud noted that "the direction of fantasy for the fulfillment of desires gives satisfaction." Of course, it is about sex. But the founder of psychoanalysis wrote with an emphasis on the foolotricity of the world. And under this angle of his phrase seems arrogance. After all, and for women, quoted words are more than appropriate. However, even with the current emancipation, their implementation is more sent to the world of consumption of things and food, often replacing sexual dissatisfaction. In Russia especially.

And Europe and America, meanwhile, has long been in the era of not feminism, but postfeminism. What is the difference? The initial point of feminism is "Woman's victim", and in postfeminism, the girl is initially free, confident and situationally dominant. And the main thing in it is awareness of the lady of their sexual strength. This is even primary than almost achieved public equality. It seems elementary to take it, because words sounds quite convincing and seductive. In fact, everything is not so simple. The main difficulty in caring from the stereotype of thinking.

Yeah. "I want as before it was: to follow the house and engage in children. The rest is a male duty. " "The feminists are only freaks! .." and so on. In Russian expanses, such statements are prevailed so far. And only confirm the rule: behavioral models are dependent on social roots. So far, there is no possibility of stable for self-sufficiency earnings, as well as economic growth in the country, the situation will change slowly. But it will be.

Modern girls became brave

Modern girls became brave


By the way, about "as before." Interesting when? To the female voice, as such, generally began to pass through the afternoon only in the second half of the XIX century. And then with a big applub and grin. Here, let's say, saying Nietzsche: "In a woman, everything is a mystery. But all her mysteries have only one attenuation. Her name is pregnancy! "

Throw from the head of the convertible phrase "as before" the words of Lyudmila Gurchenko very help. Once, she was wholely spoke on this: "As my intelligent grandmother once said:" I used to kiss the slicer of the general. "

But back to postfeminism. It has an interesting course - sex positive. Recently, it was determined by the share of Nadezhda Tolokonnikova (Pussy Riot): "This is when a woman is not hesitating to talk about sex, it is not shy to talk about getting pleasure. Moreover, it can easily explain what needs to be done for this. And when she, in principle, is not afraid to live an open sex life, if you wish to have several partners and not to experience fear that the whore will be called. "

Personally, I like this direction. After all, throwing conventions, sex in modern life, perhaps the only sphere where a person can still be free. With the condition that it will not be standardized in it. And if the life stage of a woman involves recognizing himself, as well as the desire of a throat of fresh air after a divorce or heavy relationship, then why not?

But in the patriarchal post-Soviet society, this degree of freedom is essential enough. As an example, the sensational advertising of a sports brand: "Tears with a male needle, sit down on a male face." Two hours, this slogan lived in the virtual space and was irretrievably removed. For advertising, he really is too categorical, in fact, the game is in the same gate. But by itself, let's say, as part of the sexting is quite effective. The desire passed through the emotional impulse of the phrase actually actively. Especially the desire of a woman.

Intimate is not only a continuation of the kind

Intimate is not only a continuation of the kind

At the same time, if you touch the dating sites, I do not remember that the word "cunnilingus" flashed in the questionnaires and profiles of the weaker floor. This is how the complex seem vulgar. Although sex is part of life, and Cunnilingus is part (sometimes quite self-sufficient) sex. The very topic is like tabulated, unlike a blowjob. Even liberated Sobchak, albeit in ironic manner, but Vualizes the definition: "... And if I don't want to sit on my face in principle, but I want to lie comfortably on my back, when I'm doing everything here ..."

So here is a sex positive - about attitude to sex. But it is demonstrated and transmitted to other people it is through words. Credivation of the desired - complex. The discussion is followed by the embodiment - getting rid of the complex. As long as women themselves openly declare their intimate preferences, men will make decisions: what can, but what can not be better and worse. Moreover, with the female silence, "before" and "after" sex consider themselves super-lovers.

Women learned without fear to say "no", it's time to learn and say yes, but with a winning spirit of sex positive.

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